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What Do We Mean By ‘Judeo-Christian’?

…at this irksome and quintessentially American term had considerable political value, if not intellectual or spiritual weight. Like many members of my academic generation I had been influenced by theologian Arthur A. Cohen’s brilliant essay “The Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition” (first published in Commentary in 1969), in which Cohen pointed to the theological impossibility of a Judeo-Christian tradition. Referring to the origins of Christiani…

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Abdul-Rauf’s Latest Park51 Fail

…behalf of Park51, nor will they be raising funds for the project. Imam Feisal will remain on the Board of Directors of Park51. … Due to the fact that Imam Feisal is focusing most of his energies and passion on launching this new and separate initiative, it is important that the needs of Park51, the Islamic Community Center in Lower Manhattan, take precedence. While Imam Feisal’s vision has a global scope and his ideals for the Cordoba Movement are…

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You Are Not Your Star Sign

…ccumulated result of long, slow gravitational pull. These comments went viral online at something close to the speed of light, leading to reevaluation of the Zodiac, panic among horoscope followers, assorted tweets defending or regretting tattoo selections, and some attempts at explanation from astrologists as to their systems of making sense of human existence through claims about the pull of the stars.  Rating by Astrology Not Actuarially Sound…

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What Was Your Sign?, Pro-War MLK, & Benched for a Headscarf

…sked its California chapter to take down an image of a poster that read “Build a Wall of Resistance. Don’t Talk to the F.B.I.” As part of their counter-terrorism training, NYPD officers were shown the anti-Muslim film The Third Jihad. Musician Boy George agreed to return a stolen 18th century icon to the Orthodox Church of Cyprus. The Culture Club lead singer bought the icon from a London art dealer in 1985. Congressman Duncan Hunter of California…

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Zen and the Art of the Sex Scandal

…ook deeper: see our ancestors recognizing and grappling with such fundamental reality. If the Bible is, indeed, open to interpretation, one camp of such literary critics (from St. Augustine to Rabbi Lawrence Kushner to William Irwin Thompson) see carnal knowledge as the culprit in the Garden. When God confronts Adam and Eve, they look at themselves, behold they’re naked, and feel ashamed. Ashamed at what? Why? And as they then hide their sexual or…

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Dorito & Pepsi Eucharist, Hate-Pastor Smackdown, and Egyptian Muslims Shield Christians

Want your own cable TV special? Well, you’ll need to have a scandalous fall from grace involving a male prostitute and crystal meth. At least that’s what got Ted Haggard his special. Ted Haggard: Scandalous, which airs on TLC on January 16. The King James Bible turns 400 this year. Egyptian Muslims stood with their Coptic neighbors as a “human shield” against Islamist attacks. A “community healing” mass was held at St. Odiilia Church in Tucson, A…

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Loughner Admired Conspiracy-Minded Zeitgeist Film

…: Sadly, some in the religious community have been the most vehement in this regard, grossly misinterpreting the intent of Part 1 of Zeitgeist: The Movie. (Source) Some have even composed full books/videos in an attempt to refute. These rebuttals appear to be almost always one sided and radiate with emotional disdain. Christian apologetics have denounced the movie’s claims that Jesus never existed, and the New Testament’s account of his conception…

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The Book of Mormon, Dark Skin, and Racist Theology

…ntalist, literalist interpretation of scripture with more important doctrinal values and knowledge gleaned from experience and spiritual seeking. And just like other contemporary people of faith, Mormons are coming to grips with the fact that scriptures are complex and contradictory:  that the same Bible that commands us to love our neighbors seems also to command murder of homosexuals, and that the same Book of Mormon that states in one place tha…

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Wolves Repelled by Christian Rock, Bibles for Porn, Fox Rejects Super Bowl Ad

…uring John 3:16. In Fox’s defense, there was no Rainbow Man in the commercial, which we all know is the proper context for John 3:16 at a football game. In Alabama, a meditation class is helping to lower prison violence. The National Prayer Breakfast was held on Thursday and a variety of speakers talked about their spiritual lives. President Obama spoke candidly about his personal Christian faith. Astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of Rep. Gabrielle Gi…

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How Julian Assange Is Like A Televangelist

…fferent context, although its raison-d’être is supposedly accountability, WiliLeaks itself refuses to be accountable to anyone: However, no one has voted for WikiLeaks, nor does it have any form of democratic supervision. Indeed, it is accountable to no one at all. One may think that this is a good thing: that with such absolute autonomy WikiLeaks can do things that it otherwise might not be able to do. One could even take comfort that WikiLeaks r…

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