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Does the Inquisition Explain the Modern World?

…story of the Inquisition of Spain, quotes at length from the “passionless, businesslike” report of the recording secretary: One cord was applied to the arms and twisted [….] She was told to tell what she had done contrary to our holy Catholic faith. She said “Take me from here and tell me what I have to say—they hurt me—Oh my arms, my arms!” which she repeated many times and went on “I don’t remember—tell me what I have to say—O wretched me!—I wil…

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Red White and Blue No Longer

…s to racial identity and racial solidarity. Sitting in judgment may be the classic posture of white liberals, but it’s hardly good enough when so much is at stake over the next 30 years of momentous demographic change. Singing our little paeans to diversity while remaining remarkably un-diverse in our own pods; wagging our fingers from our ivory towers in response to ugly attacks on immigrants communities; not nearly good enough.  It’s not quite t…

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From Murderous to ‘MORG’: Mormonism Meets the Press

…ith campaign priorities. (Clayton Christensen, another Harvard-affiliated, business world-molded Mormon leader has emerged lately as a Romney media surrogate.) Romney’s reticence can be understood as a feature of the late twentieth century LDS corporate culture that formed and rewarded him. Late twentieth century corporate LDS Church culture strongly emphasized disciplined messaging (also known as “correlation”) as well as individual obedience and…

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Bishops Search for Condoms in Cookie Boxes

…oose to take on these girls and women. Gone are the days when governments, businesses, and armies worried much about what the bishops had to say. Here are the days when disgraced bishops are deposed and indicted for the sexual crimes and cover-ups that have come to define contemporary Catholicism. By contrast, nuns and Girl Scouts are powerful symbols and equally powerful advocates for justice and peace. So in a sense the bishops have really taken…

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No Longer At Sea: Kate Bornstein Talks Scientology

…ans showering privilege on people who already have privilege: movie stars, business leaders. And why do they cater to the privileged in this way? They’re the ones with money. Are you worried about facing KSW? That’s why I waited so long to write this book, but they haven’t come after me yet. My guess is that, in their arrogance, they’re thinking, “Who would listen to a freak like that?” If it gets to the point that people seem to be paying attenti…

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Eat, Pray, Kill: The Basic Brutality of Eating

…this is not a sign of our human failure. Rather, I think we can see it as an encouragement to keep making those small lists. Morality is a messy business—why should we expect its rules to be singular, or simple?…

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Methodists Vote to Keep Homosexuality “Incompatible”

…a break, those who supported the petition remained in the hall, singing as business began again. The presiding bishop, Michael Coyner of the Indiana Conference, shut down the meeting, calling the LGBT advocates a “security concern.” The morning’s vote and actions by the bishop were a disappointment to David Braden, the director of development for the Reconciling Ministries Network, which works for the full inclusion of LGBT people into the UMC: “W…

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The Sad Saga of a Compromised Rabbi

…early 20th that would make our hair stand on end. When one gets into this business, either as a professional or as a moonlighter, it comes with the territory. This is not the disease. The disease is that some of us have become so impassioned in making our views known that we have abandoned one of the fundamental elements of integrity in public discourse: privacy. We assume that when we communicate privately, in word or letter, with our colleagues…

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We Are All Nuns

…ould stand. This latest mandate to reform the LCWR—indeed to put it out of business—has been in the works for years. In a process that began in 2008, the “doctrinal assessment,” as it is known, was aimed at investigating the “serious doctrinal problems which affect many in Consecrated Life.” In the face of wars in several parts of the world, ecological crises throughout the planet, and severe economic injustice, it is morally embarrassing that the…

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Baptist Blogger who Discovered Land Plagiarism says Investigation is “Unprecedented”

…berally from a Washington Times column by Jeffrey Kuhner and an Investors’ Business Daily editorial about the Martin case without attribution. Some of the verbatim, unattributed quotes from the Kuhner column included: [H]e [Obama] said, If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.  The president’s aides claim he was showing compassion for the victim’s family. In reality, he poured gasoline on the racialist fires. Under pressure from the Cong…

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