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Note to the Tax-Slashers:
We Are Already Serfs

…ney—who were, so to speak, placed into debt peonage by the elite political class. As our country’s own debt doomsday nears, it might be good to peel back the simplistic corporate media narrative to see the big picture. We are broke and we’re paying more and more to service our national debt for one primary reason: for decades, but especially during the George W. Bush years, our political leaders have systematically exempted the rich and powerful f…

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Stephen King Appeals to Gun Advocates’ Individual Responsibility

…hard Bachman. Rage, about a high school boy who takes a gun to his algebra class, kills his teacher, and holds his class hostage, was named as among sources of inspiration in four high school gun violence cases between 1988 and 1997. After the last case, King pulled the novel from publication. Although he insists that he never apologized for writing it, “and never would,” King does acknowledge that the four psychologically troubled youths who cite…

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Devil’s Bookmark: Sex and Drugs and Hating God

…Cherubim at the top, Principalities and Archangels constituting the middle class, and Guardian Angels as the working class of angels. France has considerable fun with this social ranking by having members of the angelic bourgeoisie (the Archangels) foment political revolution in heaven with methods taken straight out of the anarchist playbook, while the revolution’s foot-soldiers are depicted as angelic lumpenproletariat (literally so, as Maurice…

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Teach Your Children Well: Challenging Religion-Based Sexism

…ice program, my partner Diane Arellano and I train our students to lead in-class workshops on the everyday impact of misogynistic language, stereotypes, and media imagery. Students develop critical consciousness about their shared struggle vis-à-vis the stereotype of the sacrificial good black/Latina “woman of faith.” On several occasions our students have been chastised by girls who argued that sexual violence and high rates of HIV/AIDS contracti…

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Nobel Laureates Tell Gov. Jindal to Repeal Anti-Evolution Law

…c Freedom” bills, which pave the way for sneaking creationism into science class. While lawmakers have denied the law has anything to do with inserting creationism into science class, I’ve written about how members of Louisiana school boards interpret the law here. Whether lawmakers will heed a bunch of bona fide experts in their fields remains to be seen, but their statement certainly adds a lot of weight to Kopplin’s argument that LSEA is a “job…

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Marriage Remains on Hold for California Gays

…uples to put their lives on hold and suffer daily discrimination as second-class citizens while their US District Court victory comes to its final conclusion.” The National Organization for Marriage, forgetting that real human beings are affected by such a ruling, showed its usual class with an “in your face” to attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies proclaiming: “the Dream Team of Olson and Boies continue their unbroken string of losing actions in e…

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ABC’s Good Christian Bitches Makes Feminists of Religious Right

…you who are coming in late could borrow the notes from someone else in the class, and maybe the rest of us could take a broader view than just the presence of the b-word in the title (which, after all, has been changed to “GCB” as a shooting title, most likely to be renamed as the airdate approaches). Perhaps we might think instead about how the media actually portrays and affects women? Which brings me to….   Thought two: Ever heard of the Bechde…

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Trump’s SOTU Address Was a Christian Nationalist Dog Whistle

…to codify Christian privilege and elevate Christians to a special, favored class. All others will be second-class citizens. As Chrissy Stroop noted in her Religion Dispatches piece on the SOTU, these ideas have been mainstreamed due to the influence of the radical Christian Reconstructionist movement. Right now, Christian nationalists are raging against the dying of their privilege. Trump’s State of the Union encapsulated this rage. And, as Americ…

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Repurposing the Gospel Aura: Eminem’s Chrysler Ad Borrows Some Spirit

…universal language of inspiration and transcendence that cuts across race, class, and history. This logic has proven remarkably adaptive to a range of postmodern pop cultural contexts: There’s the final chorus of Foreigner’s 1984 power ballad, “I Wanna Know What Love Is,” which features the New Jersey Mass Choir. The choir’s warm, expansive harmonies take a garden-variety power ballad (“I wanna know what love is / I want you to show me… / Aaaah wo…

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High School Senior Leads Effort to Repeal Louisiana Anti-Evolution Law

…Freedom” bills, which paves the way for sneaking creationism into science class. While lawmakers have denied the law has anything to do with inserting creationism into science class, I’ve written about how members of Louisiana school boards interpret the law here. Admittedly, Kopplin and other supporters of the Constitution in Louisiana have an uphill battle. Only three members of the House voted against the original law. State Senator Karen Cart…

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