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The Death of a Black Man at the Hands of Black Officers Unveiled Something More Complex Than Whiteness

…gh this window of political opportunity for our nation to achieve systemic change. In other crucially necessary areas of our society, the passage and enforcement of civil and human rights legislation correlated to changes in public attitudes toward protections for vulnerable communities and the role of government. New regulations that cast unfettered police power and police violence as unambiguously criminal and normalize it as punishment may set…

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The Sad Incoherence of Jeb’s Abortion Position

…e change encyclical that the pope should keep his nose out of both climate change and economic policy, suggesting that these are “political” issues that don’t fall in the pontiff’s wheelhouse: I don’t get economic policy from my bishops or my cardinal or my pope. I think religion ought to be about making us better as people and less about things that end up getting in the political realm. He also said that he doesn’t “go to Mass for economic polic…

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Barr and Pompeo Speeches Show Why Evangelical Warriors Won’t Abandon the President

…g his most devoted base. In his speech, the president explained his policy change in Turkey and Syria as a choice to bring home American troops. “I don’t think our soldiers should be there for the next 50 years guarding a border between Turkey and Syria when we can’t guard our own borders at home,” Trump said. “I don’t think so.” He also announced that he was directing $50 million in funding to aid minority groups in Syria, a clear message to his…

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Palin Goes ‘Hopey-Changey,’ But Don’t Call it Political

Sarah Palin changed her tune on the “hopey-changey thing” last month in Jacksonville when, as the headliner for the Evening of Hope (called “An Evening of Empty Seats” by one blogger), she and the other speakers promoted lots of change—of the religious right variety. And, despite emphatic and repeated assertions to the contrary, they continued to be explicitly political; clearly advocating for some candidates and policies while unequivocally oppo…

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Women in Combat and the Priesthood: A Response to Mary Hunt

…hurch and the Military, a book that offers a complex analysis of women and change in and outside both institutions. I summarized Katzenstein’s perspective in a review that appeared in New Women New Church, the newsletter of the national Women’s Ordination Conference in spring 1999: Katzenstein’s analysis will be of special benefit to Catholic feminists perplexed over whether women’s ordination necessarily constitutes co-optation into a patriarchal…

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“Ex-Gay” is Anti-Gay, Disguised as Compassion

…urch will immediately refer her to an ex-gay ministry and encourage her to change. I knew a man at a ministry who recalled coming out to his pastor at age sixteen as “someone who is gay and wants to change” because knew his religious community would never accept him. Now, there are also Jewish, Mormon, and Catholic versions of the ex-gay movement. As Haffner notes, many mainline Christian churches and other religious organizations lack consistent…

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Mormon Missionary Service: Now with More Service

…hree years ago and was adopted about a year ago in Dallas and Denver. This change has become necessary because the church has finally realized that tracting did not work, both because people are less often home during the day and less willing to let strangers into their homes when they are at home. As a returned missionary who did her fair share of tracting, I’m also very pleased about this change. Knocking on doors that, more often than not, no o…

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Conservative Catholics Unhappy About New Book on LGBTs and The Church; and More in the Global LGBT Recap

…Service, David Gibson writes that Martin’s book “does not advocate for any changes in doctrine nor does it touch third-rail topics like same-sex marriage.” The book, he says, “calls on the Catholic Church to be more respectful and compassionate toward gay people.” Among those with positive things to say about Martin’s book is Cardinal Kevin Farrell, picked by Francis to lead the Vatican office on laity, family and life issues. Gibson says the fact…

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Black Church Leadership Gathering Excludes Women

…reas of advocacy while still committed to ministry. Women have been making changes in society, fearlessly and fiercely, for decades. With or without the laws and tradition on their side, women have effected social, political and spiritual change. The church has been slow to combat societal issues, and in black denominational bodies, when someone finally steps up to the plate, the male leaders resemble those of the civil rights era, expecting the w…

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Why Tony Campolo’s LGBTQ Reversal is Evangelicalism’s Tipping Point

…ion of homosexuals in the life of the church,” I wrote. “But I’m sensing a change in the wind (and the Spirit.)” Statistics, anecdotal evidence, and prevailing cultural mores testify that the winds have changed, even as Campolo’s statement arrived on the heels of Billy’s son Franklin Graham’s latest facepalm move against LGBTQ civil rights, nevermind ecclesial inclusion. In his statement, Campolo explained how he arrived at this watershed moment:…

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