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Religious Conspiracy Theories About Giffords Shooting Emerge

Pastor Carl Gallups of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Florida, has produced two videos about the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords that glorify Gun Owners of America, claim that Giffords knew her assailant, assert that owning guns is a “God-given right,” and that gun control leads to genocide. One of Gallups’ claims, that Giffords subscribed to Loughner’s YouTube channel, is now being touted by Jerome Corsi, the conspi…

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Monty Python does Religion

I am convinced that the pastor in Florida named Terry Jones is in fact the Terry Jones of Monty Python in disguise. First he wants to burn the Qur’an, now he wants to put it on trial. Think about it for a second. Put a book on trial. It’s like putting a rock on trial. It doesn’t really do anything. Perhaps he wants to compare it to the Bible to see which is more violent? But what does that do? The film Holy Wars makes the great point that you hav…

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Creationism and Evolution are Competing ‘Myths’

…e presence of other creationist museums in Arkansas, Texas, California and Florida suggests that the war is far from over. It remains to be seen whether the leaders of the creationist movement will be able to effectively mobilize enough American voters to bring about the kinds of sociopolitical changes for which their paradigmatic model provides a superhuman charter. It is clear, however, that supporters of evolution would do well to implement a n…

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The Zeitgeist Debate

…ious movement, attracting the attention of the local Fox News affiliate in Florida, where Venus is based, which gave it a glowing treatment, calling its founder, Jacque Fresco, who believes all our problems are caused by “BS — bad science,” a “brilliant man.” In the segment, Fresco complains that other countries want to hear about his futuristic “system,” but that the United States does not. The Huffington Post’s associate green editor, Travis Wal…

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If Abortion Isn’t Health Care, What is It? 

…care act that passed in 2010. That legislation was overruled recently by a Florida judge. Appeals will take time and a Supreme Court case is in the making. President Barack Obama has made clear that he has no intention of rehashing it all. Even Catholic bishops, who learned that progressive nuns and the Catholic Health Association were not on their side against the health care act, have agreed not to go back to square one though they will undoubte…

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Discovery Institute’s Bill Dembski Recants

…egional, rather than worldwide. However, according an article this week in Florida Baptist Witness (hat tip to Jack Krebs at The Panda’s Thumb), when Southwestern Seminary president Paige Patterson, Dembski’s boss, learned of Dembski’s statements, he called him into a meeting with other high-ranking officials. According to the Baptist Witness: At that meeting, Dembski was quick to admit that he was wrong about the flood, Patterson said. “Had I had…

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Pennsylvania School Voucher Plan Would Allow Religious Discrimination

…that includes school voucher funding. Other states, such as Louisiana and Florida, are considering similar legislation. But Pennsylvania remains at the forefront of the debate. Nowhere else has such a strange mix of bedfellows come together in support of vouchers. As Talk2Action reported last month: Pennsylvania could be a case study for nationwide anti-public education partnerships, formed by Religious Right activists joining forces with radical…

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Romney Braces for Perry Testosterone Challenge; Huntsman Reboots

…didn’t file a quarterly report with the FEC, but his reported fundraising numbers (about $4 million, with Huntsman reportedly pitching in about half of that himself) suggest that Republican donors haven’t jumped on board the way his campaign might have hoped. Weeks ago, as his campaign bathed in a luminous media spotlight, Huntsman fancifully compared his chances to catching “lightning in a bottle,” a phrase that sounds like something he fished f…

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Which Hogwarts House would Jesus be in? Or would He be in a Walmart Receipt?

…d tried to stop his execution. A federal judge has ruled that Dixie County Florida must remove its Ten Commandments monument from the courthouse steps. It has been there since 2006. Another judge ruled that a group of devout and vegetarian Hindus in New Jersey could sue a restaurant that accidentally served them meat. The Hindus want the restaurant to pay for their trip to India to perform cleansing rituals for the carnivorous gaffe.  Is Chain Wor…

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The Debt Ceiling Crisis and Biblical Economics

…group, First Coast Tea Party, for example, is calling members to gather at Florida Senator Bill Nelson’s office today to urge him to vote against a debt ceiling increase. Bachmann’s stance on the debt limit is not unlike Sarah Palin’s opposition to the Federal Reserve that I wrote about here in November 2010. Both are rooted in what I described at a “theocratic reading of the Bible, arising out of the nexus between (Ron) Paul (and now his son, Sen…

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