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Pornographic War Gazing: Why We Don’t Look Away

…ent news cycle of political protests started out on a hopeful note. As the spirit of frustrated youthful protest spread at tweet speed to dictatorial regimes and elitist monarchies, journalists flocked to North Africa and the modern day Holy Land. Live coverage has shifted from country to country, depending in large part on where the most violence is erupting. Yet, as much as the story may be promoted as one of hope and liberation, the hook is all…

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Utah Rejects Arizona-Style Anti-Immigrant Politics

…C misdemeanors. But it is receiving national attention as a break with the spirit and method of Arizona’s now infamously punitive SB 1070, and similar measures in Oklahoma and Missouri. LDS Presiding Bishop David Burton spoke at the signing ceremony to voice appreciation for the legislature’s work, a move that in its openness and publicity is viewed as a strong shift in political strategy by the Church, which often prefers to work behind-the-scene…

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Islamophobia by PowerPoint

…nd ‘to’ the Father; ‘by’ and ‘through’ Jesus; and ‘in’ and ‘with’ the Holy Spirit.” But if I remember anything from my New Testament Greek, the hardest part was the prepositions, because their meanings are notoriously ambiguous—but then, Federer probably hasn’t read the Greek. But in my favorite segment, Federer suggested in a very condescending tone that he “just wish(ed) someone had taken the time to explain the Trinity to Muhammad,” followed by…

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King Witness’ Story Undermined By Reality

…and another witness who said his nephew was radicalized: Their courage and spirit will put a human face on the horror which Islamist radicalization has inflicted and will continue to inflict on good families, especially those in the Muslim community, unless we put aside political correctness and define who our enemy truly is. I’m not holding my breath on a correction from him. UPDATE: My coverage of the hearing is over at the Nation, in which I re…

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Eulogy, Corrected: Father Matthew Came Out as Gay 30 Years Earlier

…year of his age. In fact, his notes for a kind of “flute music” (his Grecophone term for monastic solitude) were written quite a bit earlier. Here is what Michael Bever reminds me: My Song of Mercy was published in 1994 [I’m afraid that’s all I got right]. This publication included both Matthew’s longer exposition of his sexual orientation in “Flute Solo” and the renowned essay, “Celibacy and the Gift of Gay.” “Flute Solo” had been in informal ci…

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Identifying With God: Jay-Z’s Power to Profit

…ome argue that hip hop’s mass commercialization and uber-ubiquity has diluted the art form. They believe that as long as market forces dictate rappers’ persistent babble about cash, cars, and hos, rap music will never be prophetic. Others argue that hip hop has an inherent entrepreneurial spirit that will continue to inspire lyrical ingenuity about the path to success. Both sides must concede that the crossroad where rap meets religion has been ma…

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Arcade Fire and the Suburban Soul

…ing with the one I love but my mind holds the key set my body free, set my spirit free… And a symphonic explosion of sound highlights the climax to “Intervention”: Been working for the church while your life falls apart been singing hallelujah with the fear in your heart The Wilderness Downtown When Neon Bible was released in 2007, lead vocalist and songwriter Win Butler, who has spoken about his Mormon upbringing and religious influences, said th…

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Congress Reads the Constitution, Tea Party-Style

…o govern by the letter of the original document, and not to interpret its “spirit.” Newly-minted Speaker of the House John Boehner began the Congressional proceedings, reading the Preamble: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…” Over 130 members of the House of Representatives, of both parties, participated in the reading. Individual members took the task of reading provisions of particular importance to them….

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What is ‘The Square’ that Beat Mubarak?

…ountry suffering greatly as a result. But the people showed that the human spirit remains indomitable—that they would not choose despair over commitment or cowardice over bravery. I’ve been struck so many times over the last few weeks how well-behaved the people of the Square have been—whether its been the young men and women searching those who came into Tahrir, the youth manning the check-points in the neighborhoods, or the many others that coul…

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God-Haters Can Be Great Company

…ure, atheists have been known to condemn God, but they do this in the same spirit as one would condemn a fictional character—say, hapless Othello or the Grinch who stole Christmas. There is absolutely nothing unusual about people expressing disgust and dislike of fictional characters, and that includes the atheists. What is more unusual and, indeed, highly paradoxical, is to encounter people who do believe in the existence of God (hence, for them…

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