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“A Most Ungodly Way to View Religious Freedom”

…r snap some photographs. Here’s E.J. Montini, a columnist with the Arizona Republic, who says that “extremists in the legislature [are] essentially appeasing zealots out in the community.” He calls the bill “a most ungodly way to view religious freedom:” Arizona is not alone. Even though it looks like Kansas’ controversial HB 2453 won’t make it through the state senate, it’s possible the bill’s supporters will recraft it with different language an…

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Does NIH Head Francis Collins Believe in Intelligent Design?

…acrifice even towards strangers despite the fact that it doesn’t appear to promote the reproductive fitness of those who do it. While evolutionary theory can readily explain how organisms could at times display biologically maladaptive behavior, it’s much harder to account for a universally innate biological propensity towards it. This, Bloom thinks, is where Collins feels the need to resort to theism: in the face of a universal altruistic propens…

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Global LGBT Recap: Nigeria Jails Gays, Russian Orthodox Spox Calls for Criminalization Referendum

…ines, up to 14 days in jail, and deportation.  The law makes it a crime to promote LGBT equality in public, but lacks concrete legal definitions for key terms.  Russian authorities have indicated a broad interpretation of what constitutes “LGBT propaganda,” and provided vague guidance as to which actions will be interpreted by authorities as “LGBT propaganda.”    LGBT travelers should review the State Department’s LGBT Travel Information page. Sen…

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Why the Lewd Trump Tapes Won’t Matter (As Much As You Think) in White Christian America

…ies years after they were disproved—nope. Calling for the execution of the Central Park Five, and continuing to demand their punishment even after their DNA-based acquittal—crickets. Insane 3 a.m. tweets because he’s mad at a former Miss Universe—chuckles. You can fill in the rest of the very long list. Curious to see how the Trump demographic is responding to the latest scandal, I took this opportunity to survey my Facebook “acquaintances,” mostl…

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Why We Need a Public Black Theology for the 21st Century

…regation shift is in terms of audience. With Dyson in the pages of The New Republic, Glaude in Time, and Harris-Perry once on MSNBC, now in Elle, Black public intellectuals are speaking to a predominantly white audience. Many other critics have examined the ways that Black leaders are cast as representatives of their race, translating the Black world for the white world, obviously an impossible task. This has always been the case, but the dynamics…

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Maybe Trump Should Pray About His Problems With Religious Voters?

…elming 71 percent unfavorable. As the New Republic points out, every cycle Republicans make noise about taking the Jewish vote based on superior allegiance to Israel or something. Then somebody like Michele Bachmann comes out and all but pledges to make Benjamin Netanyahu Secretary of State, and then somebody like Trump emerges like a fetid swamp dream from the primordial ooze, and the Jewish vote, such as it is, says “You know what? We’re good. M…

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How Not to Oppose the National Day of Prayer

…did not cause sufficient injury to nonbelievers, and that the President is free to make general nonbinding appeals to the public.) There are many reasons to oppose the National Day of Prayer, and there have been many reasonable attempts to strike 36 U.S.C. § 119 from law. But this year the American Humanist Association is promoting an opposition effort that is fundamentally misguided. Rather than call for its elimination, the AHA wants the annual…

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Will the Pope’s Woman Problem Alienate Young Catholics?

…t subjugation a holy thing. Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig fired back in the New Republic that “liberal malcontents” are so busy attacking Francis for failing to be “a good center-left feminist” that they’re missing his “subtle” feminism, such as his insistence in the climate change encyclical Laudato si that “population control” policies ought to conform to women’s reproductive timelines, not to the needs of the market: Pope Francis’s interest is in ma…

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Updated: G-O-D Plays a Bit Part in First GOP Debate

…and Paul stumbled, and dear God, how many more of them are there? The New Republic‘s Brian Beutler summed things up pretty well: What you saw tonight—and the vastness of the field made this tension more vivid—are several candidates who want to hew to a new line of some kind, only to be pulled back, like the Godfather, into a morass they were trying to escape. Like Beutler says, Republicans haven’t quite figured out what lessons to draw from Mitt…

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Is ISIS A Sign of the End Times? It May Only Matter That They Believe So

…the Volga river valley, Crimea and southern Ukraine, and the Caucasus and Central Asia, whose peoples have never fully come to terms with being subjugated. (The lack of real democracy, of course, is a major reason their alienation continues.) But the Russia that once bested Napoleon and Hitler, that rivaled the United States for global power, has had less luck of late. If it’s not hard to imagine Russia losing in Syria, it’s because we saw Russia…

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