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New Mormon Anti-Gay Policy Sparks Mass Exodus From Church; Christian AID Workers in Africa Refuse to Help Gay Refugees; Ukraine Rejects, Then Accepts EU-Required Gay Rights Law; Global LGBT Recap

…Not anymore. On Thursday (Nov. 5), it was revealed that the church issued policy changes to “Handbook 1,” the guide for its lay leadership. Under the changes, same-sex couples who marry are apostates and are unwelcome in church congregations. Going further, the new policy states that the children of same-sex couples cannot be baptized in the church until they are 18 and then only if they disavow their parents. It was the gratuitously cruel and st…

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LDS Church Rescinds Hurtful Marriage Policy Without Apology

…hwhile to ask: why now? Compare it to the church’s other family separation policy rescinded on April 4, when the church reversed course on its policy, begun in November 2015, of denying being blessed as an infant or being baptized at age eight to children of people in a same-sex relationship—without disavowing the doctrinal rationale behind it. That policy was seen as so vile that it didn’t even last four years. The one-year waiting period for a t…

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Tribal Trouble: The Changing Nature of American Jews’ Relationship to Israel and the Question of Jewish Unity

…reements about matters concerning Israel. We can point to the anti-Zionist American Council for Judaism; the non-statist American Zionists, such as rabbis Abba Hillel Silver and Stephen Wise (who only agreed to join Ben-Gurion’s statist project after the Biltmore Conference in May, 1942); and the anti-occupation group Breira that emerged after the Yom Kippur War in 1973; among many others. The new heresy The identification of Zionism with Jewishne…

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Trump’s Inaugural Address Gets an “F” in American Civil Religion

…elation of sovereignty to power, citizens to the state, that characterizes American politics. Sovereignty, in American politics, is rooted in the people. Rather than resting in a monarch, American popular sovereignty is a matter of negotiation and compromise, a matter of relation. Not only does such popular sovereignty not look much like the old-school, European variety—which gets shorthanded as “tyranny” in our founding documents—it is also an id…

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Even After an Obama Victory Reports of the Death of the Religious Right are Greatly Exaggerated

…visible target to attack for at least four years,” said Rob Boston, Senior Policy Analyst, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and author of The Most Dangerous Man in America?: Pat Robertson and the Rise of the Christian Coalition. He went on to say that: “The depths of the religious right’s loathing of Obama can be hard for some people to grasp. I got a taste of it during the ‘Values Voter Summit’ in September. Religious right gro…

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No One Can Tell I’m a Muslim: All-American Muslim Debuts

…ge anti-Muslim bigotry, choosing a cast of immigrants and first-generation Americans, all Arab American save the newbie white convert, may just propel the show into another set of tropes: all Muslims are Arabs, all Arabs are Muslim, and all Muslims are immigrants. Indeed some Muslims are Arab, some Arabs are Muslim, and some Muslims are immigrants. But many are not. Many will celebrate the show, and those who do may read this review (if they get t…

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The Protestant Mainline Makes a (Literary) Comeback

…collected in After Cloven Tongues of Fire: Protestant Liberalism in Modern American History. In Embattled Ecumenism, American historian Jill K. Gill has recounted in rich detail the involvement of the National Council of Churches in the anti-Vietnam War movement. Sociologists Christian Smith and Patricia Snell, building on an argument by sociologist Jay Demerath, contend in Souls in Transition that liberal Protestantism contributed to its own decl…

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Before We Scold DeSean Jackson and Others For Anti-Semitism We Need To Talk About ‘Chosenness’

…lbany or Washington—are controlled by Jews. I think they are controlled by Americans, and the American Negro situation is a direct result of this control. And anti-Semitism among Negroes, inevitable as it may be, and understandable, alas, as it is, does not operate to menace this control, but only to confirm it. It is not the Jew who controls the American drama. It is the Christian. At the time of Baldwin’s writing these were some of the most powe…

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Arguments That Caste Protections ‘Unjustly Target’ South Asians Don’t Stand Up to Scrutiny

…ted categories such as race, gender, and nationality. The backlash to this policy from some Hindu American individuals and organizations was swift and immediate, and has continued despite the Board’s unanimous vote. The arguments put forward by opponents of this policy, summarized in an open letter anonymously signed by around 80 Cal State faculty members and echoed in a February 3 op-ed, merely recite talking points that don’t stand up to logical…

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The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right

…ok is devoted to outlining eliminationism in American history, from Native Americans and African Americans, through Chinese and Japanese immigrants and more. He shows how eliminationist rhetoric was often followed by “an actual campaign of violent eliminationism.” This history is presented with a note of urgency, because the eliminationist rhetoric as currently featured by elements of the conservative movement, “is in many ways,” he stresses, “the…

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