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We’re Not Just “Heterosexual with Issues”

…to gender equality (which is kind of odd for a conservative Christian web site to promote), reduce household conflict and improve the well-being of children “through greater paternal investment.” Reading through the study, it hit me: I think one of the main reasons the religious right wants to deny gays and lesbians marriage equality is because marriage is actually good for couples. Imagine it, if full marriage rights are granted, then gay and le…

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All Your Dead Mormons Are Belong To Us

…s Are Now Gay. It’s a simple game: enter the name of a dead Mormon, or the site will choose one for you, and with the click of a mouse, the deceased LDS member is instantly converted to homosexuality. Of course, this makes no sense, and is somewhat offensive. But then, so are the views of some (though not all) Mormons that the dead can be posthumously baptized – or at least given the offer of baptism (which, since they now can evaluate their optio…

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Yoga Guru or CEO? Saving the Brand When Scandal Strikes

…oga world. The accusations, (re-posted in early February from an anonymous site by blogger Yoga Dork) can be summarized as follows: Friend heads a Wiccan coven in which he has sex with female members; Friend had several sexual relationships with married Anusara employees and teachers; Friend violated federal regulations regarding employee benefits by suddenly freezing Anusara, Inc.’s pension fund; and finally, Friend put his employees at legal ris…

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LDS Church and the Birth Control Controversy

…birth control options, and affordable contraception is dispensed at the on-site pharmacy. Deseret Mutual Benefit Association (DMBA), however, a nonprofit corporation that provides health and other benefits to employees of the LDS Church and its affiliates (including Brigham Young University), lists among its exclusions “family planning, including contraception, birth control devices, and/or sterilization procedures,” unless the patient meets narro…

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God’s Body, God’s Plan: The Komen Furor and Abortion as Black/Latino “Genocide”

…ings”—especially when you’re building a propaganda campaign. Thus ICC’s website also boasts that carrying a baby to full term protects women from developing breast cancer. Evidently if girls and women want to protect themselves from getting breast cancer later in life continuing a pregnancy by rape and/or incest is a viable immunizer. Significantly, the Coalition of Color preaches a hellfire and damnation theme that is carefully crafted to exploit…

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Komen, Planned Parenthood, and Conspiracy Theories

…arenthood referred patients for mammograms, rather than performing them on site. Kliff and Sun note that the statement released by Komen that “we will continue to fund existing grants, including those of Planned Parenthood, and preserve their eligibility to apply for future grants, while maintaining the ability of our affiliates to make funding decisions that meet the needs of their communities,” left ambiguities about future funding. FURTHER UPDA…

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Birth of Hipster Hasidism?

…neighborhood.” In the anonymous open letter posted on the Jewish community site COLlive (and first reported by the New York Daily News), the landlord expresses concern over the introduction of “a very different way of life: new nightclubs and bars, sun tanning on rooftops, bike lanes” and presses others to “reinforce the observant Jewish character” of Crown Heights by not renting to yuppie goyim. By yuppies, the letter writer of course means hipst…

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Creators of Missing Lowe’s Ad Tell All

…e led a State Department program for Egyptian youth to write and perform a site-specific play, Let’s Make a Change, for which they were almost all thrown in a prison where it was said “You never again see birds.” This may or may not have catalyzed the current Arab Spring. On returning to the States, he became Script Coordinator for USA’s In Plain Sight, and since has written for CBS’ Three Rivers, ABC’s logic quiz show Million Dollar Mind Game, an…

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Papal Profanity: The Vatican’s Pagan Museum

…e date when the very famous Laocoön Group was discovered at a construction site in Rome. The Pope heard about the discovery, and sent Michelangelo to assess the statue’s value; when even that great visual artist walked away flabbergasted by its quality, the Pope had it brought to the Vatican. But there was no museum, not then and not until much later. Rather, Julius II, a famous (and infamous) Renaissance pope, built a very traditional-looking scu…

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Evangelicals and Newt: Love Him or Hate Him?

…The open letter, written on a blog that bears no names or footprints (the site registration is private), lambasts Vander Plaats not only for his association with Gingrich, but for accepting Gingrich’s help in securing $200,000 in “seed money” for his campaign to oust judges who had ruled in favor of gay marriage. There’s something odd, though, to my eyes, about the phrasing in the Iowans for Christian Leaders in Government materials. Like it wasn…

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