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What’s Rome Got to Do With It?: Bannon, Burke, and Douthat’s “Trumpian” Pope

…ment a radical Marxist, pro-Islam agenda on the backs of the white working class of Europe. It’s the second of two articles detailing Bannon’s courtship of the Vatican as an ally in the fight to “buoy Europe’s surging anti-immigrant parties” and make common cause with social traditionalists. (Which, in a delicious irony, reveals that Breitbarts’ “man in Rome” is a former priest who had an illegitimate child with the daughter of former U.S. Vatican…

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Wearing White is Not Enough: A Conversation with Cherisse Scott of SisterReach

…r women’s lives and the lived experiences that we have—regardless of race, class, or gender, social economic status, or even sexual orientation. None of those things seem to matter to this administration. The only thing that seems to matter to them is undoing some of the very important work that was done during the Obama administration to ensure that women and girls have access to the health services that we need. Our autonomy is an afterthought….

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Toward a Richer Ethical Discourse in Trumplandia: A Response to Harper’s “Trump: A Resister’s Guide”

…a white working class that “increasingly comes to resemble the black underclass in indices of social disorganization.” Tang does not say, but I will say, that a politics rooted in the God-given dignity and equality of each person can and should supplant a toxic protest politics rooted in white nationalism. Religion can function as a mediating force, and if we weren’t so damned amnesiac in this country we would be able to recall examples of that f…

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Reports of the Black Church’s Death Are Greatly Exaggerated: A Review of Walter Fluker’s Latest Book

…e. But it seems that some questions still need to be raised. How much does class determine how frequently and intensely one has to confront police surveillance? How is anti-blackness mediated by other subject positions and power relationships? While Fluker acknowledges the intersectionality between race, class, gender, and sexuality, why does he privilege blackness and maleness in the penultimate chapter—a hoary tendency that was replicated in Oba…

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Special Hell: Progressive Catholics Reckon With the Rise of Trump

…rogressive values like support for reproductive rights to win back working class Catholics. Krueger says that the best political way forward for the Democrats is what he calls a “50-state/all constituencies” strategy that includes a strong Catholic outreach component. He notes that Hillary Clinton’s outreach to Catholics was notably less robust than Barack Obama’s. She didn’t recruit prominent Catholic backers the way that Obama did and skipped im…

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Kim Davis, County Clerk, is Not a Person

…e been unlucky enough to have trespassed. Public offices are not like the “businesses” Tony Soprano “owns,” the use for which you have to pay what he demands on top of the cost of service. Tony’s “businesses” are very personal things, part of himself. And, thinking this way about public offices is precisely what defines “corruption” means. Flip the coin, and just as Kim Davis does not own the County clerkship, despite her mother having served in i…

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25 Things You Can Blame Muslims For

…Muslims for. The illustrations for this article come from the Illustration Class for high schoolers taught by Julie Zhu at the Sitka Fine Arts Camp, a nationally recognized fine arts camp in Sitka, Alaska. The opportunity allowed students a peek inside professional illustration, how to approach and research an idea taken from a rough draft, and then how to edit and prepare the illustration for publication while incorporating feedback from the edit…

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Pew: Atheists and Agnostics Best Informed on Religion

…respondents, asked whether public school teachers are permitted to lead a class in prayer, correctly answered no. But fewer than one of four knew that a public school teacher is permitted “to read from the Bible as an example of literature.” And only about one third knew that a public school teacher is permitted to offer a class comparing the world’s religions. The survey’s authors concluded that there was “widespread confusion” about “the line b…

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Richard Dawkins’ Atheist Academy of Unguided Truth

…. Then there was the king daddy of them all: Father Cavanaugh’s philosophy class. He took us through all the well-worn arguments for the existence of God: the ontological, the cosmological, the teleological. Also arguments against the existence of any God, given the wretched state of affairs down here on planet Earth, who could simultaneously be omniscient, omnipotent, and all-loving. I don’t remember the details.   What I do remember are his ques…

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Are Social Issues Non-Issues?

…y debatable quality, shot through with assumptions about gender, race, and class, but nonetheless the most important factor for those muddle-headed moderates we refer to as undecided. Romney was The Man out there tonight, in all those gendered, racial, and class-bound ways. Inchoate as it was, he did in fact articulate a clear, moral vision: where men like him are in charge, free enterprise reigns, and those who are weak deserve the suffering they…

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