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Prosperity Gospel Is Not the Only Problem with Joel Osteen’s Harvey Response

Twitter was outraged Monday. Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, housed in a former basketball arena, looked to be dry and quiet, even as thousands of Houstonians were seeking shelter from Hurricane Harvey. “Joel Osteen” started to trend on Twitter with comments about the hypocrisy of the prominent Prosperity Gospel preacher, who tweeted out that he and his wife were praying for Houston, while appearing not to do anything to address…

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Jesus Said Punch Up, Not Down: Why William Barber’s Attack on the Religious Right May Not Be What It Seems

William Barber, rising face of the religious left, managed to kick up some dust last week by going on the Joy Reid show to denounce a photo that’s been making the rounds, depicting white evangelical leaders praying for Pres. Trump in the Oval Office. (I had my own issues with the image.) “It is a form of theological malpractice that borders on heresy when you can p-r-a-y for a president and others when they are p-r-e-y, preying on the most vulner…

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3 Reasons Catholic Bishops Are Holding Their Tongues on GOP Health Care Debacle

When President Obama proposed requiring health plans to cover common contraceptives without charge, the Catholic bishops howled like the world was coming to an end. Dire warnings about the future of religious liberty were issued on a regular basis by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, then-head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, who personally went to the White House to complain to Obama. A special committee was formed. Legislators were lobbied. La…

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Maybe Instead of Solidarity, The Religious Left Should Try Being Indivisible

If I were asked to briefly summarize my various critiques of the religious left, I’d probably say three things. First, I’d say that the religious left—again, such as it is— is committed to unity at all costs, including the cost of asking women, gays and lesbians to take a back seat to economic concerns and immigration reform. It has to this point been extremely reluctant to reject potential allies, even those with rather not-progressive views. Wo…

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Andrew Sullivan Really Took This Opportunity to Misread Intersectionality?

“Here’s the latest in the assault on liberal democracy,” writes Andrew Sullivan, as he decries the recent student shut-down of controversial author Charles Murray’s talk at Middlebury College earlier this month. But it was the headline that grabbed our attention: “Is Intersectionality a Religion?” Short answer: no. While Sullivan’s grouchy and dismissive post isn’t likely to knock the earth off its orbit or threaten civilization itself, in the pa…

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The Ineffective “Francis Effect”

According to a new Pew poll the much vaunted “Francis effect” is mostly wishful thinking. The pope’s popularity has, in fact, done little to bring life back to a zombie church of disaffected Catholics that now rivals the actual church in its size. Catholics view the kinder, gentler reign of Pope Francis more favorably than that of his grouchy predecessor Benedict, but not by much. Francis’ net favorability rating is only six points higher than Be…

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Romney’s VP Pick of Ryan Will Bring Religion to the Fore

I’m writing this from across the Atlantic Ocean, but I awoke to the news that Mitt Romney will announce today that he will pick Republican budget-slashing guru Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his running mate. The conventional wisdom is that he’s trying to win over Tea Partiers and fiscal conservatives—but it’s clearly a religious play, too. The pick will (among other things) ignite a religious war of words, if not by the campaigns themselves, by their…

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Listening in on the Right-Wing Fringe: Gay Marriage Edition

Sometimes it’s fun to listen in on the religious right wing when they’re having internal debates about big issues like marriage equality. Over at World Net Daily (which features such fact-challenged articles on how terrorists are setting wildfires and ads that promise to show you how to get an untraceable AR-15) there’s a fairly comprehensive article laying out the argument between those who wish to privatize marriage, and those who believe the g…

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Glenn Beck’s ‘Social Justice’ Heresies

Opposition to Glenn Beck’s crusade against social justice has inspired a Twitterstorm, letter-writing campaign, and Christian radio ad from religious groups who believe he’s distorting theology. But the problem with Beck isn’t just theology or, as Faithful America puts it in its radio ad, his “piecemeal gospel.” Beck’s heresy is not that he’s cherry-picking parts of the Bible to claim that Jesus was an inconsiderate cad or that Matthew 25 was act…

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Turn Off, Slow Down, Drop In: The Digital Generation Reinvents the Sabbath

My face-to-face connection to Sarah and Adam Walker Cleaveland is thin. Nonetheless, Sarah and I were “friends” on Facebook, which, in turn, linked me to Adam’s robust social media presence. So I was privy to the deep joy that surrounded the couple last fall as they celebrated the halfway mark of Sarah’s pregnancy with twin boys. I also learned almost immediately, it seemed, when the pregnancy came to a wrenching, premature end on October 25, 201…

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