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When You Argue With a Fundamentalist You Don’t Know What You’re Asking For

…ot fun. It is, frankly, terrifying. That’s not to say that realities can’t change. Mine did. But few individuals can be argued out of an entire worldview. Realities shift when ideas bloom and ideas are slow and patient, creeping in through unguarded portals and establishing themselves without much fanfare. However well-intentioned you are, bludgeoning people with fact after argument after fact will only entrench them in their position and reinforc…

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Nonviolence, Muslim Style: From Ghaffar Khan to Tahrir Square

…d to convince them to allow that to happen! Did that lead to a large scale change in the way that women were perceived in Pashtun society? No, probably not. Did that perhaps lead to a small, tiny change? Hopefully yes.   If we leap forward to what’s happening in Egypt and Tunisia, women have participated in very large numbers. I think it’s been a very positive development and I think they will form the bulwark against a regression on women’s right…

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With Creation of Little Noticed Department, Pope Francis is Securing Liberal Reforms

…se who oppose his reforms, and to emphasize the necessity of institutional change if the Church is to successfully adapt to the contemporary world. Indeed, without significant institutional change, the next pope could easily reverse Francis’s cautiously progressive tone, as swiftly as he himself wiped away much of the bitter taste of the austere Benedict XVI’s difficult pontificate. An insightful New York Times article in November highlighted how…

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Pope’s Liberal Defenders are Missing the Point

…matters of gender, sex and family. I want to note that I’m cheered by the change in tone augured by Francisco’s leadership. He’s done much that has moved me personally—sometimes deeply. Francis has made it abundantly clear that he is not going to promote division in the Church by supporting the old politics of thinly-veiled homophobia and misogyny that accompanied so much previous episcopal politicking on matters of sexuality, gender, and the fam…

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Lesbian Nuns: Still Immodest After All These Years

…hink the role of knowing our past contributes or contributed to the social change we’ve seen in the past few decades? Do you see your book as having had a role? What do you make of that as a historian? I think that knowing our past is crucial to understanding the present as well as bringing about social change. In the years immediately after my book came out I was often on the lecture circuit about it. On several occasions women in the audience ap…

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Marriage is for Everybody, Says Former Anti-Gay Evangelical

…this interview, Achtemeier talks about how his encounters with LGBT people changed his heart and mind over the years. His new book is: The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage: An Evangelical’s Change of Heart. Candace Chellew-Hodge : You don’t spend a lot of time in the book dwelling on the so-called clobber passages. Instead, you seem to keen to reach that “moveable middle” by talking about your process of approaching the Bible. I think it’s an effe…

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Believing in Johnny Cash: An Open Letter to Atheists

…ed out that arguing doesn’t change people’s views: “Hearts and minds don’t change that way. They change when we share our stories…” This seems true to me, but I found myself wondering if a scientifically-motivated atheist would feel the same way—I have long suspected that some atheists may be ill at ease with stories. Before I say why, I need to say a few words about Johnny Cash, who died on September 12, this week, eight years ago. Why Johnny Cas…

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New York Legalizes Gay Marriage

…ways figured out, have no intention of changing their views – even if that change comes with a party and a cake. This is exactly the moral of Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son – an invitation to change not just our worldview, but our thinking on how God works in the world. When the younger son returns home — that sinful younger son who squandered his inheritance and did unspeakable things in pig sties – the father throws a huge party for him. The…

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What To Do When Fred Phelps Arrives in Your Neighborhood

…those who hate fags, overtly or covertly, to understand that they need to change. Certainly a fantasy, but one that our civil religion depends on: educability. And if you want to check out some of the wonderful real-life-not-fantasy anti-Westboro picketing ever, click here and add them to your picketing, fantastical or real.   In my fantasy, the family and friends of Devin Snyder understand those called to protest against Phelps in Cohocton as ac…

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Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail

…is that there IS no point to endless argumentation. Hearts and minds don’t change that way. They change when we share our stories and when we become present in a different way to those whom we wish to influence. The further point is that hearts change before minds do. It rarely works the other way around.  And now some scientists believe that we don’t actually argue to arrive at clarity or truth—argumentation is a “social adaptation,” they contend…

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