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Prophecy and Prosperity are Keys to Republican Christian Nationalism According to New Poll

…Donald Trump. Those implications fall into two broad categories: religious change and the faith identity of Trump’s followers. To set the scene for the first category, let’s list some general points of interest: Mainline Protestants outnumber evangelicals by a very slim margin Only nine percent of religiously unaffiliated Americans are looking for a new “religious or spiritual home” Almost half of the people who reported leaving a religious tradit…

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Progressive & Religious

…passion to inspire people to step up and make sacrifices to work for real change. How do you feel about the cover?     I’m happy with the cover, especially the main title, “Progressive & Religious,” in large orange stylized script. We decided to go without any cover images, mostly because it was difficult to think about an image that would adequately capture the energy and diversity of this new movement. Images of the Civil Rights era, the last t…

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Election Day: Hope, Heartbreak, Naiveté, and Studs Terkel

…ous ways. Tomorrow history is going to be made! Go Barack Obama, let’s see change happen.” “Ben reminds you that Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor.” “Faith is starting to believe in miracles of the electoral kind.” Social networking sites are often belittled as disengaged from the so-called “real world”—but I would argue that they are critical political spaces in which young people create discourses that will (and d…

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Forget Debates and Dialogue about LGBT Justice, the Religious Right isn’t Listening

…sense, you talk in your book about using “relentless nonviolence” to make change. What does that look like? For those still in denominations like the United Methodists that are not accepting of LGBT people, go to your church and put a note in the offering plate that says you won’t give until things change. Every time we’ve tried that, the pastors have called people in immediately to talk to them and it opened up a dialogue in that church that was…

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The Visceral Vote: Obama-as-Sojourner v. McCain-as-Mythic-Hero

…n as well as without. In the late ’60s, the internal chaos of rapid social change — forever after known as “Liberalism” — joined communism as the prevailing symbol of evil in conservative circles. The Republican party presented itself as the guardian of a familiar, dependable, eternally true moral order on both the domestic and foreign fronts. Indeed, the cold war became primarily a way to symbolize and whip up fervor for the culture war. The enem…

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Journalistic Blind Spots and the “Centrist-to-Liberal” Christian

…and tilted for Bush over Kerry in 2004, it remains debatable how much they changed on the ground. Around a third of them have been relatively centrist “Carter-types” all along. These numbers are neither static nor crystal clear—they probably inched upward along generational lines and shifted by a few percentage points from time to time, depending on how we measure evangelical status and centrism. (Many evangelicals take more progressive stances to…

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The Revolujah! Will Be Performed: Reverend Billy’s Reality Joke

…lly happen in the political realm. We almost never know exactly why things change, or why at a certain point they can change and why at another point they really must change—we only recognize the inevitable after it has occurred. Just ask a random group what ended the Vietnam War and you will see what I mean. KL: I can’t decide where Billy wants people to be after a Fabulous Worship—is it in a secular position? I think I’d be interested to hear mo…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…intellectual level of the participants, and the serious content of their exchanges. Among the elder Gandhi’s Jewish correspondents and conversation partners were philosophers, social activists, rabbis and professors. And Gandhi’s own erudition—a combination of his legal training, wide reading and religious sensibility—is reflected in his voluminous correspondence. (Gandhi’s collected writings run to one hundred volumes in the standard Indian editi…

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Is Zionism No Longer Able to Offer Solutions to the Present Reality?

…ubled committed” now rules the state of Israel. Hartman may not be able to change that reality, so he wants to change the story. Is it possible, today, for one to not be a Zionist and still be pro-Israel? Can Israel be a state where Jews have autonomy and partial sovereignty but not be a Jewish state? That is, can one re-conceptualize Israel as a state of all its citizens without undermining the right of Jewish self-determination? I think so, and…

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What’s Wrong with Wright’s Words

…the true genius of this nation. Of course, proclaiming that the nation can change and actually seeing such change happen are two quite different things. Perhaps the great service of Reverend Wright’s controversial remarks will turn out to lie not in the sentiments he voiced but in the response he evoked from his most famous parishioner. That would be a call and response worthy, not just of the African-American religious tradition, but of all Ameri…

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