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Is ‘Beyond Doubt’ Correct About the Decline of Religion? Yes… Sort Of.

…nizing” nations, like the United States, China, Australia, Thailand, Czech Republic, and many more are becoming less religious by the day. Plus, the authors see good reasons to believe that this trend will continue for years to come. Beyond Doubt is written like a victory speech. It delivers a comforting message to nonbelievers and anyone else worried that Christianity—particularly its evangelical iterations—will continue to dominate American poli…

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Painting of Jesus holding the US Constitution surrounded by Americans throughout its history.

Columbus Day Celebrates a Christian Doctrine That Authorized Centuries of Violence — and Continues to Threaten American Democracy

…ries after its emergence, 30 percent of Americans, including majorities of Republicans and White evangelical Protestants, agree with its central tenet: that “America was intended by God to be a promised land where European Christians could set an example for the rest of the world.” While contemporary analysts refer to this aggrieved and increasingly militant minority with the term “White Christian nationalism,” the roots of this threat to democrac…

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‘Hello, Trump Warriors!’ Little-Known Preachers and Rabble Rousers are the Unregulated Id of the Felon’s First Rally

…ca.” An old saw on the Right maintains that the US isn’t a democracy but a republic, (which is false), but this woman, like more and more Trumpers, takes a step further: democracy = communism = an evil that needs no explanation and merits no mercy. Our correspondents keep moving. “I have a close connection to President Trump, as a teacher,” a middle-aged White woman named Janice, caped in a Trump flag, tells Paul. It dates back to her student-teac…

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The Supreme Court Cleared the Way for the ‘President-King’—The Right’s Prize for 50 Years of Planning

…was an important driver of this new ideology. In Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic: The Deep State and the Unitary Executive (Oxford, 2022) historians Stephen Skowronek, John A. Dearborn and Desmond King track the gradual rise of unitary executive theory over the decades: The theory gestated in the conservative legal movement and in the Federalist Society. Its cutting edge has been sharpened during Republican administrations. Its most explicit an…

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UN Human Rights Council Creates LGBT Watchdog; Orthodox Council Affirms Traditional Teaching on Family; Pope Francis Says Church Should Apologize to Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…insists also that a fundamental human right is the protection of religious freedom–namely, freedom of conscience, belief, and religion, including, alone and in community, in private and in public, the right to freedom of worship and practice, the right to manifest one’s religion, as well as the right of religious communities to religious education and to the full function and exercise of their religious duties, without any form of direct or indire…

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Was Alexander Hamilton Jewish? Does it Matter?

…What’s more, he had come to St. Croix from Nevis, where one-quarter of the free population was Jewish. And Hamilton’s own grandson would later describe Johan as a “rich Danish Jew.” The year after their wedding, Rachel and Johan had a son, Peter. What little we know about Peter lends further credence to the notion that Johan was a Jew and that Rachel became one. As an adult, Peter would undertake an adult baptism to join the Anglican Church, a fac…

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Secede, For The Kingdom of Bernie Has Come Near

…ms more like it: As Thomas H. Naylor, the originator of the Second Vermont Republic, says, “Vermont provides a kinder, gentler, more communitarian alternative to a nation obsessed with money, power, size, speed, greed and fear of terrorism.” This is just warmed-over hippiespeak, of course. But then it was the hippies who moved “back to the land” and settled in communes, providing the most recent model for how the Benedict option might actually wor…

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When Muhammad Ali Met Billy Graham

…m campuses such as Wheaton. The contemporary Muslim-American experience of freedom, surveillance, and suspicion reflects much of the long history of race, religion, and “difference” in American history. The fears harken back to nativist movements familiar in American history, most especially to the Know-Nothing Party of the 1850s, which tried to ban Catholic immigration and perceived Catholics as a dire threat to the American Republic, just as som…

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How To Talk To “Nones” and Influence People: Rob Bell’s Transrational Experience

…ill. A good Northeastern liberal, I’d read the warning articles in The New Republic before I went, and I knew the Tea Party had taken over the state, but I could not have imagined something like the “bathroom bill,” or HB2. When I sat in Bell’s audience in Durham in March, the fallout from the state’s recent anti-LGBT legislation was just beginning. Still, I kept waiting for someone in the audience to ask: what do we do if it’s not our church but…

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Captain America: Civil Religion (And Why Donald Trump Thinks He’s Batman)

…here understood according to Jon Pahl’s characterization of empire as “the centralization of material resources around ‘American’ nationalism and its corporate extensions,” and upheld through military might. Trump, the agent of empire, has comic-book counterparts. According to Jeet Heer at the New Republic, Trump is not only a political pop-culture figure, but one modeled specifically on superheroes and comic-strip/book characters like the moneyed…

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