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Hipsters v. Hasidim Over Brooklyn Bike Lane

…ctor Wiley Norvell. They believe that cyclists should work in a spirit of cooperation with neighborhoods, not confrontation. But xxLylaDurdeNxx insisted their protest wasn’t meant to antagonize. “This isn’t a war. The issue is about getting a bike lane. That’s it. It’s not a war about beliefs or ideas,” she said, standing beside Loop and talking to reporters before the ride. “We all live here together. We’ve got to try and not get murdered togethe…

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…ibility. All that talk about racial reconciliation at PK rallies, but what about us, the rabbi asked? What about the Jews? PK’s rhetoric of reconciliation gave McCartney and Washington a way to conceptualize one missing piece of their Christian multicultural mosaic. Yes, white Christians have oppressed black and brown people, the logic of this thinking goes, but there is a rift even more ancient: the divide between Jewish and gentile believers. Th…

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Innocent Until Proven Muslim — A Q&A with Dr. Maha Hilal

…ving [civil] rights we otherwise wouldn’t have had. In the book, you write about visiting Guantánamo, which surprised me as a reader. Can you talk more about it? I’ve been part of this group called Witness Against Torture for many years now. In 2015, we went on a delegation to Guantánamo City to get as close to the prison as we could, to call for its closure with the men to be transferred out of it. We couldn’t get very close because we were appro…

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No Virginia, There’s No “Clash of Civilizations”

…oes beyond that into the significance of the Western debates and anxieties about Islam. How do you feel about the cover? An excellent question! I believe authors should control their covers, and they can’t. The cover is an important part of the book and one that can color all that is said inside. Princeton worked with me on this cover and I like it very much, especially the prominence of the question mark. Is there a book out there you wish you ha…

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Turkish Police Move Against Activists Who Defied Pride Ban; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…nah Jane Perkinson writes, “I suppose he was basically sick of being asked about gay sex.” More: Farron has a point about how relentlessly the media focused on his opinions about gay sex, but also (well, not) because it’s not a nice feeling for LGBT people to be represented by a politician who might secretly reel from you kissing your partner in the street. Politicians of other faiths are less scrutinised is one argument, which is legitimate to a…

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Inventing Jesus: An Interview with Bart Ehrman

…hough laypeople don’t have this view. You also assert that Jesus was wrong about some things. Well, he was wrong about the date, since the end did not come in his generation. But, you can’t blame Jesus for being a man of his own time. He lived in an age when people widely expected that things had gotten just as bad as they could and that God would soon intervene. And, as a man of his time he also felt that. Do you think Jesus would even recognize…

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The Gospel Church and the Ruining of Gay Lives: An Interview with Anthony Heilbut

…as also Marian Anderson’s greatest fan, or so identified. So we’re talking about evidence from the early twentieth century that the people surrounding the church and in love with church singers—their greatest fans—were gay men. We don’t know too much about the nineteenth century because people didn’t seem to ask these questions. But all the evidence I have is that as long as there have been records or reports of black religious singing, gay men pl…

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Satan, Contributor to Teen Vogue‘s New “Sodomy” Section?

…ds to be biblical, it was in fact a theological coinage. The Genesis story about the city of Sodom is notably unclear about why its residents deserved divine destruction. Some readers conclude that the Sodomites wanted to rape visiting angels, but the prophet Ezekiel names the inhabitants’ crime as greedy, hard-hearted pride (see Ezekiel 16:49-50). It’s also notable that the one New Testament passage that speaks most graphically about male-male se…

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What My Christian High School Taught Me About Being a Black Girl

…ore, that I needed to have more faith. There was nothing in the curriculum about sexual harassment or consent. I was taught to remain pure, that sexual desires were immoral. I was taught about modesty and how to be a good girl. Most importantly, I was taught never to question and to respect the authority of white men. And because they were telling me how to be good, it made them appear infallible. So I was silent because I knew nobody would listen…

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What the Surveys Don’t (And Can’t) Say About the Rise of the “Spiritual But Not Religious”

…eam turned the question back on the participants and allowed them to speak about spirituality and religion in their own terms. As it turns out, it is possible to map out and thematize the way Americans talk when they talk about spirituality and religion. And it certainly is not “everything.” In her recent book, Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in Everyday Life (Oxford, 2014), Ammerman lays out exactly this kind of map. It turns o…

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