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The Washington Post’s New Religious Right Now Blogger

…lved in litigation and advocacy on a range of issues including constitutional challenges to health care reform, demagoguing the Park51 project, and promoting other religious right efforts to outlaw gay marriage and abortion. At the Center for American Progress Think Progress blog, national security and foreign policy expert Matt Duss argues: In addition to peddling the historically revisionist claim that “the United States is a Christian nation” —…

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Health Care Ruling Big Issue for Religious Right

…nt and then incurred the wrath of the religious right by voting for the final bill, has sued the anti-choice group Susan B. Anthony List for defamation for claiming that he “voted for taxpayer-funded abortion.” Driehaus lost his seat to a Republican challenger last month. On the broader question of the mandate, even before the health care law passed, though, Christian opponents of the individual mandate succeeded in obtaining an exemption for memb…

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Everything You Think You Know About the Dark Ages is Wrong

…y had nothing in common. I was wrong.   I felt as if I had stumbled into a parallel universe, an alternate history of the Middle Ages that had been perfectly crafted for me: For most of my career, I have worked as a science writer, but my heart had first been captured by medieval sagas. The story of The Scientist Pope—one scholar called him “the Bill Gates of the end of the first millennium”—was a story I needed to tell.  It didn’t hurt that from…

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The Bush Obama Faith-Based Office

…ng. In an aggressive attempt at outreach, federal agencies, in conference calls and online seminars, instructed faith-based groups on how to apply for the grants, and federal officials sometimes stepped in when the state officials who distribute the money were reluctant to spend it on groups associated with churches and other religious establishments. I wouldn’t say that this effort was unpublicized, at least for reporters who covered Obama’s Offi…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…headed anti-Christ beatniks don’t destroy our children’s emotional and mental stability and ultimately destroy our nation as Plato warned in his Republic.” Later, he turned his attention to anti-gay activism, writing The Homosexual Revolution, which he dedicated to anti-gay crusader Anita Bryant, co-authoring a book with discredited anti-gay activist Paul Cameron, and advocating for Colorado’s anti-gay Amendment 2, which passed in 1992, but was in…

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Do Boys in Tutus Break God’s ‘Chain of Command’?

…ms. You bully them, you harass them, you make them feel ridiculed so they will fall into line. You don’t break the chain of this violence by simply punishing the bully, or his parent, but by working for deeper change within both church and society to end the misogyny — and the homophobia and fear of any gendered “otherness” that arises from it. That’s a tall order, but this mother has taken the first step by refusing to conform. The assault by the…

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The Uneasy Coexistence of the Cairo Rumor Mill with Muslim Principle of Isnad

…o-Mubarak supporters being paid to go protest, by pro-Mubarak businessmen, although similar stories abound about anti-Mubarak supporters too. What’s clear about both is that only the pro-Mubarak supporters seem to have camels and horses – scenes out of a movie which must be making for incredible television overseas. It’s definitely clear, however, that there are many who have decided to join a pro-‘status-quo’ camp, or anti-‘further protest’ camp,…

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Egyptians Queue Up to Say: On February 4, 2011, I was in Tahrir Square

…there had been a disagreement. This uprising has caused friction within families all over Egypt, and once all of this is over, it will take time to mend those relationships. Those who entered were being patted down several times (maybe five or six) before they were let into the Square. And the Square, even as night fell, was still a sight to see. The army showed no sign of allowing these protestors to go anywhere—there was barbed wire around the e…

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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…) The video in the email is by evangelist Jack van Impe, known for his premillennial rapture theology and his disconnected rambling in Bible verses. It is entitled “President Obama’s Religion in Question” and argues that he is really a Muslim. Joan, who claims in an email to be “well-educated,” is one of those tea partiers who thinks she’s calling for a return to “our Constitution” while she’s promoting a religious test for public office. I asked…

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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…respect views that are different from mine what’s maddening and, I think, paralyzing for our public discourse today is the large number of people who cling to beliefs without ever examining them; with no reason or reflection. And so that brings me to ask you: What hope does your experience offer for improving this kind of gridlock of thinking in our society? Well, that’s a good question, and it’s a real issue for our society. It’s something that…

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