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Senate Committee Votes to Repeal DOMA

…ld get out of committee is a big step for the eventual repeal of DOMA. The latest polls show that a slim majority, 53 percent, of the population now favors marriage equality for gays and lesbians. The political reality is that is often takes time for the people’s will to ever see the light of day in Congress, so DOMA may remain the law of the land for the foreseeable future, but this vote gives it momentum in the right direction. Reaction from the…

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Harold Camping Is Not Sorry

…l-T, the guarantee of an honest God, released one last statement after his latest date for the final coming of Christ passed without incident. The Christian Post ran the text of that statement with a six-paragraph story. The headline: “Family Radio Founder Harold Camping Repents, Apologizes for False Teachings.” The headline was picked up and re-run by several dozen media outlets. The Huffington Post, Time, Entertainment Weekly, and others all ran…

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Phyllis Schlafly: Rick Perry Out to Undermine Traditional Marriage

In her latest column, Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly argues that Rick Perry’s 20 percent flat tax plan is, like gay marriage, “anti-family” since it would “eliminate all tax advantages for married couples in which one spouse is the primary breadwinner.” Schlafly, unimpressed by the Perry campaign’s insistence that the plan protects the middle class, responds with my favorite line: “Regardless of income, you can’t be middle class without res…

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The Shari’ah Spring: Media Gets It Backwards

…ive, nearly fully Muslim country, whose recently deposed tyrant frequently promoted Islamic practices and pieties. If we read the Arab Spring as a zero-sum game between Islamists and secularists, we’re going to miss what’s happening; if we imagine Arab democracy will look like secular Western democracy, we will likely be disappointed. And if we assume reference to Islam and democracy reveals only hypocrisy, insincerity, or ideological confusion, w…

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In Which I Actually Defend Joel Osteen

…el Osteen—but the attack launched on him by Albert Mohler Jr. for Osteen’s latest appearance on Piers Morgan’s show prompts me to do so. Mohler, the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, writes over at The Christian Post that Osteen’s inability to stand up for Christian convictions makes him the worst kind of Christian spokesperson. It’s true, Osteen spent a lot of time bobbing and weaving on topics like a…

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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…s a fight about numbers. And balance. And the virtue of justice. What this latest budget battle, and the question of raising the debt ceiling, and the straw polls are revealing, is just how Tertullian a wing of the Republican Party has become. It not only offers absurd arguments with a straight face, but actually insists that belief in the absurdity of the nation’s fundamental fiscal health is a central tenet of the true faith: patriotism. To expr…

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The Case Against Despair Over the Two-State Solution

In my latest bloggingheads program, I speak with Israeli journalist Gershom Gorenberg about coalition talks following last month’s election in Israel. Although many post-election reports lauded the last-minute surge of the centrist party Yesh Atid, Gorenberg argues that there isn’t a viable center in Israel, and that the left is more robust than many believe. You can watch the whole thing here; in the clip below, Gorenberg argues against despair…

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New Study Touts Success of “Praying Away the Gay”

…hem or that they can be miraculously healed by touching the garment of the latest faith healer and saying “Baaay-bee!” Religion can also motivate people to kill others like abortion doctors, gays and lesbians, and transgender people all in the name of their god. The single greatest motivator for these 98 subjects however most certainly was a fear-based one.  In short, they were all living under the threat of hell. The thought of eternal damnation—…

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Love the Sinner? Then Support Their Rights

In his latest opinion piece for Baptist Press, Mike Goeke, an “ex-gay ministry” leader at Stonegate Fellowship Church in Midland, Texas, scolds churches for trying their best not to make homosexuality a “worse” sin than any other: The truth is that homosexuality IS different. It is not different as a “sin.” God sees the sin of homosexual expression as He sees all sin. It is different, however, in that no other sin (or, better said, an identity ba…

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The New York Times Sunday Review has a Mormon Problem

…veyors of smack and sensationalism, like Bill Maher and the authors of the latest Romney tell-all biography.  Polygamy reference? Check. Gratuitous exposure of Mormon ceremonial clothing? Check.  Implications of sinistererness? Check.  Not in recent memory has the nation’s paper of record published well-conceived, well-executed commentaries on the faith of the presumptive GOP nominee by people who actually understand Mormonism and its fascinating…

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