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Falwell’s Fall Was Unrelated to the Anti-Science, Racism, and Patriarchy Trifecta that Built Liberty

…ormation from schools about their race policies for hiring and admissions, using the IRS to force desegregation. Bob Jones University, originally founded to oppose evolution in 1927, remained determinedly segregationist, lost its nonprofit tax status in 1976, and had to pay a million dollars in back taxes. As Falwell himself faced IRS pressures, he furiously whined, “In some states…it’s easier to open a massage parlor than a Christian school,” a t…

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QAnon Didn’t Just Spring Forth From the Void — It’s the Latest From a Familiar Movement

…t has failed us. So it’s much larger than a purely religious thing, and focusing solely on whether or not it’s religious is almost a distraction from a much larger set of social and political demands and consequences. Yeah, I think that’s fair. The other thing that I want to pay a lot of attention to is using religion as a diagnostic tool, rather than as something folks would claim for themselves. When I’m thinking about religion in terms of group…

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Why the Media and Democrats Should Reject the Christian Right’s Pearl-Clutching and Address Problematic Religious Views

…people in schools, and undermining our response to a deadly pandemic by refusing to wear masks and challenging public health initiatives in court, is wildly irresponsible. As I recently argued elsewhere, criticism of religious views that are mobilized to affect those who do not share them must be on the table in a fair, democratic society: Like freedom of the press, religious freedom is an important First Amendment right. But when believers use th…

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QAnon’s Predictions Haven’t Come True; So How Does the Movement Survive the Failure of Prophecy?

…e, with the President of the United States amplifying their message and refusing to denounce them in public. If Trump is defeated at the polls, and adherents lose this megaphone, we can only hope that these baseless and ridiculous ideas don’t continue to taint our public discourse in the new year. If they do—as we expect them to, in some form at least—you’ll have an answer for the pundits who will repeatedly ask why they still believe even after t…

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Cherry-Picking in the God Gap: A Post-Election Conversation on the Religious Vote and the Battle to Spin it

…already after this election, of course, we have “respectable evangelicals” using cherry-picked statistics in the pages of The New York Times to give supposed white evangelical defectors from Trump undue credit for Biden’s win. But even if they were using statistics responsibly, it’s a neat trick to flip the script in such a way that the anti-Trump public is invited to cheer for America’s most Trumpist demographic. What do you think of all this, an…

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Inevitable Megachurch Abuse of PPP Funds is Coming to Light — Private Jet Included

…t, the CARES Act only mentions religion once, to prevent universities from using taxpayer funds for “capital outlays associated with facilities related to athletics, sectarian instruction, or religious worship.” However, the SBA ignored that language along with the centuries-old bar on taxpayer-funded religious worship, and instead issued rules and guidance declaring that the forgivable loans distributed under the CARES Act’s Paycheck Protection P…

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Q Shaman’s New Age-Radical Right Blend Hints at the Blurring of Seemingly Disparate Categories

…ws incorporate wide-ranging conspiracy theories: elites or “the cabal” are using black magic; they’re trying to establish a one world government called the New World Order; Operation Mockingbird infiltrated the media; we’re all debt slaves to banking cartels; children are being trafficked by a Satan-worshipping cabal; true scientific progress of free infinite energy and more is being kept from us; there are deep underground bases used by the cabal…

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The Bible May Be Stranger Than You Think … And Why It Matters

…the kind of learning that illuminates context and enriches understanding (using one’s head), and without using one’s heart as a compassionate member of the human race on an earth we share, the Bible becomes simply one more weapon of hatred and destruction. Notice how this kind of learning, this kind of thinking for ourselves, strips away arrogance and prepares a person to exercise precisely the admonition that thrums like a drumbeat throughout th…

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‘Culting’: From Waco to Fundamentalist Mormons

…t it was important for reporters to consult credentialed experts and avoid using negatively-laden terms such as “cult.” Reporters writing for major urban newspapers started to avoid using these labels when covering unconventional religions, but there was no evidence of a similar reflexivity on the part of people responsible for producing television reports and programs. Currently, reputable newspapers are producing the nuanced and objective report…

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Hulu’s ‘Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia’ Shows That We Can No Longer Ignore Connections Between Religion and Drugs

…first time in their entire life.” The clinic’s website claims that after a number of therapeutic sessions “you are likely to experience a state of deep meditation and a feeling of unconditional love.” Skeptics may, of course, balk at the equation of a clinical, drug-induced experience with an experience that borders on the mystical, but such claims aren’t out of the ordinary. William James, author of The Varieties of Religious Experience, describe…

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