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Qur’an-Burning Pastor Says It’s Time “To Hold Islam Accountable”

…-Muslim propaganda. Jones’ anti-Muslim activities date back to 2009 in the Jacksonville area, when he and his co-pastor, Wayne Sapp (who burned the Qur’an last week) first posted “Islam is of the devil” signs outside the church, and Sapp’s daughter was suspended from school for wearing a “Islam is of the devil” t-shirt. Jones and Sapp are hardly exemplars of peaceful religion. Prior to founding Dove, they pastored a church in Cologne, Germany. Acc…

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The “Interfaith” Blind Spot

…nd their non-believing natural allies. I asked, “if you really want to be inclusive why not be so. Why not include everyone who wants to foster respect among diverse people whether they are religious or not?” His first answer was to suggest that the “Quran-burning antics would increase the tribe of non-believers.” (I wondered to myself if he realized that he was suggesting I should support Quran burning because it might help free us from our imagi…

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Glenn Beck’s History “Professor” David Barton On Racism and the Three-Fifths Rule

…n states’ political power, compared to counting slaves as full persons. (Since slaves couldn’t vote, increasing their “representation” in Congress actually increased the power of the slaveholding states to keep slavery in place.) But it’s hard to argue that the rule was an “anti-slavery” provision when it resulted from the need to compromise with pro-slavery delegates in order to get the Constitution ratified. In any case, the significance of the…

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A Roundup of Conspiracies and Bad Ideas That Caught on or Gained Momentum in 2023

…act that CRT is not actually taught in any public schools). Potential violence is also a concern here, as armed groups such as Patriot Front and Proud Boys often stand outside all-ages drag shows (where they’ve begun to be confronted by equally well armed members of the anti-fascist John Brown Club). Restriction of Freedom Conspiracy Theories Conspiracy theories about governments restricting individual freedoms have been prevalent for many years a…

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How Obama Made Gun Control A Religious Freedom Issue

…are other rights that we care about as well. And we have to be able to balance them.” He then enumerated cases of gun violence in places of worship and people murdered with guns because of their faith. We have a “right to worship freely and safely,” Obama said, and “that right was denied to Christians in Charleston, South Carolina. And that was denied Jews in Kansas City. And that was denied Muslims in Chapel Hill, and Sikhs in Oak Creek. They had…

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Rebranding the Mormons

…inneapolis) “weird,” while suggesting that the ad campaign is actually a strategy to pave the way for Mitt Romney’s 2012 run. Unlikely. (And anyone who thinks Mormons are placing all their eggs in Mitt Romney’s basket hasn’t heard of Jon Huntsman.) Meanwhile, progressive Church members themselves are trying to reconcile the new image with some of the realities they’ve experienced in their own tradition. As John Dehlin asks at the blog M…

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Tim Tebow Takes a Knee, Cancels Appearance at Controversial Megachurch Celebration

…oken antagonist of Mormons, Muslims, and homosexuals—the Daily Beast came away with the story that Tebow’s handlers might have urged him to cancel because Jeffress was bad for business. Those who have followed Jeffress’ media habits will not be surprised to find he’s making the most of the moment, dishing up interviews and grabbing airtime with just about anyone who will listen. But can the example of Tim Tebow, who is a member of the First Baptis…

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The Tea Party, the Blind Man, and the Elephant: Part 2

…anged… I’m talking to people about what’s going on in our country, and I am not an expert. But I know one thing. God is. Later, Tucker told the VVS audience, “you are all tea party people. Because you care about your country and you want to right it back to its constitutional foundation, and that includes righting it back to godly principles.” While many of my neighbors at the FCTP meeting were there to oppose taxes, the leadership of the tea part…

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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…to interest rates and so little to unemployment these days? Rather than crunch the numbers, the rigorist wing of an emerging Republicanity in the budget brouhaha has been content to say that it’s high time for the federal government to start behaving more responsibly—like its most responsible citizens do, sitting around the kitchen table fussing over the monthly bills. (One might observe that a great many of the nation’s citizens seem to behave mo…

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New Atheism Produces Another Curiously Uncurious Science v. Religion Book

…u’re a coal miner, the reality of climate change is probably more than an inconvenience for you, especially if climate policy costs you a job. Not everyone is an affluent, tenured Chicagoan who gets paid to think. With his obsessive focus on the correctness of ideas, Coyne is blind to the ways in which class and power can entangle themselves with any kind of belief (including, perhaps, Coyne’s own). That blindness is chronic; there are essential q…

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