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Cozy Cottage or House on Fire? Thomas Kinkade’s Theo-Aesthetic Legacy

…of these feelings through some curious approaches to painting and a shrewd business distribution system. Critics easily dismissed his paintings as kitsch, poor art, or perhaps not even art at all. While I don’t really like Kinkade’s paintings, I believe it would be naïve to simply dismiss his work, to stop querying the deeper reasons for its mass appeal. Kinkade’s pictures may or may not tell us much about art, but they do tell us about the work o…

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Evangelicals Struggle With the Role of Churches in Society

…rns for the welfare of society, many conservative evangelicals harbor deep reservations about supporting any programs that seem to deprioritize evangelism or run the risk of becoming too liberal or too secular. Socially engaged evangelicals counteract those concerns by insisting that faith-based activism can ideally be a vehicle for greater evangelism, not a distraction from it. But they often face strong ideological resistance and logistical cons…

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The Republican “No Schools Left” Program

…he believes “the state government should start to get out of the education business and put it to the local and into the community.” In case it’s not clear that “the community” means parents, not citizens though local government, Gingrich clarified: “I agree with Rick’s point… and I’d urge the local communities the turn most of the power back to the parents.” Ron Paul joked, “Newt’s going in the right direction, but not far enough.” The religious…

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Yerushalmi, National Review, and a Conservative Fight Over Shari’ah

…o create Israel’s first “Free Export Processing Zone,” intended to promote business enterprise there. Contemporaneous news reports signaled the ideological heart of his efforts was to bring American-style conservatism to “socialist Israel:” “Israel is a country that was founded on statism, socialism and collectivism,” said David Yerushalmi, chairman and chief executive officer of the IEDC, which is backed by more than two dozen prominent U.S. Jewi…

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A Neoconservative Jesus, Certified Kosher

…ry praise of the last three popes, Boteach gets down to his Glenn Beck-ish business: “The American Evangelical community has proven the most stalwart and reliable friend of Israel in the United States.” Christians and Jews are now “brothers” because “together they confront the implacable foe of Islamist terrorism.” Later Boteach writes that “Christian Evangelicals have proven themselves stalwart when it comes to foreign policy, fighting terrorists…

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First Gay Bishop? Give Me a Break

…backlash from conservatives within the U.S. and global church, and the Episcopal Church’s decision at its 2009 general convention to continue to ordain gay bishops and to develop blessing ceremonies for same-sex couples. The film follows Robinson to England in 2008, where he was the only bishop in the Anglican Communion not invited to attend. Both his isolation and his indefatigable spirit are palpable as he chats with folks outside the gate, visi…

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What if Israel Were in Germany? An Alternate History

…tic. I think the premise is intriguing enough to overcome whatever initial reservations some readers might have, and once they get into the story I think they’ll find the characters easy enough to relate to. Also, it’s a fast-paced thriller, so if I’m doing my job they should be too busy turning pages to worry about casting conventions. Did any books or authors inspire you in this direction? What did you read while writing this? I’m a lifelong [sc…

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The “Abortion Pill” Lie

…ed pregnancy from occurring. They are not abortifacients. The FDA does not classify them abortifacients. Here’s how the Mayo Clinic explains the difference (emphasis added): Keep in mind that the morning-after pill isn’t the same as mifepristone (Mifeprex), also known as RU-486 or the abortion pill. The morning-after pill can prevent pregnancy. If you’re already pregnant when you take the morning-after pill, the treatment will be ineffective and w…

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Liberals Enabled Bishops in Contraception Battle

…dn’t contract with them to advise on congressional races. Later, Strider’s business partner, Eric Sapp, baselessly argued that it was the lack of religious outreach that caused the party’s losses in the 2010 midterms. Nonetheless, the Young Democrats of America are relying on Sapp and Strider, along with the anti-choice, anti-gay marriage DNC faith outreach director the Rev. Derrick Harkins, to serve as “leading experts in Democratic religious out…

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White House Unveils Contraception Accommodation Plan [UPDATED]

…and looks like they will be bending their knee in the future to religious business interests.” UPDATE: Sarah Kliff delves into the catch in who will pay for the coverage: The catch here is that there’s a difference between “revenue neutral” and “free.” By one report’s measure, it costs about $21.40 to add birth control, IUDs and other contraceptives to an insurance plan. Those costs may be offset by a reduction in pregnancies. But unless drug man…

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