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Talking With the “Religious Terrorist” that Turkey Wants Trump to Extradite

…d knowledge. Yet it is likely that many of them were critical of Erdogan’s rule. The largest circulation newspaper in Istanbul, Zaman, was sympathetic to Gulen’s positions and though once a supporter of Erdogan, it became increasingly critical of what it regarded as a deeply corrupt regime. Even before the attempted coup, the government had raided the offices, imprisoned many of the journalists, and eventually closed down the paper. Gulen’s follow…

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Beneath the ‘Wacky’ Paula White Video is a Dark and Deeply Undemocratic World Propping Up the President

…ho backed Trump at a time when most others had lined up with Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) or Marco Rubio (R-FL). White, Kenneth Copeland and Robert Jeffress were part of this group that met with the future president at Trump Tower in 2015. During the 2016 presidential campaign Trump credited White with his conversion and becoming a “baby Christian.” She went on to deliver the invocation at his inauguration and to become chair of Trump’s White House ev…

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Right-Wing Religion, Anti-Globalism, Authoritarian Rule: America Catches Up With the Rest of the World

…ir Putin in Russia. No surprise that one of the first responses around the world to Trump’s victory were scenes of cheering right-wing Hindus in India and admiring Russians in Moscow. One of the first notes congratulating Trump came from an enthusiastic Duterte in Manila who only weeks earlier called Barack Obama a “son of a whore.” Now that the have-nots have become the new haves, and the forgotten masses have claimed a voice, where does this lea…

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Vatican Instruction on Cremation Rankles Many, But Give it a Second Look

…d one? This question was asked immediately, and repeatedly, in response to news reports on the Vatican document. CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the National Catholic Reporter and others reported on the new teaching, and in the comments sections of these pieces, there was a great deal of outrage from Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Some complained that the Church just wanted more money and that the Church was looking for an angle…

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Enjoy this Original “Mazel Tov” Cocktail Recipe at Your Election Night Party

Those darn Jews and their funny words. On CNN Sunday night, Trump surrogate Scottie Neil Hughes accidentally confused the word “Molotov,” the ironic namesake of a small, homemade bomb, with “mazel tov,” a Hebrew term used to wish someone congratulations. Naturally, “mazel tov cocktail” went viral. So, in order to honor Hughes’ malapropism, RD consulted with a pair of Seattle bartenders to produce this original cocktail recipe (such a cocktail in…

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A New Book For Those Who Cling to a “Post-Racial” Christianity

…ty—and racism and sexism more broadly—were grounded in various theological stories that shaped American Christians and how they saw the world. At the same time, I was thinking about my three sons, who were 17, 15, and 11 when I started writing. We had been talking about everything that was happening in the world, and I wondered how I could help them understand the Christian story in the midst of this. Why was the world like this, and why does Jesu…

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Confront Death by Avoiding Fritos: The Gluten Lie, Fad Diets, & Foodie Faith

…self included, are in the business of making science compelling by telling stories. It’s true: we report scientific findings in a narrative form. One important point: science is filled with conditionals and religious literature is not. Any religious literature, any revealed scripture, doesn’t have lots of mights and coulds and maybes and further revelations are needed. There’s nothing wrong with that kind of certainty in religious texts, though so…

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‘Manufactured’ Smear Campaign Attempts to Intimidate Church ‘Fasting From Whiteness’— It Didn’t Work

…local media outlets. Regional but powerful media outlets then repeated the stories from the Sinclair Broadcast Group stories. And Fox and Friends closed it out, taking it up as a piece of news that began “so you gotta hear this,” as if this was a surprise to right wing media and not a story that had been deliberately manufactured in a strategic, coordinated way. You chair a UCC task force that was established to help prepare for and respond to thr…

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The Myth of ‘Voodoo’: A Caribbean American Response to Representations of Haiti

…answered its devotees’ prayers for guidance and protection during their struggle to liberate the island from slavery and colonial rule. In all religions, gods are summoned to support their devotees in times of war and peace, tragedy, and celebration. Vodou is no different. Vodou priests and priestesses were first responders It is probably futile, and ill-advised, to try and assuage the Western personality’s anxieties about (self-generated) legaci…

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Dilemmas of American Empire: Can Obama Pull Off a Game-Changer in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan?

…ate. There is no other option that averts another upsurge of death and destruction. Advocates of breaking Iraq into three nations stress that parts of the country are already partitioned; all three of the major groups have their own military, and the Kurds have their own government and oil deal too. But the majority of Iraqi cities and provinces still have Sunni and Shiite communities living side by side. Iraq cannot break apart without igniting a…

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