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Trump Smashing Religious Right Formula to Bits

…Security Policy and its president, Frank Gaffney, indeed are respected and promoted in certain circles, in 2011 Gaffney was banished from the Conservative Political Action Conference because American Conservative Union board members considered him a “crazy bigot” who made the tin foil hat charge that the board had been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. At the conference, a Center for Security Policy employee handed out a flyer that described…

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Reporting from Paris During COP21: A Haunted Sabbath

…ies asking us to pay for their abuse of each other and the earth.” The New Republic once again put out its superb daily report, showing that coalitions were indeed developing between nations around their carbon goals. GreenFaith did its daily broadcast, once again targeting the bad guy of Saudi Arabia and wondering how they had spent their Sunday. They did not appear to have a brunch invitation. I walked by a totally dark Chinese embassy, which, n…

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No, Sunni and Shia Muslims Have Not Been Fighting Forever

…lamist monarchy, i.e., Saudi Arabia, and a violent, authoritarian Islamist republic, Iran; if only, I often wish, there was some global agency with the moral clout to call for a time-out, and to see it through. To insulate the Muslim world from both these regimes. Their rhetoric infects the wider region; the cover of the New York Times suggests as much: now, whether they like it or not, all Sunni and Shia have to take sides. Or have sides taken fo…

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Addressing the Culture War Without Touching the Culture War

…a Christian Nation and recognize that some of its most valued ideals—civil freedom and self-determination—have secular enlightenment origins. The Religious Right must learn how to be consistent and determine how the enlightenment principles it promotes can also apply to religious and secular viewpoints it does not share. But after reading such provocative lines of argumentation, the reader is left wondering what Marsden’s motivations are. The theo…

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An American Muslim Responds to Muslim Orgs Questioning Armenian Genocide

…ns believed the only hope was a purely Turkish, or at least purely Muslim, republic, a heartland secure from minorities who could be leveraged by foreign powers which, in the name of a common faith (Christianity), would further harm a vulnerable people. All of this is true, and yet has nothing to do with Armenians themselves. We have a principle in Islam, rooted in the Qur’an: ‘No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another.’ The innocent can…

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What Will the #NeverTrump Faction Do Now?

…nce, make up 55 percent of the state’s GOP voters. And Indiana’s governor, Republican Mike Pence, had signed an expansive Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law just last year. In response, Cruz’s Indiana campaign ran on boilerplate culture wars stuff, making North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law a centerpiece of his speeches and running nonstop ads that warned Trump would let Caitlyn Jenner use whichever bathroom she wanted in Trum…

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God, Guns, and the Confederate Flag

…self-described “Southern Nationalist organization whose ultimate goal is a free and independent Southern republic,” when it became an embarrassment to the Maryland Republican Party as Peroutka vied for the council seat last year. Moore is a hero to Peroutka and his Constitution Party/IOTC followers, and is greeted there like a celebrity. When I saw Moore speak in Maryland at an IOTC gathering in 2011, it happened to be the birthday of Jefferson Da…

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Who Will Catholic Bishops Turn to in Trump Era?

…candidates that support abortion rights, while appearing friendly to a pro-free market, winner-take-all ideology, they helped steer a significant portion of Catholics toward the Republican Party. The condemnation of John Kerry during the 2004 election, complete with suggestions that he not take communion, by several high-profile prelates like Raymond Burke and Charles Chaput (who turned a blind eye to Bush’s support for the death penalty) was a tu…

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You’re Right, Ross Douthat: Donald Trump Is Kind of Like Islam

…ndidate who got his start with birtherism. And, sorry Ross Douthat, he’s a Republican. That’s the party he chose, but the Party, too, had a choice, and chose him, and every day more Republican elders are lining up behind him. It is unfortunate that, rather than own up to the indigenousness of the ugliness, Douthat attempts to find some other, foreign precedent for it, as if there our moral ignominy is ultimately derivative; it is no different from…

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Captain America: Civil Religion (And Why Donald Trump Thinks He’s Batman)

…here understood according to Jon Pahl’s characterization of empire as “the centralization of material resources around ‘American’ nationalism and its corporate extensions,” and upheld through military might. Trump, the agent of empire, has comic-book counterparts. According to Jeet Heer at the New Republic, Trump is not only a political pop-culture figure, but one modeled specifically on superheroes and comic-strip/book characters like the moneyed…

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