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State of the Union Stuck in that Olde-Time Semi-Niebuhrianism

classless society. Other nations are still caught in the snares of age-old class conflict while we have only the one great class: the middle. That economic fiction has always gone hand-in-hand with the theological concept of “original sinlessness.” We bear no guilt because there has been, and still is, so little economic oppression (none at all, some have always maintained); we bear no burden of past strife because the past has been so harmonious….

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Why All the Silly Devil Talk Should be Taken Seriously

…rofessor Griff. If we look at this through the lenses of race, gender, and class identity in the U.S., we begin to see that it is no accident that talented, powerful, popular, and rich African American male rappers, along with female artists, are being targeted by these claims. There is no better way to temper black men’s influence on tween and teen audiences, for example, than by claiming they are evil. (MC Hammer is himself black, but he seems h…

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A Life After Death Double-Feature: Eastwood’s Hereafter and Noe’s Enter the Void

…drugs and prostitution, whereas the characters in Hereafter live in upper-class Paris, middle-class San Francisco, and the most caring and engaged child welfare system the world has ever known. But the differences are more than skin-deep, especially when it comes to religion. Hereafter goes out of its way to demean traditional religion (and esoteric nonsense) en route to its reluctant affirmation of the afterlife—if the film were a person, she’d…

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A Church Group, a Lawsuit, and a Culture of Abuse

…ormalized their complaints by becoming the first plaintiffs in the current class action lawsuit, charging the ministry and its past and present clergy for complicity in the abuse. The original lawsuit listed SGM, Mahaney, Tomczak, and six other pastors from CLC and Sovereign Grace Church as defendants. The amended filing added five new plaintiffs and CLC, as well as CLC’s day school, the Fairfax church, and two more pastors as defendants. One new…

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What ‘Faith Groups Do X’ Journalism Reveals About the Press’s Priorities

…ndustries; and even “class” (though how millennials were able to kill both class and not-exactly-classy chain restaurants like Applebee’s is anyone’s guess). The trend of bashing millennials shifted into high gear in 2013, when Time magazine published “The Me, Me, Me Generation,” prompting frustrated millennial cartoonist Matt Bors to publish an editorial cartoon response in which he eviscerated lazy stereotypes about his generation and insisted t…

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Georgetown Poverty Summit Impoverished on Women in More Ways Than One

…credit and the need for employment to stabilize communities and the middle class, there wasn’t a single mention of the growing consensus about the devastating impact of unintended pregnancy on poor women and concrete solutions to address it. Instead, discussion of solutions mainly focused on the proper balance between the welfare state and public investment and “free market” solutions to poverty. When Dionne did tentatively raise the issue of “fam…

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“The Lord’s Standard of Morality” Promotes LDS Rape Culture

…vertent sight of a naked female thigh. Male missionaries, however, had gym classes scheduled throughout the day. They could and often did walk to and from their classes clad only in the skimpiest of shorts, their T-shirts in their hands or tossed over one shoulder. No one worried about the effect on young women of running into a gang of half-naked men—perhaps because we weren’t considered capable of any action that might endanger either them or us…

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Why Body Cameras Won’t Solve Police Brutality

…less worthy of mourning when they don’t live up to the standards of middle-class respectability—reveals that even when a video clearly shows a black man being shot in the back by a white police officer, the footage is never objective. Images are interpreted through our filters, which often include race and class prejudice. Who Holds the Camera? One of the earliest and most controversial activities of the Black Panther Party was the police patrol….

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Because We Dared to Exist: After Generations of Trauma Black Gun Ownership is on the Rise

…Owning a gun is a risk, but it’s a calculated one. The “well-intentioned” classify this calculated risk as “naïve” or “misguided.” Beyond appropriating Black culture and doing little legislatively, a favorite pastime of liberals is arguing that Americans, but especially Black Americans, should abstain from owning guns. We’ve already abstained from much. Many Black Americans, including NAAGA president Philip Smith, have previously abstained from o…

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An Evangelical (Millennial) on the Canterbury Trail

…dentify as evangelical (it’s not clear if Evans does), most denominational classification schemes locate the Episcopal Church within mainline Protestantism. While she may or may not endorse the doctrinal distinctives of evangelicalism articulated by social scientist Lyman Kellstedt and his colleagues (these include support for the “truth or inerrancy of Scripture”), Searching for Sunday is saturated with biblical content, the fruits of a childhood…

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