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Fighting Demons, Raising the Dead, Taking Over the World

…dical change in the way of doing church since the Protestant Reformation. That’s what we’re dealing with. X number of megablocks of Christianity, each with Y millions of Christians. Categories of Christianity zoom from the left onto Peter Wagner’s huge blue WLI classroom screen, bouncing slightly for effect as they hit the right edge of the screen before rebounding to center. There’s one little block of 20 million or so, explains Wagner, which inc…

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Blood and Politics — Christian White Nationalism in the Age of Obama

…inuteman vigilantes, and racist think tanks that support them. It is here that the idea that the United States is or should be a “white” country takes on the form of a policy issue. If you follow the discussion among anti-immigrant groups, the dominant discourse is about how the United States is becoming a “Third World” country because of all the brown-skinned Spanish-speaking people crossing the Rio Grande—never mind the fact that these same peop…

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Wiccan Prayer in Iowa House Highlights Religious Freedom Problem

…a peaceful conversation with them about why his way was the best way, so that’s what I did today. Other Christians conspicuously engaged in “counter-prayer” during Maynard’s invocation. Some cited the “powers and principalities” referenced in Ephesians and claimed that Maynard’s prayer was casting a demonic influence over the Iowa representatives. Pastor Michael Demastus explained, via RadioIowa: “I was praying that she [Maynard] would come to kn…

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Is America Willing to Be Freed from Its Demons?

…ndence, only entrapment. Too many people in this country believe the myth that a gun frees me from those who I fear and who I hate. This old myth fuels the worship of the gun and its unprecedented record sales in this country. We imagine the gun creating a barrier around my land and my body, my home and my people, protecting me from any form of invasion. While safety is a legitimate concern, a gun carried by a scared police officer or a scared cus…

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In Praise of Failure: Is Defining Religion Such a Good Idea?

…ith the name “religion” written on it. Instead, Linker could have wagered that that using his definition of “religion” would be more fruitful and informative than Oppenheimer’s. Then, instead of the stand-off we have now, we could have had a real experimental test of ways of defining religion. Linker might have asked how his concept helps us enrich our understanding. While it is true that lots of folk would accept the designation “religion” to nam…

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Paul Ryan Is Like Jesus, But It’s Not What You Think

…ying that once people lose control of major portions of their lives, their freedom to be the best that they can be… including religiously, evidently becomes narrowed. And we see that very clearly in the Health and Human Services mandate that we’re under, where here, as we move to almost a welfare situation in health care, we see that the curtailment of religious liberty and other liberty seems to be part and parcel of a system where that type of l…

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Driscoll Makes Plagiarism Complaint Disappear

…as fixes go, Trueman and Miller might disagree slightly. Trueman believes that the bright lights of free and open discourse will favor the Truth:  As John Milton said regarding truth: “Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter? Her confuting is the best and surest suppressing.” I am with Milton here: The freer the press, the less the innocent have to fear and the more the guilty need to be wor…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…tta, he handed her the gun and dared her to pull the trigger, telling her that the gun was “only a toy.” A coroner’s jury later ruled that the shooting was an accident. • October 8, 1953. New York City, New York. Larry Licitra, a 17-year-old student at the Machine and Metal Trades High School, was shot and slightly wounded in the right shoulder in the lobby of the school while inspecting a handmade pistol owned by one of several students. • May 15…

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RD Turns Six: What’s New, What’s Next…

…sm plays in democracy, Carr says that internet journalism is maturing—and that the technology that sites are built on, and that reporters use to do their work, is not the ‘wingman,’ as he puts it, but The Man. While we’d rather see technology as a multi-armed goddess, we’re with Carr otherwise.  Packer’s objections are standard issue: there’s no quality control in new media, no money to pay reporters. And you can practically hear the shudder behin…

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Bipolar Faith, an Autobiography of Race and Mental Illness

…ng a mental health challenge as part of one’s life. I wanted to emphasize that freedom is often hard-won. The final chapter is now named “Free.” How do you feel about the cover? Initially, I resisted having my face on the cover of the book. When the publishers presented the idea to me, I gave them a list of all the memoirs without the author’s face on the cover. They gave me a comparable list of memoirs that have the author’s face on the cover. Be…

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