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ESPN Commentator says BYU Not Guilty of “Institutional Racism”

…mer athletes of color who had a positive experience with BYU and the Honor Code: “If Darron Smith wasn’t so hell bent on exposing BYU, the Church and the honor code office as racists, he’d find out that for every Thomas Stancil, Tico Pringle and Ray Hudson, there’s a Brandon Davies, Reno Mahe and Brian McDonald, the latter of which recovered from an alcohol-related probation, joined the Church and served a mission to Washington, DC.” Sikahema’s fu…

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DeSantis’ Religious Exemption Will Kill—And it Violates the 1st Amendment

…elsewhere. Reuters documents the harrowing story of one infected person in South Korea attending two church services and spreading COVID to another 1,200 people and that that “Church cluster accounts for at least 60% of all cases in South Korea.” Clerics seeking exemption from social distancing orders are not simply asking for a right to gather and worship, they are also asking for a right to risk the health and lives of every other member of the…

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South Dakota Bill Could Legalize Killing Abortion Doctors

…e made in the committee hearing on the bill last week. “If you look at the code, these codes are dealing with illegal acts. Now, abortion is a legal act. So this has got nothing to do with abortion.”  Here is the bill in its entirety: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to expand the definition of justifiable homicide to provide for the protection of certain unborn children. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA:      Section 1. Th…

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Donald Trump Scares LGBT People Worldwide and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…claimed that Monyela is being disingenuous and that it was not required of South Africa or any African country to actually “sign” the statement to show support for it. “South Africa did support the tabling of the Africa Group resolution and accompanying statement – it was a consensus position presented on behalf of the Africa Group, which includes South Africa,” Graeme Reid, Director of the LGBT Rights Program at Human Rights Watch, told Mambaonli…

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How (Not) to React to Anti-Mormon Sentiment in the South

…few months ago: winning in the South. Romney is now up by double-digits in South Carolina, the first primary south of the Mason-Dixon line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard LDS people say that a Mormon candidate like Romney could “never win in the South” owing to historically deep-seated anti-Mormon prejudice. (For a refresher course on the roots of that prejudice, please see this interview with religion historian Patrick Mason here at R…

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Frodo and Mormon Share Stage in South Park Mormon Musical

… In “A Million Little Fibers,” a similarly fictionalized story by Towelie, South Park’s resident sentient, pot-smoking towel (it’s a long story), is defended for the inspiration it has provided others: “What’s the big deal? His book helped people; why does it matter that he made some stuff up?”  This appreciation for the value of a well-told story extends to a love of the story-teller. The Joseph Smith in The Book of Mormon is (like the South Park…

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Like the Bible? You’ll Love a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ T-shirt — How AI Marketing Shapes Identity

…interests, for some this incident revealed that the people controlling the code have a lot of power. If one thinks that marketing agents put “Bible” in the code, then they might think of them as predatory, or presumptuous about U.S. Christians and their political affiliations. They might become angry that companies have such power in shaping the public’s perception of Christianity and, indeed, in shaping Christians’ own ideas about their communiti…

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Brownback Nomination Further Evidence That “Religious Freedom” Is Code For “Conservative Christian Supremacy”

…ement policies in respective regions or countries, and develop programs to promote religious freedom.” But given Brownback’s history of using “religious freedom” as a sword to discriminate against LGBT people, his nomination offers the strongest evidence yet that, when the Trump administration talks about “religious freedom,” it actually means “Christian supremacy.” Though Brownback an equal-opportunity excluder: the Council on American-Islamic Re…

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Was Prof Wrong to Ask Students to Not Thank God?

…, and in what manner to express or not express these rights. It’s when the code that translates these rights for us somehow ceases to function properly in the background that problems result. I want to suggest that often when problems crop up around religious or religiously-motivated speech in the United States, they often have less to do with rights per se than with the unwritten code that determines how these rights are to be taken. At least tha…

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Church=State in Putin’s Orthodox Empire?; Evangelical-Orthodox Anti-Gay Alliance; Malaysian Court Protects Transwomen; Catholicism (Still) Declining in Latin America; Global LGBT Recap

…. But who is to decide what constitutes a “vice against nature”? The Portuguese legislators had been too coy to mention gay sex explicitly, and so a meaningless clause entered the statute books, which no court could act upon. This year, the Penal Code was rewritten. The new Penal Code sweeps away a great deal of the musty colonial legacy, including the mention of “vices against nature”. Now not even the most contorted of arguments could claim that…

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