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How Do You Beat a ‘Pretty Damning’ Impeachment Case? You Lie

…“President Trump will be acquitted.” I’m asking whether the evidence will change their minds. In fact, however, their minds have already changed. The Post’s Aaron Blake has a great item today showing the same Republicans now saying it’s awful hard seeing the connection between Trump’s violent rhetoric and his supporters’ violent actions saw the connection crystal clearly the day of the insurrection. Kevin Cramer, for instance, who now says he doe…

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Maybe Instead of Solidarity, The Religious Left Should Try Being Indivisible

…gious leaders: just garden-variety lay people committed to creating social change in their own ways, and the hell with kumbaya and press releases and symbolic demonstrations? What if, in other words, the religious left gave up on trying to bring everyone together in some trans-partisan fantasy moral conversion and instead took the parable of the sower seriously, casting their seed on rocky ground and paths, shallow soil and good earth alike? What…

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A Portrait of Islamophobia?

…an anomaly. Muslim-American women are powerhouses and it’s time for us to change the narrative and bring our voices and images to the fore. Terrorism is not in the hijab. Terrorism is not in the verbal or textual use of Arabic. Terrorism is a sociohistorical fact that has religio-political, economic, and cultural roots that go far beyond the average, superficial conversations we see in the press. But when we don’t speak out and acknowledge what’s…

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New Poll: ‘Faithful Catholics’ an Endangered Species

…who argued for a relaxation of the ban. Part of their reasoning was that a change of mind would undermine authority, and make it look as if the Spirit had been blowing through the Anglican rather than the Catholic Church. Paul VI agreed, and the result was a reaffirmation of the Church’s sexual teaching in Humanae Vitae (1968). The door to change slammed shut. Since then the Church has insisted that its sexual teachings are “irreformable.” But sur…

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From “It’s Just Words” to Just Words: Speech Ethics in the Time of Trump

…ho use their hope to construct and enact meaningful and significant social change.” Christian scriptures also inform my thoughts about speech ethics. The New Testament Book of James, for example, warns believers, and especially leaders, about the lethal consequences of an unbridled tongue: Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness….The tongue is a small me…

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Junior Falwell Unmasked Conservatism; Let’s Thank Him For It

…sm in practice. It cannot and will not tolerate democratic change, despite change coming with the blessing of the majority. If the majority rules, Falwell and his confederates will abandon commitments to democracy. Once you abandon democracy—once you open the door to treason—there’s no end in sight. Once it seceded, “the Confederacy began to deny states’ rights,” wrote James W. Loewen in Lies My Teacher Told Me. “Jefferson Davis denounced states’…

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Why Nobody Should Be Surprised That Pope Francis Made Problematic Comments About Judaism — And That He Remains Unapologetic

…history will know that the latter half of the twentieth century saw a sea change in its relationship to Judaism and the Jewish community. The promulgation of Nostra Aetate (“Our Time”) by the Second Vatican Council in 1965 was spurred in large part by criticism of official Vatican neutrality during World War II. At the time, it was hailed as a forward-thinking document which attested to deep introspection on the part of the Church. Nostra Aetate…

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UN Human Rights Council Creates LGBT Watchdog; Orthodox Council Affirms Traditional Teaching on Family; Pope Francis Says Church Should Apologize to Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…, the church will find itself once again in a losing battle against social change unless it learns from its past mistakes. Mexico: Marriage equality becomes law in 10th state; complaint filed against opponents Marriage equality was declared legal in the state of Morelos amid protests and charges that the votes from some municipalities were ignored or miscounted. Official complaints have been filed against five deputies and activists who “took the…

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(Ex-)Ex-Gay Activist Alan Chambers On His Prop 8 Epiphany and the Downfall of Christianity and Evangelicalism

…they can’t control. We’re causing them to feel shame because they haven’t changed something that’s unchangeable and that is orientation. Regardless of how someone decides to steward their orientation, whether they want to opt for celibacy, monogamy or you name it, that’s up to an individual. It’s not up to someone to say, “You are going to be more acceptable,” because we can’t say that to someone else. So often, we take the Bible and we galvanize…

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Palin Goes ‘Hopey-Changey,’ But Don’t Call it Political

…clearly in service of a political agenda. The speech began by emphasizing policy goals and candidates and ended with an exhortation to work for “change in Washington” and to “send a message to Washington that every life is precious… every life is valuable.” In fact, across the board the speakers emphasized electoral politics: the need to win enough seats to overturn the health care bill; they invoked “states’ rights” and the 10th Amendment in sup…

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