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Catholic Church Targets Proponent of Women’s Ordination; Feminist Theologian

…hops’ Committee on Doctrine declared that Professor Elizabeth A. Johnson’s latest book, Quest for the Living God: Mapping Frontiers in the Theology of God (NY: Continuum, 2007) contains “misrepresentations, ambiguities, and errors that bear upon the faith of the Catholic Church.” Or, as the bishops insist, it “contaminates the traditional Catholic understanding of God.” At issue is nothing less than how we engage in theological reflection in postm…

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The Most Embarrassing Losers Ever?

…at Robertson had done so much to mobilize. A lot of conservatives find the latest iteration of their base – the one that thinks a centrist president has us on the road to socialism and that Muslim seditionists are poised to subvert the Constitution – embarrassing and distasteful. But they apparently lack the power to pull them back. Frum et al. might be embarrassed, and long for a different kind of Republican Party, but the party is still beholden…

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5 Reasons We Shouldn’t Be Surprised that Catholics Support LGBT Rights

…f liberal perspectives when it comes to social order, caring for the poor, promoting social justice, and living Gospel values. The teaching challenged many capitalistic hegemonies and called people to pay attention to those who suffer most. Against this backdrop, Catholics get the fact that LGBT folks face social injustice in a society based on hetero-normative structures, so it should come as no shock that they’d respond with compassion and a str…

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Our Lady of Good Hope and Excellent Behavior: Why this Apparition and Why Now?

…rnalists and television reporters, meanwhile, usually just poke fun at the latest Virgin on a Tree Stump or bleeding statue, without bothering to learn more about the long history of local Christian devotions and pilgrimage. Catholic bishops and parish priests usually take a hands-off approach to reported apparitions, at least in the U.S. As a diocesan archivist in Sacramento told me, when I telephoned to ask about a vision event in the Mojave Des…

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Why the Hell Does Hell Still Matter?

…as a heretic. Sound familiar? No, this isn’t the story of Rob Bell, whose latest book Love Wins remains among the top 10 bestsellers on The flurry of voices condemning and congratulating him continues unabated, driving up sales and raising Bell’s profile [Listen to Rob Bell discuss hell and the controversy here]. This is the story of Carlton Pearson, an African-American minister trained by the famous Pentecostal televangelist Oral Rob…

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New Poll Shows Strong Catholic Support for Gay Rights

…ve played a large role in opposing same-sex marriage issues, including the latest attempt to pass marriage equality in Maryland. “They’re not going to be distracted by any polls and certainly not what the laity says about these things. We’ll certainly see a lot of activism on the part of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops to try to keep at bay the move toward increasing laws favoring same-sex marriage,” Dillon said. Another surprise in th…

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Philadelphia Man Blames Bible for Stoning Death

…ent once and for all is a terribly naïve way to read a very complicated text. Instead, one must be trained to actually read the Bible in a responsible manner – preferably, as Hauerwas states, within a community dedicated to taking the Bible seriously. As Jennifer Wright Knust writes in her latest book, Unprotected Texts, “The only way the Bible can be regarded as straightforward and simple is if no one bothers to read it. The Bible was not a colle…

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Gingrich and Hagee, End-Times Buddies

…hich are America’s best.  We sold them to Egypt along with hundreds of our latest and greatest fighter jets because Egypt was controlled by Mubarak who was America’s friend.  Can you imagine what Israel faces with Iran, Egypt, Syria, Turkey and Russia coming after them?  The prophet Ezekiel clearly predicted this battle thousands of years ago and you are watching the players get into position with lightning speed.  Jesus said: “When you see these…

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Sex Is More Fun than Lying

…blogging will be light or possibly nonexistent. So I’ll leave you with the latest religion Bloggingheads which I taped earlier this week with Michael Brendan Dougherty of the American Conservative. We discussed Michael’s new cover story on religion and the Tea Party (a topic RD readers are certainly familiar with), although we delved into some of the foreign policy divides within religious conservatism — basically the Armadeggon-ites versus the no…

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Facebook Doesn’t Kill Churches, Churches Kill Churches

…al. Along the same lines, Rome recently announced a new Facebook page that promotes the beatification of Pope John Paul II. Monsignor Paul Tighe tells USA Today that the page is a move in the direction of greater interactivity: “What we found is that Facebook doesn’t just share information, it creates community. People begin talking to each other and sharing ideas.” He’s right! Just probably not on the John Paul II Facebook page. The page, which o…

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