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The Problem with Ayn Rand Isn’t Atheism

…but Randian dogma, which holds a strict commitment to cutting government, promoting libertarian ideals, and allowing for the best to emerge, even if it occurs at the expense of the downtroden. . . . The real issue isn’t God with Paul Ryan’s budget, but his strict belief that one ideal and one political ideology will fix the crippling budget problems the U.S. faces. The American Values Network is run by the principals of the Eleison Group, a polit…

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Palin Bus Tour Like Gideon’s Fleece

Back in 2009, I called Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue promotion the “bus tour of destruction,” noting that her “worldview is not about creation and building,” but about “destruction and dominion.” For dominion to take place, I wrote, “the current order, especially the Democrats’ version of government order, has to fail. What most liberals, Christians included, don’t understand, is that destruction paves the way for a new order ordained by God accordin…

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The Scandal of the Cross

…olence of the barbarous acts that were committed.” This incident marks the latest, and perhaps most spectacular, in a line of attacks on the image. Piss Christ, as the photo is commonly referred to, was among the first shots fired (or first casualties suffered, depending on your perspective) in the culture wars of Reagan-era America. In 1989, Republican senator Jesse Helms denounced the photo, characterizing Serrano as “not an artist” but a “jerk….

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Updated: 5 Lessons Learned from the Apocalypse Fail, Or, It’s Not the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel So-So

…Christ’s return, facing the same ol’ same ol’: Arnold’s love child, Newt’s latest flame-out, life without Oprah. At the moment, Family Radio offices are closed and Harold Camping, the self-made millionaire-cum-biblical prognosticator who set the media ablaze with his doomsday discourse, is silent. We can read about all those who believed his prediction about the end of the world and took action—long family journeys in the minivan, disappointment a…

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Tornado Hits the Heartland: Is God Punishing Us?

…devil? Or when Sephardic Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Ovadia Yosef blamed Israel’s latest bout of wildfires on secular Israelis not keeping the Sabbath? Or how about the time some Christian fundamentalists said that he 2005 tsunami in Indonesia was punishment for, in the words of one, “worldliness, materialism, hedonism, uncleanness and pleasure-seeking”? Where are these self-proclaimed prophets of Godly vengeance now? Do storms only evince heavenly displ…

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Beck’s Road to Jerusalem

…not Lincoln and King, like he did on the National Mall, but Moses. Beck’s latest venture is sure to draw a variety of Christian Zionists, his own supporters, and assorted end-timers, who all may get more of a show than they bargained for. Beck’s statement, “I’ve been asked to stand in Jerusalem” suggests that he may be conflating his role with that of the two witnesses of Revelation 11:3: “And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will…

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The GOP Primary Capsule, Countown Four Days to the Rapture

…, but not too much. Already Iowa voters are turning on Newt Gingrich — the latest viral video is an Iowan, angry about Gingrich’s criticism of Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan (something Gingrich has since spinelessly walked back from). The voter tells Gingrich, “Why don’t you get out before you make a bigger fool of yourself?” That’s obviously never been a consideration for Gingrich. Speaking of not being able to stop himself, Gingrich plans more repent…

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Marxism, the Opium of the Professoriate?

…ianity in the face of the new atheism—though he is not a Christian. In his latest book, Why Marx was Right, he is advocating the creed he has always signed up to, Marxism. But he fails to convince that he really believes it. The book is structured around ten conventional objections to Marxism: that it has lost its relevance, that it is violent, that it overvalues economics, that it is impossibly perfectionist, that it neglects identity politics, a…

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