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How a Stars and Stripes Hijab on ‘Rupaul’s Drag Race’ Reveals America’s Troubling Relationship to Gender, Ethnicity and ‘That’ Religion

…t a woman who covers her head and assume you know everything worth knowing about her, Jeff Goldblum, you make an ass out of you. And us, as it turns out, for releasing our hot take on RuPaul and religion too early to yell about this on the air. Better luck next season, we guess. In the meantime: salaam, Khanoom Jackie Cox joon. Thank you for not turning your pious fashion runway moment into a reveal. We stan. Go to top 1 Check out the Islamophobia…

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Trump with back to camera stands before a frenzied crowd with raised fist.

With ‘Vermin’ Remark Trump Crosses Fully into Nazi Territory

…at?”). Basically, the invocation of Hitler or the Holocaust in an argument about something else is illegitimate because it is intended to be a conversation stopper by making hyperbolic claims about consequences or impugning the speaker as Hitler-like. But I fear that our rightful reticence to invoke an inappropriate Nazi analogy has rendered us incapable of calling out instances of actual Nazi ideology. What we are hearing from Trump over the last…

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What Penis Theft Tells Us About Belief, Culture, and Our Brains

…hose didn’t use to happen in Western society quite as much. To catch that from somebody, you have to see it. Bartholomew thinks people are seeing it on social media and that’s how it’s spreading. These things are all around us in some ways. That’s why people shouldn’t get too smug about penis stealing.   Also on The Cubit: Who Benefits from Standardized Universal Time? Follow The Cubit, RD’s religion and science portal, @The Cubit [An earlier vers…

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Before We Scold DeSean Jackson and Others For Anti-Semitism We Need To Talk About ‘Chosenness’

…mitism.” Baldwin argues: “In the American context, the most ironical thing about Negro anti-Semitism is that the Negro is really condemning the Jew for having become an American white man—for having become, in effect, a Christian. The Jew profits from his status in America, and he must expect Negroes to distrust him for it.” I argue that what Baldwin is articulating and what’s ultimately missed by Jemele Hill and others who, in this moment, seek t…

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The Critical Role of Jews in Defining Modernity

…s a little grandiose, but I think it conveys more clearly what the book is about. How do you feel about the cover? I love the cover! It features a picture of Robert Motherwell’s 1952 mural “The Walls of the Temple,” a beautiful work of modern art that incorporates abstracted but recognizably Jewish images. Motherwell’s mural was commissioned for an architecturally modernist synagogue built in Millburn, New Jersey, after the Second World War. I vis…

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Springtime for Ross Douthat?

…leaving some stuff out here. And we still haven’t gotten to the worst part about this miserable excuse for religion writing. That would be what it’s missing: a theological claim. The closest Douthat comes is his talk about supernaturalism, but he never spells out what exactly he means by that. Nor does he say why it’s bad to embrace “the sexual revolution” or environmentalism or care for the poor—or really anything. This column is nothing but one…

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Neighborhood sign reads: Stop Teaching Critical Race Theory To Our Kids.

Uncovering the (White) Christian Roots of Slavery, Native American Genocide, and Ongoing Efforts to Erase History

…ven know who we are anymore; that we’ve not been willing to tell the truth about our lives, about the world and about our past. And that can only lead to a kind of psychosis I think we’re seeing in our politics, in everything from the willingness to believe these wild conspiracy theories to going to such great lengths not to count African American history as a high school AP credit. In the state of Arkansas… and in Florida they’re doing some very…

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Toward a Non-Malignant Faith: An Interview with Brian McLaren

…slow to embrace the kind of “strong-benevolent” faith that you are writing about in this book? I think some of the embarrassment and unease about particularity goes all the way back to the Thirty Years War: an experience so traumatic that for centuries after Europe longed for a non-religious space in which reasonable people might safely meet and interact. Christians seeking escape from brutal religious conflict did not and do not want to wrestle w…

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The Holocaust and 9/11 Museums: A Tale of Two Controversial Films

…tch that film with other Americans and see how it makes you feel…. This is about the story of what it means to be American, and about how this museum can bring us together as a country. And when we’re together, we are defeating terrorism. We are defeating the people who want to drive us apart as a country…. The edits that have been suggested by this coalition are modest. They’re fair. Please, give us an opportunity. This could be a historic mistak…

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In ‘The Evangelical Mission to Spread The Gospel to Muslims’ a Journalist Tells a Global Story About Evangelical Missionaries and the Spread of Right-Wing Ideology

…at evangelical culture became a major religion in Brazil. It’s growing and about to become, possibly by 2030, larger than Catholicism. Is there a political element in the current network driving this missionary work? Evangelicals have no central figure and they’ve multiplied into hundreds of thousands of small churches, all independent. You don’t need to be educated to become a pastor. So they grew in Brazil, [in the rest of] Latin America, and in…

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