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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…led into a million directions. Everyone wants the “Muslim” perspective to whatever it is that they are organizing and that can be exhausting. So proactive planning has been a bit difficult, but the plan is to continue to resist the tropes that pit LGBT people against Muslims. We have known about how the right wing has used our identities as a wedge issue, been learning from our European friends who have been resisting the rise of “homonationalism”…

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Trump’s Muslim Ban and the History of Stolen Citizenship in America

…Yet, in 1923, the Supreme Court ruled against Bhagat Singh Thind, arguing that, despite his claim that being a “high-caste” Indian afforded him the same status as whites, he did not look white. After this, all South Asians were stripped of their land rights. After each of these instances—Ozawa, Thind, and the Japanese-American internment—there was a massive expropriation of wealth from each of these communities, as being free and white was tied to…

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Book Burning and the Scapegoating of Islam

…serter, and denier. Therefore they faced a reminder that they too were not free of the sin that leads to the cross, and were in need of conversion. We Are All Betrayer, Deserter, Denier If Heim is right about this, then Jones and Phelps and their respective congregations are symbolically enacting the very thing that the passion stories central to Christianity were intended to repudiate. Where they are called to see the crucified Christ in those wh…

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The Non-Existent Tea Party-Religious Right God Gap

…ame plays right into the idea, a cornerstone of religious right activism, that “faith” and “freedom” are inextricably linked; that America is a Christian nation whose founders escaped religious persecution (true) but that their descendants’ freedom of religion has been curtailed by secularists who invented separation of church and state and seek to restrain evangelism (which is equated with “religious freedom”) by allowing gay marriage or other le…

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‘Son Worry’ and the Hypocrisy of the ‘Purity’ Movement

…to worry about such boys because their own sexual experimentation would be heavily policed. So the so-called “son panic” is really anger that their sons are no longer free to do whatever they want and get away with it—as long as they “do it” to the right (as in: wrong) girls….

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Muslim Beard Decision was a Boost for “Religious Liberty” Advocates

…er would be subject to “serious disciplinary action” but does not specify what that would entail. Again, I’m not trying to argue that a beard is not an important part of the practice of Islam in general, or this petitioner’s particular understanding of the religion. I’m not even saying that the Court got the case wrong here; in fact, I think it’s probably the right outcome. But the fuzzy relationship between sincerity, exercise, burden and substan…

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It’s Not “Inappropriate” for Public School Teacher to Tell Class that Obama Isn’t Christian

…the government to be neutral in its treatment of religion. Nancy Perry is free to hold whatever religious views she wants, but when she shares those views to her classroom in her capacity as a public school teacher her speech becomes government speech. Her views about what makes a “real” Christian are a confessional position and when she used her position as a government employee to impose those views on others, it undermined the establishment cl…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…ion statement of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, which states that they are promoting the “Judeo-Christian heritage” of the country as they see it. (Though, of course, little in the vision can be construed as “Judeo.”) The original U.S. motto since 1782, E Pluribus Unum, which still appears on the Great Seal of the United States, much better reflects the founding aspirations of unity amidst diversity. But that’s no longer the goal of t…

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Arrests Made in Murders of Atheist Bloggers in Bangladesh, But Int’l Response to Violence Remains Anemic

…s Gary Bass would later recount in The Blood Telegram, were so anti-India that they ignored what would become one of the 20th century’s forgotten genocides: the killing of over three million Bengalis (including many Hindus) and the displacement of more than 10 million. Among those who left what would become Bangladesh was Rukhsana Hasib, a young secular Muslim whose father—an East Pakistan military officer—was killed by West Pakistani forces. Hasi…

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The Tea Party, the Blind Man, and the Elephant: Part 1

…g tea party watchers as to whether religion is an important influence and that disconnect has me puzzled, which is what sent me to the meeting at Angie’s. As an ethnographer who takes people seriously when they say what they think, I really am puzzled as to how people on the ground in the tea party can see the movement as so different from what both Sarah and I see in the rhetoric and at the organizational level. I decided to go to a tea party mee…

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