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Evangelical Tells Beck He’s “Off The Reservation”

…ther into a coalition on shared goals and then draw them into Mormonism by using manipulative double language. “He’s setting up a conspiracy theory of hidden truths showing this to be a Mormon Christian country.” Tensions between Beck and the conservative Christian world surfaced earlier in the week when Beck told Bill O’Reilly that he didn’t think gay marriage would destroy America and in fact, he did care much about it at all. Then on his show o…

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Anti-Immigration Candidate’s Ties to Anti-Gay Church of Rwanda

…nvasion of bedbugs. But rather than address a real problem, Kobach is just using the issue to continue banging away at the demonization of those who don’t look like him and his fellow white conservative Christians. As Suzy Khimm for Mother Jones points out: Numerous independent studies have found that voter fraud is an exceedingly rare phenomenon. But it’s a convenient target for conservative activists like Kobach, who’s built his career crafting…

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To Be Loved or Feared: Doctor Who, part IX

…eone (presumably the Doctor’s enemies) worked to fabricate a fake reality, using memories and items from Amy Pond’s past, and thus they produced an artificial Rory, somehow managing to duplicate not just his appearance but his memories—in spite of his being erased from history and never having existed. And so perhaps there is a “real miracle” in the episode: that, in spite of the odds and the laws of physics, Rory is remembered. And perhaps the ac…

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What To Do About Southern Baptist President’s Call for End to Hate for LGBT

…I’m naturally suspicious of the “friendship evangelism” that Wright is espousing, and have strongly criticized this position before, but, as I reflect on Wright’s words, I believe that if he is sincerely asking conservative Christians to cultivate not just a loving tone, but a truly loving attitude toward LGBT people—and not just use kindness as a cynical conversion tool—this is a big step forward in reconciliation between LGBT people and their co…

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Israeli Forest Fire as Divine Punishment, Religious Leaders (From Both Sides) Agree

…t. Obama’s Responsibility Haniyeh is more modern than ancient—a politician using God talk to protect his political power as he moves his party toward the center, ultimately hoping for a peace agreement that will give Palestinians independence on terms they can live with. Ovadia is more ancient than modern—an ultra-orthodox rabbi using God talk to try to protect his followers from the 21st-century culture that they find alien and often inimical, pl…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…to reduce the number of abortions, … [he] now worries [that] the party is using abortion as a wedge issue by running ads sharply contrasting Palin and Obama on abortion rights,” AP reported. “Strang said he’s waiting for the Republicans to talk more about health care and the economy—and is both intrigued and unmoved by Palin. ‘It’s a great story, but I don’t know what’s changed,’ he said. ‘She’s pro-life, but we already knew the ticket was pro-li…

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Mormons & Romney Presidency “Dangerous” According to Evangelical Author

…a perfect opening for a conversation. It’s not really a question of Romney using the bully pulpit, but missionaries will use Romney. As an evangelical Christian who has deep concerns about Mormonism, my decision-making matrix runs not just through politics—like can Romney balance the budget—but through what kind of world I want to live in, and my personal belief is that I don’t want to support false belief. JB: In your article, you do propose the…

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

…ally: Creationists do a poor service to the memory of Holocaust victims by using their deaths in a politically motivated attack against science. David Klinghoffer and his fellow creationists should be ashamed of themselves, and the decision by Huffington Post to give a platform to an organization pushing a tactic rejected by a US federal court judge as “breathtaking inanity” should be strongly criticized.  Editors at the Huffington Post, perhaps a…

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Glenn Beck Hijacks It’s a Wonderful Life

…otherwise abandoned Main Street, the churches have banded together and are using one of the empty storefronts to use as a prayer center. At the soup kitchen, there are lines that snake around the block, Beck says, but those who run the kitchen refuse to take state and federal money. Instead, they come in and put their hands on empty shelves of the pantry and pray for God’s intervention, “Lord, help us fill these shelves.” And because of that, he s…

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Health Care Ruling Big Issue for Religious Right

…required the separate payment system. (This is what is falsely portrayed, using hyperbolic rhetoric, by ACLJ as the “pro-abortion ObamaCare” or to Sarah Palin as “the biggest advance of the abortion industry in America.”) At the time the law passed, policy analysts warned that nothing in the law would stop legislators from doing exactly what Pitts plans to do: to cut off federal subsidies to insurers that cover abortion, even if the portion of th…

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