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Southern Baptist Convention Declares Gay Rights Are Not Civil Rights

…to every last detail, is incomprehensible—and reprehensible. If a group—or class—of people is being blatantly discriminated against not just by churches, but by federal and state governments, and said group, or class, decides to rebel against that discrimination and claim its rightful place as full, tax-paying citizens of the United States of America, you can damn well bet it is a civil rights movement. Nobody copyrighted the phrase, and nobody ca…

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‘Heretics’ or ‘Atheists’? A Response

…ed person. For instance, when this friend was the teaching assistant for a class on 20th-century American history, the professor emphasized women’s rights and feminism throughout the course. At the end of the semester, the professor asked the students how many of them believed in equal rights for women. Almost the entire class raised their hands. However, when he asked them how many of them were feminists, a much smaller number raised their hands….

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We’re Not Just “Heterosexual with Issues”

…ey lose the cultural war. If they can keep LGBT people in misery as second class citizens, then our community continues to fulfill their prophecy that we live in misery. Denying marriage rights (and the benefit of happiness it can bring) is part and parcel to the religious right’s war on LGBT people. They must keep this entire class of people from engaging in anything that might make the whole community happier and healthier—their very jobs depend…

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The Gospel Gestalt: From Joyful Noise to Whitney Houston

…lunderingly, something like a post-racial take on the way matters of race, class, geography, and religion get mediated through gospel music (and I’d say these even if I weren’t a lifelong fan of Dolly Parton and an adherent to the purity-in-artifice approach to the Parton aesthetic around which the film is organized). Ultimately Vi comes to understand that she and the choir can embrace new sounds and styles without surrendering access to the gospe…

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Santorum’s War on Satan… er, on Higher Education

…ation in America.  Santorum’s anti-intellectual populism, aimed at working class Americans “who go out and work hard every day… [but aren’t] taught by some liberal college professor [who is] trying to indoctrinate them,” isn’t a new development. In fact, he’s used this exact language before, as when he questioned federal support for colleges and universities on the grounds that they are “indoctrination centers of the left.” Not unlike much of what…

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As Culture War Rages, What’s the Status of LGBT Rights on Catholic Campuses?

…aching the course in 1983, I’ve always had a gay person come in and give a class on same-sex relationships. There are no more or less gays today than there were then, but they were much more closeted then,” Parrella recalled. “Now students raise their hands and come out during that class session.” Of course, Santa Clara may be an exception to what is typically a stricter rule. The Bishop of San Jose, Patrick McGrath, puts effort into maintaining a…

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A Nobel Prize for LGBT Civil Rights?

…, are at real risk. Sexual diversity is not an American issue, or a middle-class one, or a white one. Sexual and gender minorities are at risk everywhere—in fact, especially when they aren’t white, middle-class Americans. Third, and relatedly, LGBT equality is a (I won’t say the) defining civil rights issue of our time. This is not because LGBT people are at more risk than, say, undocumented immigrants, or that our struggle for equality is more co…

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Dieting, Sex, Jesus: The Body as Moral Battleground

…others. I wasn’t able to include much on fatness, weight loss, and social class—an issue that interests me a great deal and that I’ve written about elsewhere. What’s the biggest misconception about your topic? There are so many. I think in terms of weight loss, it’s that fatness is self-evidently bad, that fatness on bodies has moral meaning, and that dieting and weight loss is quotidian and harmless at worst, and a moral mandate at best. The dis…

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Eight Theories on the Prickliness of Mitt Romney

…ight theses: A. a personality flaw B. a result of having been insulated by class privilege C. a result of developing his leadership style in an LDS institutional culture wherein leaders are expected to appear “flawless” and dissent and open disagreement is not sanctioned D. a consequence of a pragmatic-technocratic outlook that values incentives and outcomes over human processes (the New York Times calls it the “Mitt-bot” phenomenon) E. discomfort…

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A Shining City: The Occupy Movement and the American Soul

…benefit of classed rather than for the simple human being of any and every class. Aspiration Meets Desperation Mostly, members of the various wedding parties were unperplexed by the protesters offering testimony against an economic system that excludes far too many Americans from the fullness of even the most modest constructions of “domestic bliss.” “That cat’s a f**king loser,” offered one groomsman by way of commentary, as Tom, a mechanic from…

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