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Painting of Jesus holding the US Constitution surrounded by Americans throughout its history.

Columbus Day Celebrates a Christian Doctrine That Authorized Centuries of Violence — and Continues to Threaten American Democracy

…mong that trinity, which includes the celebrations of the births of George Washington and Martin Luther King Jr., it remains peculiar. Unlike the first president of the nation and the twentieth-century century civil rights leader, Christopher Columbus has only a tenuous connection to what became the United States. Although many of us were erroneously taught that “Columbus discovered America,” he never set foot on soil within our national borders a…

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Mexican Marriage Marches Show Struggle Between Church and Secular State; Pro-LGBT Mormon Group Grows After ‘Apostate’ Declaration; Botswana Gives Anti-Gay US Pastor the Boot; Global LGBT Recap

…responded to NOM’s call for a solidarity protest at the Mexican embassy in Washington, D.C., a conservative online organizing platform affiliated with Brian Brown’s CitizenGo, organized a similarly small event at Mexico’s embassy in Madrid. Hazteoir told El Universal that demonstrations were also being held in Paris, Rome, Budapest, Brasilia, Quito and Bogota. Reminder: Journalist Rex Wockner explains and tracks the complex march of m…

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Santa Claus Will Take You To Hell

…nd distaste wherever they appear. Now, the WBC folks are on the warpath in Washington State against the big guy himself – Santa Claus. Westboro Baptist Church has jumped into the fray over the atheist sign at Washington’s Capitol building by requesting its own sign announcing that “Santa Claus will take you to hell.” In a letter faxed today to Gov. Chris Gregoire and state legislative officials, the church asked that its sign be placed next to the…

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A Queer New Year

…e-sex couples in Maryland started getting legally married—joining those in Washington state and Maine, where voters had also given a thumbs-up in a remarkable set of November election victories. Pro-equality activists are working to build on those victories with legislative campaigns in Illinois, Minnesota, and several other states to win marriage equality this year. And of course the Supreme Court will be hearing cases on Prop. 8 and DOMA in Marc…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…media (both mainstream and alternative), Moon continues to move ahead on a number of fronts. His Washington Times continues to be the daily house-organ/must-read for conservatives; he has spent hundreds of millions of dollars supporting right-wing organizations and causes; he controls the US sushi industry; he does business with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il: and as Moon watchdog John Gorenfeld has reported, Moon officially considers himself Emperor o…

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The Myth of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Shooter Blinds Us to the Reality of White Supremacy

…nyone who can surf the web knows white supremacists have a tendency to broadcast their views far and wide. As a social media community, the wolf packs may lack the tight organization and strategic command centers of organized crime or classic terrorist groups. But online, the wolf pack becomes real in the circulation and exchange of manifestos; the constant back and forth conversation reinforcing a sense of “us”; and the articulation of common lan…

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Evidence Strongly Suggests Trump Was Collaborating with Christian Nationalist Leaders Before January 6th

…eight days before the Insurrection—Sheets and his team of prophets were in Washington, DC, staying at the Willard Hotel, the site of the various war rooms overseen by Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon. On that day, Sheets, along with 14 other apostles and prophets, had a multi-hour meeting inside the White House with Trump Administration officials. Who exactly among White House Staff attended this meeting is unclear (and the Trump Administration has…

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“The Call” Warns of Antichrist Legislation in California and Beyond

…e themselves, to be ready for the moment when Jesus “is going to rule over Washington DC and the world.” “Repentance and revival cannot start in the building behind me,” said Huckabee, his back to the Capitol, “until it starts in the temple inside me.” The notion that Christ’s followers, his bride, have been unfaithful to their bridegroom, was pervasive. “God will not share you with any other lover,” Engle told the crowd, standing in the blazing s…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…es governmental affairs and is the chief lobbyist of the 30-million-member Washington, D.C.-based National Association of Evangelicals, this year he was named by TIME magazine as one of the world’s 100 most influential people, he’s a Republican, and he’s a leader in the Creation Care movement—a Christian evangelical response to global warming. He is Richard Cizik and he’s a longtime friend of Sen. John McCain. These days, Cizik says that he doesn’…

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Dear Evangelicals, A “Begrudging” Vote for Trump Is Still a Vote for Trump

…ontinue their attack on the candidate and his Christian supporters. In the Washington Post, George W. Bush’s former speechwriter Michael Gerson continued his year-long case against Trump and his backers. Last month, Gerson decried the “idea that America needs Donald Trump as savior,” a heretical notion that Trump himself has often stoked. This week, Gerson questioned again how his fellow evangelical Christians could support this “avatar of the Pla…

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