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Why I Will Not Submit to Arrest, Or, the Problem With Moral Mondays

…any neighborhoods across North Carolina, but in Durham, North Carolina his sign in your yard meant hopeful solidarity across the unbridgeable divides of race. It was a heady, heart-felt time for us, as we wrote letters and knocked door to door. But my daughter said something right after President Obama won that gave me pause. She woke up on November 5 with a deflated sense of purpose. She was going to miss being a part of a giant project for, well…

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Jewish Leader Blasts Exclusion of J Street from Umbrella Group

…nts to decide what our next steps will be. We may choose to advocate for a significant overhaul of the Conference of Presidents’ processes. We may choose to simply leave the Conference of Presidents. But this much is certain: We will no longer acquiesce to simply maintaining the facade that the Conference of Presidents represents or reflects the views of all of American Jewry. We want to be clear: The Conference of Presidents followed its own proc…

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Catholic Healthcare Is Not the Enemy

…rtlesville Examiner-Enterprise…” To some extent, questions like this are designed to cover up the fact that the reporter does not know the answer to her own question and for some reason hasn’t bothered to find it. “The order to restrict contraceptives,” wrote The Nation’s Steven Hsieh, “reportedly came from Ascension Health, a non-profit Catholic health services company that acquired St. John Health System in 2013… Sheila Reynerston, Advocacy Coor…

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The Agenda in Making John Paul an Insta-Saint

…h are available, and the response was very clear,” Oder said. “There is no sign of a personal involvement of the Holy Father in this matter.” Supporters of John Paul’s fast-track canonization, like The Vatican Diaries author John Thavis, argue that the sex abuse scandal shouldn’t define the pope’s legacy. “One of the questions here is whether a pope can be a saint and also make managerial mistakes, and I think Vatican officials would say yes,” he…

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Lessons in Rhetorical Strategy from a DC Bishop

…Moreover, to insert a letter in the parish bulletin to encourage people to sign petitions after Mass so as to place same-sex marriage on the November ballot is not a call for dialogue. It is to claim a position as Catholic that many Catholics do not share. I point out these three dynamics in one letter to a local church because I assume that this approach is part of a larger national strategy to defeat same-sex marriage and deny rights to couples…

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Cuba Opens its Doors to the Catholic Church

A sure sign that change is afoot in Cuba is the opening of the first Roman Catholic seminary since the 1959 revolution. President Raul Castro was in attendance, as was Archbishop Thomas Wenski and several other priests from Miami. In the wake of the Church’s continued involvement in the release of over fifty political prisoners on the island, last week’s inauguration is a material symbol of the easing tensions between the Cuban government and the…

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Standing Up for Contraception Education in Utah

…he bill, helping organize letter and petition drives which garnered 40,000 signatures calling for the veto. At a rally Wednesday night at the Utah state capital, Hilary Brown, a Utah Mormon, carried a picture of the Virgin Mary with the caption: “Abstinence. Not Entirely Effective. Knowledge = Power. Veto.” Meredith Hudson LeSueur, a Utah Mormon and mother of two, converted Brown’s sign into an image that went viral on the internet. Other Mormon m…

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The “Shrinking Influence” of Social Conservatives at the United Nations

…mission finally prevailed in its three-year effort to obtain the status, a sign “of the shrinking influence of American social conservatives at the United Nations.” Congressional conservatives Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Christopher Smith (R-NJ) — heroes of the religious right — had joined with Muslim countries in an effort to block the IGLHRC’s application. Lynch observed: In previous years, American conservatives like Smith, backed by the White Hous…

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Religious Groups Call On Justice Department to Protect Muslims

…ew the willingness of the Attorney General to meet with them as a positive sign of the seriousness with which the administration views the rising anti-Muslim bigotry and hate crimes. The original meeting participants will be joined by a broader range of faith groups, and are urging the Attorney General to make a public statement on these issues. Although not planned to coincide, the meeting takes place on the same day as the Emergency Faith Leader…

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Degrees of Separation

…are different dynamics vis-à-vis mosque politics. The more Urdu visible in signs and used for announcements from the men’s side on the loudspeaker, and from the women’s side from this one woman (always the same woman), means it is a predominantly Pakistani mosque. Arabic has a necessary privilege in the religion because of the text, and it was the language of the Prophet. So his statements might be placed on the walls or for decoration. Obviously,…

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