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Trump Order A ‘Death Sentence’ For Some LGBT Refugees? Global LGBT Recap

Many LGBT advocates protested U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive order barring refugees from entering the country as well as immigrants from seven Muslim majority countries, an order some activists said could be “a death sentence for LGBTI people.” BuzzFeed reported on a group of “12 queer Iranians in hiding in Turkey,” some of whom have been awaiting US visas and “felt their dreams crushed as they heard the news.” They and others are now tr…

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Klobuchar Feeds Trolls with Pro-Life Outreach

Of course some Democrat took the bait from the Dems-for-Life types, because of course they did, and of course it was Amy Klobuchar, because… of course: Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) on Tuesday said that the Democratic Party should be a “big tent” for people of different beliefs, including those who oppose abortion rights. Klobuchar, who is running as a centrist candidate and alternative to Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt…

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New Research May Explain the Weakness of Centrism and the Religious Left

A new profile of the wonderfully foul-mouthed political scientist and rising election prognisticator Rachel Bitecofer describes her theories about voting as “unsettling,” and there’s no question that they’ve been received that way by many. They certainly have caused a stir. In brief, Bitecofer disputes the conventional wisdom that elections are won or lost on the decisions of swing voters. Most forecasters assume that voters who switch back and f…

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Trump’s Abortion Gag Rule Is State Violence

I’ve always considered so-called “pro-life” anti-abortion zealots to be virulently pro-death. Not just the male stalkers who terrorize and police women with plastic bloody fetuses outside of abortion clinics (apparently with immunity), but the female anti-abortion architects who wear their complicity with white supremacist patriarchy proudly and unabashedly; rail against birth control and welfare; and demonize Black children warehoused in foster…

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Atheists of Color Transcend Opposition to Religion and White Atheist Privilege in Working for Social Justice

I’m a black atheist who works in urban public schools of color that systematically funnel young people into juvenile jails and prisons. The school district I work in spends more on school police and paramilitary equipment than it does on school counselors and mental health. Meanwhile, under the privatization agenda of Education Secretary and right wing evangelical crusader Betsy DeVos, the U.S. public school system is in serious jeopardy. Is the…

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GOP Education Bill Would Radically Rewrite Religious Freedom and License Virtually Any Form of Discrimination

Consider for a moment this chilling hypothetical. Imagine that the day after last summer’s white nationalist rally at the University of Virginia, the leaders of the group that marched through the Charlottesville campus shouting racist and anti-Semitic slogans take themselves instead to the university’s student activities office. There, they seek to register themselves as a recognized student club, the White Christian Alliance. They submit a propo…

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Churches Don’t Feed People, People Feed People

The government shutdown has sparked a new wave of talk decrying the unnecessary functions of government and praising the private sector, volunteerism, and the ability of Americans to take care of themselves and their own. Groups like “Jesus Loves Jersey” are stepping up to show how “the Church” can fill the gaps left by the shuttered government. While these types of efforts are very much at the core of what many congregations see as their role—to…

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Shameful GOP Tax Plan Taxes Reality

Okay, we’re off to the races on what the White House and GOP Congressional leadership agree is their “do or die” effort to look vaguely credible, having struck out so far on repealing Obamacare and pretty much everything else Trump campaigned on (infrastructure, trade, border wall, etc.). From a religious point of view, the fate of the tax plan rests on two related reality tests. First, and most urgently, will Democrats and the liberal establishm…

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Is the Francis Era Ending the Catholic Bishops’ Cozy Ties to the GOP?

One of the more interesting revelations to come out of the Politico interview with John Boehner concerns the time when Boehner was pushing Rep. Paul Ryan to take the speakership: Ryan never wanted the job; it took Boehner more than a year to convince him, and there were drastic measures involved. When McCarthy abruptly decided he would not run for speaker, everyone knew Ryan was the only unifying choice. And Boehner knew which buttons to push: Th…

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Will Dems Find Moxie to Resist Immoral GOP Tax Plan?

For almost ten years now, the folks at Sojourners and other progressive evangelical outfits have been reminding us that “budgets are moral documents.” All well and good. I agree. But I will add that tax systems are at least as revealing, perhaps more so, when it comes to the ethical bearings of any state or nation Let’s start with a quick reality check. The U.S. tax system is already notorious for being a Swiss cheese of loopholes that invite and…

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