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Fox News Needs to Get a Grip on its Affiliate’s Issues with Mormonism

…s always been a Fox signature tactic.  Still, it’s worth asking: Is it the policy of the Fox News conglomerate to promote public ridicule of minority religions and cultures? Because it’s not just Ben Ferguson who is responsible for the segment. He was supported by folks all along the production chain down at MyFox Memphis. Somebody—a producer or even a manager—should have vetoed the whole thing. But no one did. They all thought Ben Ferguson’s anti…

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Family Research Council is Attacked—Tony Perkins is Quick to Blame SPLC

…ing organizations as hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy. Naturally, you want to tear your hair out. You want to mention that if the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate” designation is an incitement to violence it’s an awfully ineffective one (of the 1,018 hate groups active in 2011, less than one-tenth of one percent suffered violence); that, leaving aside other forms of violence and suicide, in 2011 alone, 30 people were…

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Chocolate Will Make You Thin! Or: How Should We Trust Science?

…we may trust them completely. Chocolate will help you lose weight! You can change people’s minds on gay marriage, just by talking to them! Altering your posture will make you more successful (unless it doesn’t)! Yes, of course. Science says so. So should we trust scientists less? I don’t think that’s the solution, exactly. Science is a powerful tool for understanding reality, with a remarkable system of checks-and-balances to prevent and catch err…

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Christian Conservatives Turn Off A Generation Of Voters (Or Maybe Not)

…all….I think American religious life will renew itself.  It will no doubt change; it always does.  Historically, religion was a very positive progressive force in America. None of the major social movements in America lack a very positive religious motivation.  The Civil Rights movement was at its core a very religious movement. In Europe people are accustomed to seeing the political dimensions of religion as being conservative, and that’s been t…

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Loving Uganda to Death: The Global Reach of Far-Right Christian Hatred

…ll continue to grow. He believes that seeing and hearing these stories can change people’s hearts. He says he was changed in the process of making the movie; getting to know some of the missionaries and IHOP staff as people made it harder to think of them as simply “evil fundamentalists.” And, he says, that after spending so much time with missionary Joanna Watson, he has come to consider her a friend. He says she recently told him that getting to…

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Inside Outsourced: Come See Where Your Jobs Went

…ware of, and it takes exceptional people to realize they have the power to change things.  This is the first major network show about a culture that many Americans know very little about. How do you make it funny without either going over people’s heads or resorting to stereotypes?  The writers, especially Robert Borden, who developed the show, have done a remarkable job balancing humor with tact. I think it helps that the film production communit…

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What We Cannot Do is Be Revolutionaries Except When We’re Mothering

…he has questions and concerns. How we demonstrate our commitment to social change and answer her concerns is an extension of how we politically identify. If we cannot live our politics in our parenting, we cannot live our politics at the ballot box or at the protest. On this Mother’s Day, in honor of the launch of the Poor People’s Campaign’s 40 Days of Moral Action, we are re-committing ourselves to revolutionary mothering. We believe that this e…

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Is There Hope for a Truly Progressive Evangelicalism? An Interview with Deborah Jian Lee

…l away here, but suffice it to say, what I saw rocked my world and totally changed my life. The Biola Queer Underground offers a window into the world of the broader LGBTQ evangelical movement, which is exploding and dramatically changing the landscape of evangelical America. As we enter this era of broader social acceptance of the queer community, more LGBTQ Christians are coming out of the closet, telling their stories, putting familiar faces to…

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2012 Film Heralds Progressive Utopia, No Effort Required

…e Burning Man. Psychedelics, Prophecies, and Counterculture 2012: Time for Change calls itself a “documentary,” which is as fine a category as any for this sprawling, free-associative film. It includes interviews with an assortment of environmentalists, a clip from the O.J. Simpson trial, footage from a free yoga class in Union Square, and bulleted lists about the medicinal uses of hallucinogenic drugs. Filmmaker David Lynch describes how he first…

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Has This Anti-Muslim Extremist Reformed… Or Just Gotten Less Extreme?

…am, which facilitated his departure. First, will Robinson’s message really change? Just because he’s no longer with the EDL and claims to reject the increasingly violent direction the group had taken doesn’t mean that he has seen the light about hate speech; it doesn’t mean that his invectives about Muslims will be any less inflammatory or that he will change his views on Quran burning, Muslim immigration, deportation, mosque construction, etc. It…

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