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Time for Jews to Abandon the Old Foundation Myth of Israel?

…he United States—where Jewish community support is vital to keep all those dollars flowing to Israel—that the myth is increasingly called into question. Meet the New Myth, Not the Same as the Old Myth Diane Balzer is president of Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, the largest and among the most moderate of American Jewry’s several pro-Israel, pro-peace groups. She gave Netanyahu qualified praise, welcoming his two-state approach but noting that his “statements…

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Old Politics, New Bedfellows: The Olson/Boies Challenge to Prop. 8

…c from knowing what financial institutions are doing with the trillions of dollars we’re giving them. So what exactly does it mean to suggest that gay marriage, or any number of other issues of the day, are beyond politics? It is, I submit, an absurdity. For the debate between the real and the surreal now dominates our political discourse. To neglect that fact is to be blind to one of the great political narratives of our era; and, crucially, to i…

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American Nuns Under the Vatican Microscope

…civil disobedience and goes to jail to help stop war or nuclear weapons. A number of the questions are clearly designed to elicit answers the Vatican knows full well it won’t like. The data will provide the pretext for concluding that the decline in numbers in progressive groups is a result of their lack of obedience and conformity to the men’s rules. Solution: tighten up the ranks. Enter the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, the alte…

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Sex Comes For the Archbishop: Rembert Weakland’s Unflinching Memoir

…1980 letter that Weakland had written as a kind of ransom for the million dollars he wanted. When that did not work, he claimed that the Archbishop had thwarted his efforts to advance professionally with a religious drama program he tried to develop. He still wanted money. It was a trying time for Weakland, who countered that the sexual activity was consensual and legal (unlike the pedophilia cases that cascaded in the ensuing years). But the thr…

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Killing One Primate to Save Another: The Ethics of Animal Rights

…and proactive tack. American scientists do, after all, rely on government dollars for their research. Ringach seems to be implying that if we invite them in, they will come, and they will get it. Maybe, maybe not; but if a welcomed, educated, reasonable public doesn’t like it, and science can’t convince them it should be done, perhaps we shouldn’t do it. This is a risk, but a valuable, productive one—very much unlike a bomb. Most Judeo-Christian…

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Schools Should Compete for Cash, Obama Says

…nnovation; the question is whether staging a race by dangling $3.6 billion dollars over the heads of freaked-out and desperate state and local school authorities is the way to go. “This Will be Good for You” Common schooling—an education that lifts up everyone, not just a few—has deep religious roots. Recall that as the Israelites leave Egypt, they are repeatedly urged to repudiate Egyptian ways; i.e., to leave behind the ways of abusive power and…

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Republican Gomorrah Documents the Christian Right Takeover of the GOP

…The Democratic-centrist Democracy Alliance has raised tens of millions of dollars to fund a coterie of people whose main activity appears to be demonizing and belittling the very right-wing activists who have regularly out-organized them and other liberals and Democrats over the past 30 years. Who’s crazy now? Laura Flanders has explored this sad reality in her book Blue Grit, where she bemoans the lack of funding to build a progressive movement…

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No Turkey for Me: Confessions of an Indian Militant

…bal president in American history. Millions of Americans spend billions of dollars through genealogists or DNA tests trying to trace their ancestry to Indian tribes in America, or the tribes of Africa, and Barack Obama knows—and so do I. Ndaw nishnabe podwewadmi ewi chigwe dodem: I am a Potawatomi of the Strikes the Earth People. We know that Thanksgiving is a holiday forged from the fires Puritans used to burn the victims of their war against the…

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Manhattan Declaration Is The New Old Culture War

…ence” of people who find abortion morally objectionable and don’t want tax dollars paying for someone else’s (although many of those people of “conscience” also oppose war but have barely lifted a finger to stop us from paying for the killing of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan). Religious right legal groups have used the courts to try to dismantle the separation of church and state on similar grounds, claiming that everything from LGBTQ equality…

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Oral Roberts’ Legacy in Televangelism

…d the word of God. Copeland boasted last year that he has raised a billion dollars in his television career. Two years ago, Roberts’ son Richard was forced out of his position as president of ORU over a scandal alleging that he and his wife, Lindsay, diverted donor funds to family vacations and renovations of their Tulsa home. Other ORU alumni include Rep. Michele Bachmann, Ted Haggard, Teen Mania founder Ron Luce, and Christian right “historian”…

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