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2010: A Banner Year for Biblical Patriarchy

…our children may well fall prey to the vision-destroying false worship and spirit of the age—environmental pantheism. Environmental pantheism is a direct attack on the biblical family because it devalues human life and seeks to obliterate the mandate that men through their families take dominion over the earth. Most importantly, it substitutes the worship of the creature, for the worship of the Creator. So how did the Vision Forum do in 2010? Well…

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What Does Anti-Christian Even Mean?

…has come out with his top ten “Anti-Christian Acts of 2010.” Coming it at number one on the hit parade is the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that ended employment discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans. Cass warns that the new law “would force ministries to hire people who oppose the beliefs or values of the organization.” That might be something to worry about if it were true, but it’s n…

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Mormons React to Prop. 8 Ruling

…in this country, and we urge people on all sides of this issue to act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility toward those with a different opinion.” As we’ve reported here at RD, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, responding to a letter from the Church’s First Presidency read over the pulpits during Sunday meeting in June 2008 and other organizing efforts headed by high-ranking and local Church leaders, contributed the…

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Turn Off, Slow Down, Drop In: The Digital Generation Reinvents the Sabbath

…k unplugging can, in fact, disconnect people from important relational and spiritual experiences. Indeed, as I noted in a recent article here on RD, for believers and non-believers alike there is a strong correlation between technological engagement and civic or spiritual engagement through volunteering—precisely the “giving back” that is such an important principle in Reboot’s Sabbath Manifesto that for the National Day of Unplugging they’ve part…

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Why Christians Should Not Host Their Own Passover Seders

…r year. It is possible to study the celebration of Passover as a Christian spiritual group if it is done with respect and knowledge. My own church hosts a Mediterranean potluck with hummus, pitas, falafel, and we read the Passover story from the Bible, look at haggadot of all types and discuss the elements—but do not actually go through the ritual of the seder. We leave speculation of which prophecies Jesus fulfilled for a different time and focus…

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Trans Protections in India and Malta; Death-by-Stoning Law in Brunei; Church-State Divides on Marriage

…e a right to choose their gender.” The Court also said in its ruling, “The spirit of the constitution is to equal opportunity to every citizen to grow and attain their potential, irrespective of caste, religion or gender.” In December, the Indian Supreme Court reinstated a colonial-era anti-sodomy law, recriminalizing same-sex relations. Buzzfeed’s Lester Feder writes that this week’s “third gender” ruling could make it easier for the Supreme Cour…

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Jesus’ Language More Complicated Than Experts Claim

…daism is a “dead” religion serving the “letter of the law,” not its living spirit. This view of Hebrew as confined to the synagogue avoids conclusive evidence for spoken Hebrew in this period, found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Bar Kokhba documents, and early Rabbinic literature. The Jewish scholar Moshe Segal wrote his groundbreaking grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew as a polemic to combat this view, pointing out continuities between late Biblical Hebrew an…

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Mass Bible-Based Sexual Dysfunction as Root of Culture Wars? Frank Schaeffer Breaks It Down

…racism, ignorance, misogyny, homophobia, tribalism, and fear. To find any spiritual truth within any religion’s holy books, we must mentally edit them by the light God has placed in each of us. As Anne Hutchinson put it at her trial, “The Lord knows that I could not open scripture; he must by his prophetical office open it unto me.” Those who wish to live as Christians, Jews, Muslims, agnostics, or atheists by following the humble thread of what…

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“Muslim Gospel” Revealing the “Christian Truth” Excites the Da Vinci Code Set

…hence, denied either his death on the cross or the presence of his divine spirit in the body that died. The elevation of a divine Christ beyond bodily flesh is also what’s at stake in texts from Nag Hammadi, like the Apocalypse of Peter and the Second Treatise of the Great Seth, which describe Christ as watching (and even laughing) when a substitute is crucified in his place. By contrast, the GBarn posits a wholly human Jesus, who explicitly deni…

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Debate Over Mother Earth’s ‘Rights’ Stirs Fears of Pagan Socialism

…nited Nations are as American as apple pie: they are to some extent in the spirit of a diverse range of American voices that led to the pioneering Endangered Species Act of 1973 signed into law by Richard Nixon.  Yet today, those who call themselves conservative are generally hostile to environmentalists, often considering them to be politically or spiritually dangerous socialists or pagans. Unless one is beholden to an absolute truth (only a pure…

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