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None Means None (Not Atheist, Agnostic, Unbeliever…)

…substantial populations of the religiously unaffiliated—one in five in the United States, one in six globally. The “Rise of the Nones,” which was based on survey of nearly 3,000 Americans and more than 500 follow-up interviews, included questions on beliefs. But in the “Global Religious Landscape” report, belief was not a central focus. The report includes but three sentences on belief in the “Religiously Unaffiliated” section. That is, it offers…

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Innocent Until Proven Muslim — A Q&A with Dr. Maha Hilal

…Terror, and the Muslim Experience Since 9/11 (1517 Media, 2022), 147. [2] United States v. Zubaydah. Zubaydah was embroiled in a legal battle with the United States government in the Supreme Court over disclosing the details of his torture. [3] Hilal, Innocent Until Proven Muslim, 59. [4] Charlotte Lawrence and Cyrus J. O’Brien,“Federal Militarization of Law Enforcement Must End,” American Civil Liberties Union, May 12, 2021. A provision in a 199…

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Sheldon Adelson’s Long Game

…out Israel, or at least constraining political dialogue about it. Citizens United enabled Adelson to pour as much of his money as he wants into influencing elections, but that’s really a misnomer. He’s not influencing the outcome of elections, but enforcing how candidates speak. Case in point (a story we know thanks to Vogel’s reporting, by the way): earlier this year Adelson chastized Chris Christie for using the term “occupied territories,” and…

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Israel Votes to Limit Sheldon Adelson

…o to close this loophole.” The anti-Adelson bill is like Israel’s Citizens United—in reverse. Although launched a few years before the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision, Israel Hayom is like a Citizens United effort, where a political advocacy group attempted (and ultimately succeeded) in circumventing campaign finance limits by portraying an anti-Hillary Clinton film as media subject to First Amendment protection, rather than independent political ex…

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What do the January 6 Commission, Covid Deaths and Gun Massacres All Have in Common? God’s Chosen

…neutral commission to investigate the January 6 sacking and looting of the United States Capitol. The United States Congress created such commissions after the Oklahoma City bombing in the 1990s and the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Along with being good for democracy and patriotism, a commission of this kind is the right thing to do. If the Republicans do not explicitly see themselves as God’s chosen, they act like it implicitly—in tha…

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No Buddhists in Washington?

…esident Obama has said: The particular faith that motivates each of us can promote a greater good for all of us. Instead of driving us apart, our varied beliefs can bring us together to feed the hungry and comfort the afflicted; to make peace where there is strife and rebuild what has broken; to lift up those who have fallen on hard times. The administration can acknowledge the reality of religious pluralism in America and thusly promote the great…

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Single Greatest Idea Ever: On the 150th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species

…lution is real. Sadly, most of the fighting continues to take place in the United States, where our tradition of anti-intellectualism and history of religious fundamentalism provided fertile ground for the battle over religion versus science. (In a 2006 survey of Western nations, Turkey was the only country in which fewer people accepted evolution than in the United States.) According to Ron Numbers’ The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism t…

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Good Without God: The Ethics of Atheism

…r a common good? Social entrepreneur Shannon Hopkins has noted that in the United Kingdom, Christians often spearhead social enterprise ventures, and humanist collectives in the United States have created events like the Feast Conference 2009. Occasionally, one can find a convergence of the secular and spiritual. Several Christians involved with The Nomi Network invited me to a recent screening of the film Call + Response. It’s rare to see the fai…

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National Association of Evangelicals Supports Immigration Reform, But Elsewhere Discord Reigns

…hip for at least some of the 12 million undocumented immigrants now in the United States, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is stepping up the pace of deportations of those same persons. Why? Because of cheap politics and the sneer. And also because people of faith have started fighting among themselves instead of working to resolve the problems. We should be in charge of helping politicians have the political cover they need to do th…

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Republican Gomorrah Documents the Christian Right Takeover of the GOP

…i-intellectualism of some of his most ardent evangelical supporters in the United States. Schaeffer’s focus on confronting the sinfulness of secular society was later converted by Christian Right leaders (including Tim LaHaye and Pat Robertson) into a set of gothic and aggressive conspiracy theories that would make Stephen King blush.  Blumenthal covers this ground adroitly. The depth of Blumenthal’s understanding of Francis Schaeffer is supplemen…

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