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How To Talk To “Nones” and Influence People: Rob Bell’s Transrational Experience

…ill. A good Northeastern liberal, I’d read the warning articles in The New Republic before I went, and I knew the Tea Party had taken over the state, but I could not have imagined something like the “bathroom bill,” or HB2. When I sat in Bell’s audience in Durham in March, the fallout from the state’s recent anti-LGBT legislation was just beginning. Still, I kept waiting for someone in the audience to ask: what do we do if it’s not our church but…

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When Muhammad Ali Met Billy Graham

…m campuses such as Wheaton. The contemporary Muslim-American experience of freedom, surveillance, and suspicion reflects much of the long history of race, religion, and “difference” in American history. The fears harken back to nativist movements familiar in American history, most especially to the Know-Nothing Party of the 1850s, which tried to ban Catholic immigration and perceived Catholics as a dire threat to the American Republic, just as som…

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Secede, For The Kingdom of Bernie Has Come Near

…ms more like it: As Thomas H. Naylor, the originator of the Second Vermont Republic, says, “Vermont provides a kinder, gentler, more communitarian alternative to a nation obsessed with money, power, size, speed, greed and fear of terrorism.” This is just warmed-over hippiespeak, of course. But then it was the hippies who moved “back to the land” and settled in communes, providing the most recent model for how the Benedict option might actually wor…

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UN Human Rights Council Creates LGBT Watchdog; Orthodox Council Affirms Traditional Teaching on Family; Pope Francis Says Church Should Apologize to Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…insists also that a fundamental human right is the protection of religious freedom–namely, freedom of conscience, belief, and religion, including, alone and in community, in private and in public, the right to freedom of worship and practice, the right to manifest one’s religion, as well as the right of religious communities to religious education and to the full function and exercise of their religious duties, without any form of direct or indire…

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The Problem We All Live With: Bearing Witness, But Never Finding Justice

…lack folk and our allies have been saying this since this country became a republic and united itself around the notion of freedom. “The murders of Sterling and Castile reveal the awful fact that this brand of tragedy has become routine. The videos of their deaths allow us to bear witness, but it will not necessarily bring justice.” But we began this on the bad foot of Article I, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution of 1787 that declared that, for…

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The “Good Guy With a Gun” Myth

…tual was widely tolerated in the American colonies. After the birth of our republic, the practice persisted, surviving well into the 19th century. Dueling was even admired as the solemn responsibility of gentlemen: everyone knew what the phrase “meet me on the field of honor” meant. When running for president, Andrew Jackson—who had once killed a man in a duel—did not find that chapter of his biography a liability. At one time, most duels were fou…

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Pigging Out: What ‘Radically Unkosher’ Jewish Foodies Like Michael Pollan Are Missing

…Jewish foodies. Kashrut comes within a dense, rich, long-standing culture promoting, ideally, upright, prudent, modest living, including, reverence for and balanced coexistence with the natural world. The final, and perhaps greatest irony to the dismissal of kashrut, is that Jews through the ages have adopted the local cuisines and food cultures of all of their homelands—whether Persia, Greece, Morocco, Poland, or India—and adapted them all quite…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…er partner in this twinned pair of national origins was the sale of twenty Africans by Dutch slave traders to the English colonists at Jamestown a year before the Pilgrims would land at Plymouth. For the New England abolitionists, the pilgrims were to be contrasted with their southern countrymen in what constituted a sort of Paradise Lost of American beginnings. The south may be older, but it was founded on a legacy of slavery as opposed to the tr…

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How Steve Stockman Is Challenging John Cornyn Without Religion

…ts,” proclaiming: You are in a foxhole fighting to save our constitutional Republic… …and the last thing you need is a Republican bayonet in your back. But that’s what liberal John Cornyn has been doing to you every day. And we have less than 90 days to stop him.  Stockman is known as a Tea Party Republican, one for whom the rigid conservatism of all those RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) is not pure enough. (Even WorldNetDaily, hardly one to shir…

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Can Mormon Glenn Beck Unite the Christian Right?

…lt is the spread of US culture-war tactics across the globe—from the Czech Republic to Qatar, where right-wing Mormon activist and WCF cofounder Richard Wilkins has found enough common cause with Muslim fundamentalists to build the Doha International Institute for Family Studies and Development. Wilkins joked to Butler that the coalition was “a very loose one of many good friends who are convinced I am going to burn in hell.” But the jocularity of…

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