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Conservative Christian Book on Obama’s Faith

…s to check my work) and then I took the reader inside of Trinity Church in Chicago where months before I spent a good deal of time trying to understand. Explaining is not defending except for those who prefer a life of uninformed hate.” He also disagreed with Smith that he “had written a pro-Obama book that would draw evangelicals away from McCain.” And he pleads with the right-wing Christian readership that has pre-judged his book to remember tha…

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Obama’s Pastor and the Politics of Patriotic Treason

…articularly true among middle-class African Americans in the south side of Chicago. For those who have played by the social rules yet still feel alienated, angered, and victimized by racial disparities within the health, educational, economic, and criminal justice systems, Dr. Wright lets them know that they are not crazy. And while many (like Senator Barack Obama) may reject the political impracticality of his pronouncements, they are yet drawn t…

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The Convergence of Passover and Easter Can Leaven (or Unleaven) the Interfaith Family’s Holiday

…mily Project in suburban Washington, DC or the Interfaith Family School in Chicago, IL. Within these broad parameters, individual interfaith families obviously make their own decisions, have their own practices and traditions, and are happy (or unhappy) about the compromises that they’ve made. Essentially, there is no model for what “everyone” does in interfaith family life, any more than there is in any other religious life. While Christmas, in p…

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Jews and Baseball: A Reflection on a Longtime Love Affair

…s—not to mention the adoration lavished on Jewish stars Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax simply for their refusal to play ball on Yom Kippur. One scholar wrote about how the diamond shape of the field is an example of the kabbalistic representation of the sephirot, the emanations of God. One congregant in Chicago for many years gave a sermon every Yom Kippur on the moral lessons his fellow worshippers could glean from the sad fate of the Cubs. You…

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Week in Religion: Satan Sandwich, Captain Israel v. Foreskin Man, Christian Missile Launchers

…deal a “sugar-coated Satan sandwich” in my favorite tweet of the week. In Chicago, liberal Catholics are picking up the fight for women’s ordination. German nuns are baking thousands of communion wafers in preparation for Pope Benedict’s visit. While a ranch run by monks in North Dakota has run short of work hands. In the comic book superhero circumcision battle of the century, Captain Israel takes on Foreskin Man. Looking for some clerical train…

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Perry’s Galileo Moment

…ey, collected at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. The questions really are quite basic: one covers understanding that the earth revolves around the sun and not vice-versa — the heart of the church’s effort to silence Galileo 500 years ago. Sectarian Christians performed more poorly than other respondents to these queries on basic scientific knowledge. Sherkat tells me, “The differences are not explained by ethnici…

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Obama’s Preaching Doesn’t Reach

…speech excoriating absent black fathers at the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago, and his comments on the campaign trail in 2008 in Beaumont, Texas urging black parents “not to feed their kids cold Popeye’s chicken for breakfast,” are just two examples of how Obama deploys this racially-coded rhetorical strategy. The president’s behavior since taking office towards the African American community has been either to tell black folks to get in line…

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No, I Don’t Owe My Yoga Mat to Vivekananda

…yoga and gave his famous speech to the World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893, which triggered the speaking tour that would take him all over the country, other Americans’ embrace of yoga was stirring plenty of conversation.  Consider Pierre Bernard, a turn-of-the-century American social radical, sexual deviant, and early modern yogi. Bernard discovered yoga in his boyhood when he met an Indian yogi by the name of Sylvais Hamati in Li…

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Muslims Helped Legitimize Lowes’ Decision to Pull Ads From All-American Muslim

…) that comes to Jackson Heights in Queens to do South Asian Muslims, or to Chicago to cover African-American Muslims. So, what these criticizers did is to create a narrative that even Muslims don’t believe that this show represents Muslims. There was no positive or constructive criticism, just complaints that the critics themselves weren’t on TV. It takes work and effort to build up and represent a community. Instead of putting in that effort, it…

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Allowable Discrimination?

…bona-fides” of the president, a former law professor at the University of Chicago. And he has made it clear in the past that if you get a federal grant, it is unconstitutional to discriminate against the folks you serve or the people you employ. Let’s hope this is just a political ploy insofar as the president would rather do away with this discriminatory allowance behind closed doors rather than announcing it at yesterday’s National Prayer Break…

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