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Challenging Both Homophobia in Islam and Populist Bogeyman of ‘The Homophobic Muslim’; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…umes satirising politicians. In recent years the gay community has started using the festival to call attention to its demands for equal rights. … Nepal has some of South Asia’s most progressive laws on homosexuality and transgender rights, but activists say members of the community continue to face discrimination and live in the shadows of society. Human Rights Watch researcher Kyle Knight discusses the organizing strategies and tactics used by a…

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Roy “10 Commandments” Moore Doesn’t Want to Reform the Senate, He Has a Higher Calling

…only serves one term in the Senate and then retires, Moore is an expert at using his position of power to make a point. Moore has literally dedicated his career to “standing in the gap,” imposing himself on behalf of “God’s law,” and positioning himself as a humble “civil servant standing against the creeping anti-Christian tide,” Clarkson explained. Even if Moore’s principled stands are ultimately defeated, he holds himself out as a pinnacle of h…

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Corporations, Religious Conscience, Citizens United, and Contraception

…munion. Instead, plaintiffs remain free to exercise their religion, by not using contraceptives and by discouraging employees from using contraceptives. The burden of which plaintiffs complain is that funds, which plaintiffs will contribute to a group health plan, might, after a series of independent decisions by health care providers and patients covered by OIH’s plan, subsidize someone else’s participation in an activity that is condemned by pla…

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#ItsNotUs: Being Evangelical Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

…about hell and being gay. “Biblicism” is evangelical gerrymandering. Like using water to define Kool-Aid, Bebbington’s definition confuses common, ill-defined, features of Protestantism or Western Christianity for evangelical particularities. Evangelicals love it because they can do theology—make theological claims—under the guise of analysis. Why, then, do so many scholars of evangelicalism keep using it? Perhaps it’s because many are evangelica…

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LDS Church Disavows “Mormon”-ism

…Christ of Latter-day Saints announced—again—that it wants everyone to stop using the word Mormon. A style guide—posted on its website—explains that the full name of the church (capital T on The, hyphen between Latter and day, which has a lower-case d) should be used on first reference. Since it’s impractical to use all those words every single time you might want to refer to the church headquartered at 50 North Temple in Salt La…

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SCOTUS Likely to Support Memorial Cross; Should We Even Care?

…. Or to fundraise for their campaign. Or a host of other things, including using the power of a public office to promote their personal religion. In the words of Alexander Hamilton, our government, even the president, has “no particle of spiritual jurisdiction.” It is an abuse of power to use an office that belongs to the people to promote one’s personal religion. If you consider yourself a libertarian or a small-government conservative, you too s…

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Dinos and Demons and Swedes, Oh My! It May Be Cartoonish, but Evangelical Radicalism Isn’t Just a Sideshow

…ys false and offensive things, even though Trump has made an unprecedented number of false or misleading statements during his tenure of less than three years in office—over 10,000 of them, according to The Washington Post. Authoritarians have a very different relationship to the truth than the rest of us, so when Trump claims he had the largest inauguration crowd in history, or Jeffress spouts the absurd lie that Democrats worship an ancient Meso…

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With the End of ‘Roe’ the Verdict is in: The Supreme Court Majority is Christian Nationalist

…o the court (and country), the five Covid justices began rewriting the law using the shadow docket. And that’s what it just did to gut Roe v. Wade. It used this emergency procedure which has minimal briefing and no argument to rob Texans of their bodily autonomy and institute a vicious mob rule that harkens back to some of the worst imagery in American history. The five justices of the judicial apocalypse eagerly ignored procedure and precedent to…

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Will the US Naval Academy Grant The Satanic Temple Equal Rites?

…d a story about being harassed by a commanding officer who was essentially using his position to proselytize to subordinates. In his estimation, “These TST members in the armed forces are willing to risk damage to their careers because of their religious convictions. These are not just ‘trolls’ out to amuse themselves.” In Laycock’s estimation, TST’s primary issue is the separation of church and state. They are opposed to any one religion using th…

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As COVID-19 Spreads, Nicaragua’s Leaders Opt For Trumpian Denial and Misinformation

…me, people aren’t stupid. Many businesses have closed, and most people are using masks and hand sanitizer.” While the official count cites fewer than 3,000 infections in Nicaragua, scientists express certainty that the numbers are much higher. “I believe that within Central America, Nicaragua is at the epicenter of the pandemic, and in terms of deaths per capita, the numbers are among the highest in Latin America, comparable to those of Brazil, Pe…

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