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RDBook: Power Belongs to God

…ved as a shadow diplomatic corps, facilitating relationships between their Washington friends and foreign allies, who usually happen to be brutal dictators. Despite lacking so much as a Web site, the group is an indisputable presence on the Washington scene. It helped to broker the not-necessarily-intuitive alliance between free-market economics and conservative religion that rolled back the New Deal and built a Republican majority. A handful of C…

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This is not a Religion Column: Biblical Capitalism

…mong the country’s leadership,” wrote Lindsay. “The most powerful group in Washington that nobody knows,” as David Kuo, a special assistant to Bush in his first term, put it, praising the publicity-shy network of piety-brokers. The Fellowship’s core creed is Christian fundamentalism filtered through the free market. In lieu of regulation, the Fellowship preaches reconciliation, a process they put into practice by bringing politicians and business…

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RDBook: Huckabee ♥’s Nobody

…ington DC, and on the nation’s capital in general. As someone who works in Washington DC, it is tough to maintain affection for a man who dedicates a good chunk of his book to blasting the seat of government as nothing more than a “roach motel.” Billed as an inside look at “the movement that’s bringing common sense back to America,” the book is part campaign memoir, part policy statement, and partly a challenge to all Americans to stop being so fa…

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International Religious Freedom Battles Heat Up

…placed to do the deed stealthily. He has his own close associations with a number of the Brotherhood’s top fronts and operatives in his home state of Illinois, in Washington and elsewhere across the country.” The “cromnibus” spending bill that passed this weekend included just a one year reauthorization for USCIRF, after a battle in the Senate over Durbin’s proposed reforms, which had included a proposed three-year reauthorization. USCIRF has clai…

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The Politics of Anti-Gay Persecution: Gambia, Egypt, Jamaica, Russia, with a Helping Hand from US Religious Conservatives; Global LGBT Recap

…out any restraints, all perversions will in due time become ‘rights’.” The Washington Blade reports: The Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship and Jamaica CAUSE are also organizing a rally at a Kingston park on Dec. 10 that will coincide with International Human Rights Day. They describe the event as “an evening of song, dance and poetry celebrating God the giver of perfect law and rights.” Recently, Grace Phel…

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The Traitor Chaplain Who Gave Government Prayer to America — A 4th of July Corrective

…fighting for independence in a letter to George Washington. Duché assured Washington that his political apostasy was genuine, he was not coerced by the British and that the letter expressed “the real sentiments of my own heart, such as I have long held.” Duché explained that he had only agreed to be chaplain for the Continental Congress out of self-interest, to “procure some favourable terms” for his position and church. In effect, Duché was sayi…

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International ‘Pro-Family’ Summit Calls for New Anti-Gay Laws: Global LGBT Recap

…riminatory laws and policies,” said Shawn Gaylord of Human Rights First, a Washington-based organization that advocates for LGBT rights around the world. England: Church of England Plans Bishops’ Confab on Sexuality The Church of England’s College of Bishops will hold a two-day meeting next week to discuss how the church can discuss sexuality issues without a “predetermined trajectory.” A Church of England briefing paper for the meeting reads: “Un…

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The Tebow Effect

…ds were, despite her size, and that she was wearing sandals in February in Washington. (Laughter.) We began to talk, and she told me that she knew that we had a shared conviction about adoption being vastly better as a choice for unplanned or unwanted babies. And she asked me – or more properly, she directed me – to work with her to create a home for such babies here in Washington. I know that we often picture, as we’re growing up, God as a man wi…

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“Simmering anger may drive religious right back to polls”

…ding-dang government tells him, blah blah blah. Every election season, the Washington Times dusts off their file and runs the same story with enough updated quotes to gull the unsuspecting into believing it’s news. It’s like Pravda, except owned by the Moonies and hemorrhaging money. I will however point out one particular section of the piece: Mr. Dobson initially endorsed Mr. Paul’s opponent, but switched his backing in the days before the prima…

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Time for Mormons to Come to Terms with Church History

Within the last day, the Washington Post, Reuters, and religion reporter Peggy Fletcher Stack of the Salt Lake Tribune have all addressed the growing incidence of disaffiliation among LDS Church members for whom the digital age has brought new access to conflicting perspectives on Mormon history and doctrine—scrutiny that is certain to intensify if Romney gets the GOP nomination. It’s not uncommon for LDS people to grow up in contexts where most…

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