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Barbara Ehrenreich’s Bright-Sided Explores the Dark Side of Positive Thinking

…selves up as ersatz gurus to their questing peers. They charge hundreds of dollars for sessions that combine new age atmospherics with the kind of power-of-positive thinking nostrums that made a phenomenon out of The Secret. “[N]ow there is a new role model for New York’s former Carrie Bradshaws—young women who are vegetarian, well versed in self-help and New Age spirituality, and who are finding a way to make a living preaching to eager audiences…

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Global LGBT Recap: Promise and Peril in the New Year

…d institutionalize discrimination,” and quotes an activist saying that the number of threats against LGBT peoples is already on the rise. Nigeria: Jail the Gays Bill Pending Tris Reid-Smith reports for Gay Star News that the repressive “Jail the Gays” bill that passed the parliament in Nigeria in December has not yet been sent to President Goodluck Jonathan for his signature.  If he returns the law to parliament with recommended changes, that coul…

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Obama’s Faith-Based Makeover

…the people you hire—on the basis of their religion,” Obama said. “Federal dollars that go directly to churches, temples, and mosques can only be used on secular programs.” In keeping with his recent outreach efforts to religious communities, Obama pointed out that “There are some who bristle at the notion that faith has a place in the public square. But the fact is leaders in both parties have recognized the value of a partnership between the Whi…

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RD10Q: MLK and the Rhetoric of Freedom

…ug problem, how we pursued law enforcement, and where we spent billions of dollars in tax revenue. Rhetoric matters!     Applied to the civil rights movement, that misconception leads us to account for the success of the movement in such factors as the physical resources of the black church or the changes in political structures in cities where the movement was successful (cities like Montgomery and Birmingham). Of course those factors were import…

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McCain’s VP Courts Conservative Evangelicals

…ment of Health and Human Services who resigned after funneling one million dollars to his own National Fatherhood Initiative, paying reporters, and directing other grants to programs he oversaw). Rounding out Feminists for Life’s resume are its opposition to family planning, population control, and euthanasia; they frequently link abortion rights to child abuse and infanticide, urge pregnant college women to marry, and helped The National Center f…

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Pariah or Charmed Hero: America’s Obsession with Jews and Israel

…trip to Washington, one was AIPAC) and to reflexively support billions of dollars in aid for Israel’s military infrastructure, some of which inadvertently ends up supporting the construction of settlements America opposes. We justifiably criticize our allies all the time (and vice versa), yet God forbid, God forbid, any candidate should say anything—and I mean anything—critical about Israel. A friend recently drew an important distinction between…

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RDBook: Huckabee ♥’s Nobody

…arty. It’s clear that Huckabee resents Romney’s wealth and the millions of dollars he pumped into his own campaign. Huckabee and his staff, who were often just scraping by, at one point blasted Romney for attempting “a leveraged buyout of the Republican presidential nomination,” calling him one of those “political wannabes with self-inflicted funding [who] let themselves be sculpted and focus-grouped into what a high-priced pollster thinks is a wi…

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Allowable Discrimination?

…ith this discriminatory allowance behind closed doors rather than announcing it at yesterday’s National Prayer Breakfast. Because appropriating tax dollars to bigoted faith groups is hardly, “Change We Can Believe In.”…

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AIG: On Charisma and Routinization of Greed

…te greed—AIG executives awarded some of their own in excess of 160 million dollars in executive bonuses—might be analyzed most helpfully with Weber’s categories. On the face of it, this looks for all the world like the violation of authentic prophecy. The people who are being rewarded are the same people who ran the company into the ground. These are not merit-based bonuses; they are bonuses of the office. They have nothing to do with the person i…

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…n usury and other bank chicanery. Sojourners is but one of a proliferating number of “common ground” operations in which the independent and prophetic Protestant voice is completely muted. Others include outfits started by Democratic political consultants and operatives like Mara Vanderslice (and dice?) and the even more aptly named Burns Strider. Still others represent the religion-and-culture divisions of well-established Washington groups. Exam…

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