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Istanbul ‘Haven of Sorts’ For LGBT Syrians and Iraqis; Cayman Islands Affirm Marriage Ban with ‘Holy Bible Evidence’; No Room for LGBTs in Malaysia’s ‘Islam-Based’ Human Rights Policy; Global LGBT Recap

…gned two executive orders that allow transgender and transsexual people to change their gender on their driver’s license and protect their rights when seeking medical services. You can see a collection of wedding photos at Huffington Post and more at TelesurvTV. Northern Ireland: Gay couple makes religious liberty claim against marriage ban A gay couple that was married in England last year has filed a lawsuit claiming that Northern Ireland’s refu…

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Trump Order A ‘Death Sentence’ For Some LGBT Refugees? Global LGBT Recap

…se: “Our hope is to spark dialogue and hopefully get the church’s policies changed. The aim is not to fight or antagonise, but rather to make people think and remind the church that there are passages in the Bible that promote love.” Part of Kotlolo’s artillery in this bid were posters scrawled with Biblical text such as “Love thy neighbour as you love yourself” and “But he who loves God is known by God”. Another protester, Geoffrey Ogwaro, a huma…

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Osama and Orientalism: Where Islamophobes Meet Al-Qaeda

…on the intimate relationship the Church had with the State; the religious change was concurrent with the political change. In the Muslim world, religious authorities have been traditionally separate from political authorities. Although there have been periods of intermingling, structurally they were never one in the Sunni world. In the 18th century, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, first master of the Wahhabi tariqah (order), is arguably the precursor…

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How America Really Lost Its Mind: Hint, It Wasn’t Entirely the Fault of Hippie New Agers and Postmodern Academics

…on the right – gun rights hysteria, black helicopter conspiracism, climate-change denial, and more.” There’s a lot here to chew on, and I’m certainly sympathetic to the argument that there are unanticipated sympathies between postmodernism and some conservative ideas, as I will explain shortly. But the real problem with this account is that it overemphasizes academic postmodernism and hippie New Ageism as origins of America’s post-truth fake news…

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Will Francis’ Statements on Women and Gays ‘Make a Mess’ Inside the Church?

…years from clergymen to recognize the patterns when I see them. Structural change or no change, gentlemen. Let the buyers beware. The proof of whether this off the cuff press conference, following a well-staged week in Brazil, signals real change will unfold in the months ahead. Will there be stirrings of democracy, a Vatican spring complete with líos in every diocese capable of upending a kyriarchal church and letting a mature, diverse community…

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‘Do They Even Read the Bible?’ — Why Exposing White Evangelical Hypocrisy is a Dead End

…you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (NRSV). DeSantis changed the biblical text in his allusion, equating the US Left with the devil. Few evangelicals bothered to critique DeSantis for his misquotation because he’d simply made the Bible say what they already knew it to say; namely, that political opponents of White evangelicals are in league with the devil and must be stopped. DeSantis both changed the words of scripture and l…

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Anti-Gay, Anti Catholic Evangelical Sworn In As Mayor of Rio; More in Global LGBT Recap

…to see, and that’s going to be a slow process.” While the process is slow, change could be coming – or at least there’s a semblance of change. “Twenty years ago, if you asked any mainstream scholar about this issue, they would’ve said it’s an abomination,” Jahangir said. “They would have said it’s a major sin. They would have said that there is no room for it in the religion.” “You cannot deny the basic human need for intimacy, affection, and comp…

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Donald Trump Scares LGBT People Worldwide and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…for fighting to stop the legalization of gay marriage. The demonstrators, numbering in their thousands, were dressed in white and stuck large stickers reading “Marriage and family, let the people decide” to their clothes. Protest leaders speaking to the crowd on a temporary stage said “All children have the right to a mother and a father” as the rally congested the main road outside the Legislative Yuan for over six hours. In a petition letter, t…

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Despite Reversal on Hillary and Hellen Keller, ‘Christian Americanist’ Bias Remains in Texas Curriculum

…f “Judeo-Christian” origins for democracy. However, the board rejected the change. The board rejected a similar change involving another Christian Americanist tenet, the claim that trial by jury, the presumption of innocence, and equality before the law “originated from the Judeo-Christian legal tradition and in Greece and Rome.” The streamlining work groups deleted the entire phrase, noting that “there are multiple influences to these ideas.” Onc…

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Why White Evangelical Women Aren’t the Swing Voters They Sometimes Appear to Be

…ference. In the words of IF founder Jennie Allen, these relationships “can change the world.” In 2017, she got on stage and asked a rhetorical question, “How many people feel like the world is complicated right now?” She nodded her head and explained, “we have a very important mission in the midst of this complicated world. I believe that women with other women on living room floors with their Bible open can change the world.” Each year, Allen ret…

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