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Christians are ‘Jerks,’ The New Scopes Trial, Pastafarians’ Rights

…0 meters tall, it will be the largest statue of the Nazarene in the world. Florida’s Qur’an (not) burning pastor wants a New Jersey car dealer to make good on his promise to give him a Hyundai if he didn’t burn the books. A deal is a deal, I guess. The Justice Department has lent its support to the controversial mosque being built in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Meanwhile, the county’s hearing over the mosque’s construction is becoming a poor man’s Sc…

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Hate, An American Voter Value

…instream, as was recently evident with the planned Qur’an burning in North Florida. While the church itself came from the fringe, it certainly resonated throughout American culture due, most likely, to a much larger and more widespread fear and hatred of Muslims. Hate can also bring the religious mainstream out into the convoluted lives of marginal characters who can inflict awful harm on those singled out as objects of hatred; as is the case in t…

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The Tea Party Illusion

…ty leader Mitch McConnell’s side, a task he takes on proudly with Paul and Florida’s new Senator, Marco Rubio, who is a favorite with social conservatives and signed on with Christian nation mythologist David Barton. DeMint, of course, is one of those Republicans who is very much a Washington insider but disingenuously claims (for Tea Party-cred) to be a renegade fighting it from the outside. But DeMint is a religious right hero first. DeMint thin…

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Prepare for Attack on Science by Newly-Elected Republicans

…volution. Rubio voiced support for parents trying to push creationism into Florida schools. Paul refuses to answer a question regarding his belief on the age of the earth. The new senators join incumbents like Vitter, a married “family values” candidate who sailed to victory after being outed for having sex with prostitutes (Just how much hypocrisy does it take to get a conservative Christian boosted from office in that state?), and who has earmar…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…nders (I-Vermont) has championed it in the Senate and Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida), defeated last week in his reelection bid, helped Paul push it through the House. But Paul lashed out at Sanders earlier this year, saying he “sold out” for a weaker version of the audit bill, after the version that passed the Senate did not require annual audits.) The Tea Partiers, who have come to see the Federal Reserve as the source of the nation’s economic pro…

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Gay Republicans Ask for Social Issue Cease-Fire

…e (which was already banned by statute) in 2004.” The new Congressman from Florida, Alan West, compares homosexuality to adultery and opposes the lifting of DADT, and Mississippi’s newest Congressman Alan Nunnelee is proud of his work to prevent gay couples in the state from adopting children. Instead of pushing against social issues in Congress and in elections, perhaps GOProud should have been informing its constituents about the true nature of…

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Surprise: Local Press Does Good Job Covering Anti-Islam Campaigning…

…on his own shady business practices. This article prompted a follow-up in Florida. The strength of the local reporting reveals the vested economic interests in perpetuating a conflict narrative with Muslims in America. Unfortunately, the national media has a harder time wrapping itself around that narrative. NPR’s Intelligence Squared debate asked whether “Islam was a religion of peace?”, as though that couldn’t be asked of any religion. Interest…

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DREAMing of Faith

…ia, VA; Pastor Joel Hunter of Northland, A Church Distributed in Longwood, Florida; and Pastor Rich Nathan of Vineyard Columbus in Columbus, Ohio. They all discussed the biblical and moral imperative to welcome the stranger; Nathan noted how the push for immigration reform “has united the religious community, even for those of us who consider ourselves conservatives.” Many of those conservatives, though, support immigration reform, but not for gay…

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The Exorcist Files, Getting Mad at God, The Obama Prayer…

A sergeant in Manatee County Florida was suspended for 26 hours after he left a Bible verse circled and labeled the “Obama Prayer” on a colleague’s desk. The verse was from Psalm 109: “Let his days be few, and let another take his office.” A new study shows that everyone gets mad at God, even atheists. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found a war memorial cross in San Diego unconstitutional because it was a government endorsement of religion. The…

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Christianity and Gun Control

…own hall meeting. November 9, 2010—U.S. Representative-Elect Allen West of Florida’s 22nd Congressional District hires conservative radio talk show host Joyce Kaufman as his Chief of Staff. On July 3, Kaufman told a crowd of Tea Party supporters, “I am convinced that the most important thing the Founding Fathers did to ensure me my First Amendments rights was they gave me a Second Amendment. And if ballots don’t work, bullets will.” GOA contends t…

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