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Are We Living Through World War III?

…oday 15 nations, invaded Afghanistan; the U.S. worked with Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and other countries, like Egypt and China, to offer assistance and arms to mujahidin fighters to resist and defeat that occupation. In 2003, the United States mustered a coalition of some forty-nine countries, which was strong enough to swiftly topple Iraq’s government, but not strong enough to pacify Iraq, establish a new government, or secure it from foreign fight…

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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…orm a unified, unifying, and unabashedly progressive new denomination: the United Church of Christ. But the new body never quite took off. Lots of big Congregational churches, on both the most liberal and most conservative margins, refused to sign up for the new configuration in 1957. The more liturgical “German” Reformed wing (the old Evangelical and Reformed Church) mistrusted the Yankees and vice versa. Today’s UCC, at 1.3 million members, is s…

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Oh Say, Can You See?:  9/11 Flag Displays and the Flag’s Symbolic Power

…lag sacramentally contains the land, people, government, and spirit of the United States.” I don’t understand that any better than the claim about fertility rites, nor can I claim to grasp the meaning of Justice Byron White’s statement that “The flag is itself a monument [akin to the Lincoln Memorial], subject to similar protection.” I’m likewise baffled by the citizen quoted in a Time magazine article from 1970, quoted in turn by Gardella, who sa…

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How Thanksgiving Became All Dinner, No Worship

…) of Godey’s Ladies Book, the most widely read magazine of its time in the United States. Described by one modern commentator as a combination of Oprah and Martha Stewart, Hale wrote annual editorials campaigning for a national Thanksgiving Day on the last Thursday of November. She also filled her magazine with heartwarming stories of Thanksgiving homecomings and dinners, and she wrote personal letters to five United States presidents and every si…

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Prexit and the Planet: Our Resistance Must Know No Borders

…s and the planet, I need to tell a story beyond the victim story about the United States and its privatized and outsourced hopes for its own air and water, unconnected to that of others. I feel right now that I need to make common cause with every sensible Republican I can find. And with China. And with California. And speaking of the unlikeliest allies, perhaps even someone like ex-Exxon Rex Tillerson can help the President move into a more globa…

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Praise the Lard This Holiday Season

…emain volunteer based with no paid church staff. For those who compare the United Church of Bacon with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, another atheism-inspired church with similar goals, Prophet John notes “bacon can be proven to exist, but we have no evidence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.” They are cool with the pastafarians though they prefer bacon as the main ingredient in bacon and pasta dishes. Both churches ordain clergy, thou…

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10 Noteworthy Yoga Developments to Recall in 2015

…e nature of the human body. 10. Yoga “UN-Bound” In his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2014, Narendra Modi called for June 21 to serve as International Yoga Day. Nearly two hundred countries, including the United States, Canada, and China, expressed their support for the proposition, and, on December 11, 2014, the General Assembly approved by consensus a resolution establishing June 21 as International Day of Y…

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The Heresy of Compromise

…America, dissevered and divorced.” Though the Church had prospered in the United States, he lamented, it would be better off if it “enjoyed the favor of the laws and the patronage of the public authority.” The notion that non-establishment might truly be in the best interest of both sides of the church/state divide was a core tenet of the Americanist heresy. The accused bishops for the most part denied they were guilty of any offense, and in time…

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Christian Imperialism in Haiti? Missionaries, Theo-tourism, and the Invasion of the Global South

…here is an extensive volunteer program for groups and individuals from the United States whose ultimate goal is cultivating global solidarity. My husband, a native of San Lucas who was head of the groups and volunteers for five years, handled the two to three thousand North Americans that came from churches and schools across the United States in order to provide financial and physical aid to the Mission’s projects. I met my husband when I descend…

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Obama Fumbles on Uganda at National Prayer Breakfast

…hat the President’s laudable stand makes it clear to Family members in the United States and Uganda that the world is watching. Religion can no longer be used to justify bigotry, intolerance and persecution anywhere on the face of the earth. UCC pastor and blogger Rev. Chuck Currie gushed, “We are fortunate in the United States to have a president of deep faith who is willing to defend human rights.” I watched the speech this morning and I can say…

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