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Creationism and Evolution are Competing ‘Myths’

…Creation Museum, it’s useful to see them as examples of mythic discourse, using the definition that historian of religions Bruce Lincoln proposed in his book Discourse and the Construction of Society. Myth, Lincoln contends, is most productively understood not as a false story, but as a narrative that has both authority and credibility for a particular audience, for whom it functions as a paradigmatic truth. A particular type of discourse, myth c…

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Debunking Shari’ah Myths

…segment on how the American right is spinning the revolution in Egypt, and using it as an opportunity to perpetuate myths about shari’ah law. We not only discussed the situation in Egypt, but how some conservative activists are using this opportunity to raise a panic about the supposed infiltration of shari’ah law in the United States, and how all of this could play out in states where politicians are seeking to ban shari’ah, and in Rep. Peter Kin…

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Meet Wyoming’s Anti-Shari’ah Crusader

…ch would, if passed, amend the state’s constitution to “forbid courts from using international law or sharia law when deciding cases,” said his motivation was “I don’t want our laws having origins in other places, foreign religions or foreign countries.” When I asked him whether he considered Islam to be a “foreign religion,” Gay hedged: “It’s not that it’s a foreign religion,” he said, “but we do believe very strongly in the separation of church…

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Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Obama’s Faith-Based Initiative

…hich exist solely to convince women not to abort,” by, among other things, using religion and feeding women false and misleading medical information. Goldberg argued that because of the religious nature of CPCs, the new South Dakota law violates church-state separation; Amanda Marcotte similarly made the point that “by passing this legislation, South Dakota has managed to forefront the theocratic bent of the anti-choice movement.” More detail on C…

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Saudi Women Take to the Twittersphere to Protest Driving Ban

Despite government repression, women in Saudi Arabia are using the tools of the Twitter revolutions to stage their own protest against that country’s stringent bans on basic human freedoms for women. Manal Al-Sharif, a 32-year-old computer security analyst for the state-run oil company and a single mother of a five-year-old son, remains in Dammam prison after being arrested on Saturday for “violating public order” after making and distributing a…

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The H Word

…These guys don’t want any other point of view. They don’t even feel guilty using tax dollars to spout their propaganda.” The most recent public invocation of Holocaust terminology was in the fracas over the award of an honorary degree to playwright Tony Kushner by City University of New York. On May 2, the CUNY board rescinded its offer of a degree to Kushner in the wake of CUNY trustee Jeffrey Wiesenfeld’s accusation that Kushner was “anti-Israel…

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5 Reasons Why the GOP Push to Defund Planned Parenthood Won’t Go Away

…cavalier use of false information, and correspondingly cavalier excuse for using it, is a hallmark of the right’s attack on Planned Parenthood. The right has lionized Lila Rose, producer of the anti-Planned Parenthood agitprop which is based on lies and deception. Indeed Rose is lauded for advancing a “Christian worldview.” In fact, according to the Guttmacher Institute, Title X, the funding the Republicans seek to end, is “vital to achieving impo…

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Does Conservative Watchdog Actually “Get Religion”?

…ant donor to conservative Christian political causes). For their “sins” in using the term “worship” in place of the orthodox term venerate, Mattingly criticized Edmunds and the Guardian’s copy editors, calling them “ridiculous.” But Mattingly’s piece reminded me of the day I sat in the back pew of a Catholic church on the eastside of Austin, Texas, with my friend Rose, who is Tejana and Catholic. Pointing to a gorgeous mural of a dark-skinned Virg…

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Mass Bible-Based Sexual Dysfunction as Root of Culture Wars? Frank Schaeffer Breaks It Down

…Coincidentally, that fan letter (received in the early 1990s before I was using e-mail) arrived in the same post delivery as a note from Mom asking me for another dozen signed hardcover copies of that novel so that my mother could send out more to her friends. Mom’s follower had signed her letter “Repent!” My mother signed her note “I’m so proud of you.” Attempting to unravel the mystery of how my mother managed to have attracted such “fans” (thr…

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Creationism and Global Warming Denial: Anti-Science’s Kissing Cousins?

…says, he’s been overwhelmed by emails from educators around the country accusing him of trying to promote religion. Indeed, the version of the resolution that passed the Senate and was amended in the House said, “Evidence relating to global climatic change is complex and subject to varying scientific interpretations,“ and that “all instruction in the public schools relating to global climatic change be presented in a balanced and objective manner….

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