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Did Jackie Speier Shatter “Common Ground”?

…which as we know bankrolls Planned Parenthood’s lucrative sex trafficking business — which is what you would believe if you listened to the right-wingers like Chris Smith (R-NJ)). But I digress. The real issue with Ryan-DeLauro, which I wrote about here in 2009, is that it sought a religious imprimatur for what Planned Parenthood and other providers of and advocates for women’s reproductive health services have done for years: make it possible fo…

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Paranoia Over Foreigners in Egypt Eclipsed by Cooperation

…t Tahrir Square, I saw a sign instructing Americans to stay out of Egypt’s business – while I heard pro-government supporters (peacefully queuing along with everyone else to get into Tahrir) claiming that foreign agents were in the middle of all this. Not that this translated into any sort of unsafe environment for foreigners in Tahrir itself. Tahrir, despite being the scene of a protest bereft of state authority, the magnitude of which the Arab w…

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Eddie Long in Hot Water Again

…made a video, imploring Taylor to return the funds.   Scandals have become business as usual with Bishop Long and New Birth church. These stories will continue in part because of the recent fail of Senator Grassley’s investigation of the prosperity purveyors. Grassley turned a serious investigation of fiscal malfeasance that could have suggested real changes in laws into a pat on the back for prosperity preachers. The Grassley investigation has be…

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5 Reasons the Muslim Brotherhood Won’t Turn On Israel

These days, everybody’s in the business of panicking over the potential role of the Muslim Brotherhood. But rather than discuss where the Brotherhood has been in the past, I suggest looking to the future. Events on the ground are changing every few hours, so this is an exercise in informed speculation. Here are five reasons why the Muslim Brotherhood will find it very hard to decisively determine Egypt’s relationship with Israel. These five reaso…

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DeMint Stymies Obama’s Religious Diplomacy Nominee

…nce, her close ties to the Clinton administration, and several ill-defined business ventures, suggest that President Obama cares little about supporting religious freedom around the world. As Mark Silk put it succinctly, “This is the Religion Ambassador?” The Washington Post is carefully tiptoeing around the question of Rev. Cook’s appointment, quoting the first Ambassador-at-Large, Thomas Farr, who called Cook an outstanding pastor, but also lame…

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Religious Right Dream of Privatized Public Education Gets Boost

…, in which businesses would help fund on-site charter schools. The funding business would have a significant voice on the governing board and reserve half of the seats in the classrooms for children of employees.   These efforts and others will be supported during the upcoming National School Choice Week (January 23-29) in which Ralph Reed, founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition (and director of  Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition during the…

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“I Am Gay” Billboard Causes Stir in New York

…ecide” to be straight. He went on to suggest that the billboards should be classified as “adult only,” and Spicer suggested they be relegated to adult business zones—mainly industrial areas at the outskirts of the city. The billboards were designed by a gay advocacy group in Albany and paid for the state health department “as part of an effort to find a more effective way to reduce the HIV infection rate, which has disproportionately hit gay and b…

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Congress Reads the Constitution, Tea Party-Style

…e 112th Congress convened on Thursday, January 6, 2011, the first order of business was a religious ritual designed to underscore the import of a historic transition of power: a reading of the US Constitution. Or rather, a reading of it without some of its ickier original parts, such as the original fugitive slave provision quoted above. It was constitutional fundamentalism without some of the fundamentals. Governing by the Letter The constitution…

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Senator Punts Televangelist Inquiry for “Self-Reform Within the Community”

…them in detail, but scanning them they appear to extensively document the business dealings of the six televangelists — Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Eddie Long, Joyce Meyer, Paula White, and Creflo Dollar.) Grassley, whose term as ranking member of the Finance Committee is coming to an end because of Republican term limits, had been under pressure from allies of the targeted televangelists not to encourage more government regulation of their act…

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Orthodox Jews Begin to Reckon with Sexual Abuse

…sexual abuse. Typically comprised of three rabbis, they rule on family and business disputes such as divorce, inheritance, and contractual disagreements. Small Jewish communities usually have a single beth din while larger communities, like those found in New York and New Jersey, may have many. These include beth dins that specialize in sexual abuse, though they are few; Rabbi Basil Herring, executive vice president of the Rabbinical Council of Am…

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