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QAnon Didn’t Just Spring Forth From the Void — It’s the Latest From a Familiar Movement

If you’ve been online at any point in the past year—if not, welcome!—your aimless clicks and doomscrolling may have brought you glimpses of the “world” of QAnon: the conspiracy theory that argues that US President Donald Trump is in the midst of a secret war against sex-trafficking, Satan-worshipping pedophiles. Its increasing prominence and power, especially as a worldview dissociated from fact, have compelled many an analyst, journalist, and pu…

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The ObamaCare “Abortion Fee” Hoax

…and some states such as Connecticut are still bringing the complying plan online. Significantly, the ADF is the legal group that represented the town of Greece, NY, in theTown of Greece v. Galloway Supreme Court case. As with the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood (which ADF also represents) contraception mandate case, this suit brings together high-profile political objections from the Catholic bishops, a well-funded conservative public interest law…

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It’s Not About Facts or Fear: What Many Liberals Get Wrong About Religious Conservatives

…s inhabit. “I basically built the infrastructure for a lot of conservative online people and personally taught a lot of them what they know,” claims Sheffield who’s now something of an apostate. He appears to be reckoning with what he hath wrought. In an interview I encourage you to read in full, he gives a Reader’s Digest version of about 1,000 editions of my Editorial Board newsletter. It’s an impressive feat of brevity. “Almost all right-wing s…

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What Does Satanism Have to do With QAnon?

…American Protestant culture Satanic ritual has always denoted the very opposite of proper religion: scenes of dispassionate, cold, repetitive, bloody ritualism, often involving mysterious chanting. In this context, Satanic accusations have also allowed evangelical Christians to engage fully in the horror of and mobilization against a Satanic threat, for Satanism offers the absolute inverse of evangelicalism. The real, pacifist Satanic Temple well…

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Is the Prochoice Religious Community a Sleeping Giant?

…part of the prochoice religious community papers are the proceedings of an online colloquium organized by PRA and response papers by researcher and former PRA Fellow, Rachel Tabachnick, and Patti Miller, former Senior Editor at RD and author of Good Catholics: The Battle Over Abortion in the Catholic Church. There’s much to be learned from the experience of evangelical parachurch organizations, operating outside of traditional religious denominati…

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Attraction to Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories Can Be Traced to the Christian Apocalyptic Imagination

…he half-truths and untruths involved capitalized upon the already-thriving online market for conspiracy theories. About three in ten Americans, for example, apparently think the virus was created in a top-secret lab (including four in ten conservative Republicans). Almost half of Canadian respondents believe at least one conspiracy theory about Covid-19: the virus was spread to the West on purpose, it’s a cover story for the putative baleful effec…

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Culture Wars Masquerading as Social Science: New Survey Illustrates Evangelicals’ Election Year Anxieties

…light on details,” Djupe noted, “If the data were gathered from a reliable online panel and Census quotas were applied, then this is a procedure used by many academics. We tend to believe that such samples can reliably test statistical relationships, but may not yield as reliable of estimates as probability samples taken over a phone or another method. That is, we tend to be somewhat skeptical of population estimates produced by such data.” Asked…

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Christian Schools Invoke Religious Liberty to Reopen Despite Warnings of Health Experts

…ed positive for COVID-19 last week. As a result, the school has shifted to online instruction only until August 24, which is more than two weeks from when the boy tested positive. But while this move may seem responsible, it should be noted that, according to local reporting, the school previously required masks “except at recess,” which does cause me to question whether school officials have an adequate understanding of how children work, let alo…

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Anti-Transgender Panel at Values Voter Summit Continues Shift Towards Storytelling as Tactic      

…ch Associates in 2018, “A concurrently published article from Spectrum, an online news outlet launched in 2015 to publish objective coverage of autism research, points out there are myriad reasons why people with autism are more likely to identify as LGBTQ, including “decreased adherence to social conventions” and “greater forthrightness and honesty.” But the correlations are not important to those peddling in conspiracy theories. Dr. Michelle Cre…

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‘Cancel Culture’ Is as Old as Religion, And It’s Only a Thing Because of Who’s Doing the Cancelling

…my essays. A second example happened more recently. I read an essay in an online journal on a topic I know something about that I felt was very problematic, not because I disagreed with the views expressed therein (although I did), but because the essay contained errors, inaccuracies, leaps of logic, and was poorly argued. I wrote to the editors of the journal to express my dissatisfaction. In response I received a very mean-spirited response fro…

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